Yemen welcomes Gulf-European Summit statement on the Yemeni Issue
The Republic of Yemen has welcomed the statements made in the final communiqué of the Gulf-European Summit regarding the Yemeni situation in its first session.
Israeli aggression on Gaza in one year: 42,438 people martyred, 99,246 others injured
The year-long Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has left 42,438 people martyred and 99,246 others injured to the moment of this report.
S. Korea's autos exports rise-up 4.9 percent
South Korea's autos exports rose 4.9 percent year-on-year in September to reach a new record, thanks to the good performance of SUVs and electric vehicles.
Algeria secure place in AFCON 2025 finals
Algerian secured their place in the finals of the African Cup of Nations AFCON, scheduled to be held next year in Morocco, by defeating the host, Togo, 1-0.
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نتائج البحث عن Prisoners :

Coalition announces completion of exchange of prisoners and detainees by releasing 104 Houthi prisoners

Marib police chief says no abuse of prisoners in govt-held province

Prisoners, hostages freed from Houthi jails arrive in Sayoon airport

Yemen govt, Houthis to exchange prisoners, UNSE’s Office and ICRC said

Freed prisoners set out methods of Houthi torture in jail

Government, Houthi agreement on releasing 887 prisoners, kidnapped

Al-Erada calls on international community to press for releasing all prisoners

A meeting in Al-Dale'a about prisoners, detention centers

Al-Maliki announces arrival of 19 coalition prisoners at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh

Info Minister says Houthi claim on exchange of ‘all prisoners’ misleading

Al-Eryani demands UN committee to investigate killing prisoners by Houthis

The Arab coalition: An exchange of visits with Houthis concerned with the file of humanitarian prisoners

Efforts of prisoners' organization discussed

Al-Eryani calls for international pressure on Houthi militia on exchanging prisoners

Al-Arada summons a meeting to help defaulters prisoners in Marib

Saleh-Houthi militias injure prisoners, relocate them to unknown places

Mechanism of implementing prisoners' agreement discussed

Government delegation heads to Geneva for talks on kidnapped, prisoners

Al-Iryani calls for swift probe into killing prisoners in Houthi detentions

elease of 158 insolvent prisoners in implementation of Al-Alimi's directives

Fadhael discloses how Houthis failed talks on prisoners, kidnapped

The Arab Parliament welcomes agreement to release prisoners in Yemen

Geneva: Govt presents list of 8200 of prisoners it wantsHouthis to release

Presidential Decree restructuring supreme prisoners committee issued

Released prisoners reveal Houthi militia's atrocities in their detentions

Meeting in Amman about unsettled cases in prisoners' lists

Government welcomes release of 887 prisoners, calls for completing agreement

Gov't delegation: Political leadership is keen to exchange prisoners on 'all-for-all' principle

Al-Iryani holds Houthi militia accountable for prisoners safety

Minister of Human Rights and ICRC mission visit Almansoura prisoners Aden

Saleh-Houthi militias strip prisoners naked, mothers say

Government demands International Community to exert pressures on Houthi militia to release all prisoners

Iraqi Kurdistan authorities release 20 Yemeni prisoners

Houthi militiamen kill 5 women prisoners, hurt 12 more in Taiz

Yemeni Organization for Prisoners and Detainees in Marib

Rebel militia assault mothers of prisoners in Sana'a

Human Rights Ministry condemns militias attack of prisoners in Sana'a

Yemen: The exchange of prisoners represents an entry point to close the humanitarian file, realize a comprehensive, fair peace

Saada's fellows protest Houthi militias' execution sentences against prisoners of the governorate's folks

National Commission of Inquiry visits Bir Ahmed reformatory

Eryani: Houthi militia's disowning of own P.O.W an extension of the militia's opportunism

PM praises ICRC for alleviating war-related suffering

National investigators inspect government-run jails in Taiz

Chief of Staff discusses with ICRC delegate situations of kidnapped in militia's prisons

Al-Eryani condemns killing Rami Ghazi under torture by Houthi militia

Criminal prosecution releases 46 detainees in Aden

Al-Sallal discusses with Canadian parliamentarian Iran's interferences in Yemen

Chief of Staff praises efforts of ICRC

Human rights minister discusses with ICRC situations in Marib

Arab Coalition welcomes government-Houthi prisoner exchange deal

Al-Eryani denounces killing prisoner al-Shaj'e by Houthi militia

Cabinet lauds efforts of ICRC in Yemen

PM to ICRC: Legal government offered 100% swap detainees deal, but Houthi militia doesn't care

Enquiry Commission visits central prison in Sayoon

Al-Mahrami discusses security plan with Head of Prisons Authority, Aden Director

Investigation panel hands list of unaccounted-for to Dep. Interior Minister

Prisoner exchange agreement includes 1420 persons, 4 delineated in USCR

Yemen, Germany discuss peace efforts

Yemen FM thanks Griffiths, ICRC for mediating govt prisoner swap with Houthis

'Sweden's consultations revealed Houthis profiteering from humanitarian crisis'

FM meets French ambassador to Yemen

Rights Radar calls on UN to end IDPs suffering, investigate Hodeidah prison attacks

Interior Minister, Shabwa Governor inspect security units

Public prosecutor investigators discuss HR abuse complaints

President Hadi follows the implications of Houthis' attack on the central prison in Taiz

Info. Minister calls on the UN to act to fulfill prisoner-exchange deal

Defense Minister calls on Red Cross Mission to inspect detainees' conditions in Houthis' jails

