Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن prolonging :

Prime Minister blames Houthi militias for prolonging the conflict in Yemen

Baggash breifs German Ambassador on the political developments in our country

Yemen: Houthi militias' insistence on fighting makes it hard to realize peace

Yemeni-Cuban bilateral ties discussed

Health Minister participates in the 152 Session of the Executive Council of the WHO in Geneva

Yemeni-Russian relations discussed

Eryani briefs Arab ambassadors in Ethiopia on Yemen developments

Yemeni-Polish relations discussed

Yemen participates in the 51st Session of Arab Information Ministers

Yemeni-German bilateral relations discussed

Minister Arman confers with Advisor of UN's envoy over peace efforts

Yemeni-Turkish bilateral cooperation discussed

Dep. Premier meets with representatives of the Civil Alliance for Peace, National Reconciliation

Dep. Premier meets with representatives of the Civil Alliance for Peace, National Reconciliation

Amassador Ashuaibi seeks for German active role to push peace in Yemen

Turkey extends residences of Yemenis

Commander of Joint Operations cites Houthi militia's violations

Foreign Minister meets with Arab Ambassadors in Ethiopia

BinMubarak briefs Malley on Iran's spoiler role in Yemen

FM confers with British Ambassador over peace efforts in Yemen