Mujally receives Swedish envoy for Yemen

Muscat consultations on abductees and forcibly disappeared persons conclude

The National Investigation Committee inspects human rights violation in Taiz

Information Minister calls for ending suffering of detainees

Arman discusses with President of ICRC cooperation with Yemen's government

Yemen FM calls on UN to use one standard toward the country's humanitarian situation

Prosecution refers 17 terror suspects to specialized criminal court

Prime Minister receives US ambassador in Aden

Taiz Governor discusses with UNOHR's representative human rights issues

NGO demands release of inmates from Houthi jails over coronavirus

Supreme Judicial Council approves Medical Care Fund for judiciary affiliates

TighteningTaiz security discussed

Amb. Marmash explores Iraqi judiciary cooperation with Yemen

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia's trial of released journalist, blatant violation of prisoner exchange agreement

ICRC to resume projects in Taiz soon

Minister of Health visits the HQ of the ICRC in Genbeva

FM, US ambassador discuss arrangements for Yemen peace talks in Geneva

PM, Russian Ambassador discuss Yemen developments

Even women have not been spared torture in Houthi jails: Yemen minister

Yemen participates in Arab committee's meeting on human rights

SP sends a letter to the UN's envoy about Houthis' execution verdict against 4 journalists

Rights group: 70 hostages in Houthi terrorists-run jails risk facing execution

Head of national Inquiry commission meets chief of Counter-Terrorism Apparatus

President al-Alimi calls for active Arab role in support of the Yemeni people

UNDP to support Interior Ministry

Yemeni-Djiboutian bilateral ties discussed

Marib Dep. Governor discusses with investigators outcomes of their jail tour

Yemen Parliament speaker calls on UN, IPU to take tough stance on Houthi abuses

ICRC's health interventions in Dhale' discussed

Marib among the first govt-retaken provinces to revitalize judiciary, says governor

Joint technical meeting about prisoner-swap deal wraps its discussions

Government's negotiator team, UN envoy's aides explore trust-building measures in Sweden's consultations

Planning Minister, Head of ICRC Mission discuss cooperation

Sana'a Human Rights Office condemns Houthi militia for death of two hostages

Houthi coup bred misery and destruction to all Yemenis, says VP

Govt condemns Houthi turning back of top UN rights official from Sana'a airport

FM praises the ICIR's humanitarian actions in Yemen

Al-Eryani calls on UN Envoy to make the case of the journalists in Houthis' jails a top priority

Report: 180 Houthi abuses of civilians in sixteen days

Egypt welcomes results of Yemen's peace consultations

Taiz Abductees Mothers reports 6357 Houthi atrocities in 2017

ICRC President hails stability, security in Aden

Fatah calls on int'l community to press rebels into halting abuses

Yemen ambassador briefs Austrian official on Houthi devious avoidance of Stockholm Agreement

Coalition announces releasing 200 Houthi detainees, operating air flights from Sana'a airport

Activists demand UN to pressure Houthis to release abductees

National Commission of Inquiry meets UN delegation

Antonio Guterres urges Houthi militia to annul execution verdicts against 4 journalists

NCIAVHR inspects detainees' conditions in prisons of Marib

Yemen reiterates support for Palestinian cause

Prime Minister confirms facilitations to relief and humanitarian activities

Taiz Pivot discusses enhancing cooperation with ICRC

Ambassador Bahah discusses with Egyptian official situations of Yemeni community

Yemen minister says Houthis responsible for destiny of thousands of activists after detention facility explosion

Kuwait stresses imperative of preserving Yemen's unity and sovereignty

Sana’a officials call on int’l community to designate Houthis a terror organization

Marib's local authority fences the archaeological town

Eminent Experts report seeks to cover up Houthisavage crimes, Yemen activists say

Eryani urges firm int'l community to take firm stance on Houthis over oil tanker

Govt's team flying to Geneva tomorrow to discuss prisoner- exchange deal

China expresses concern on failure of implementing Sweden Agreement

Prime Minister, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince discussed developments in Yemen

VP extols heroic battles fought by the troops in Marib, al-Baidha

FM discusses with ICRC's head further support to Yemen

National Enquiry Commission reviews human rights situation in Marib 2021-06-09

Investigation Committee records 17,000 abuses across Yemen

Mareb Governor praises NCIAVHR's efforts boosting human rights

Yemen, Cuba discuss Hodeida's developments

BinMubarak discusses with Iraqi Justice Minister file of Yemenis arrested in Iraq

Arab Parliament denounces Houthi violations against Yemeni MPs

Shura Council Chairman holds meeting with a number of council members

‏Yemen appreciates Canadian support

Mujalli praises French role in Yemen

Yemen human rights group hand over reports to UN Rapporteur

FM, UN Envoy discuss preparations for talks round

Families deplore Griffiths' silence as relatives face covid-19 danger in Houthi jails

Families deplore Griffiths' silence as relatives face covid-19 danger in Houthi jails

Bin Daghr discusses with UN envoy latest developments in Yemen

Interior Minister discusses with the legal and security attachés of the US Embassy cooperation in combating terrorism

FM, UN Special Envoy discuss trust-building measures, peace track

PM: Government committed to effectively engage woman in all walks of life

PM condemns rebels' torture of forcibly disappeared to death

Peace proposals: Govt committed to suffering alleviation measures

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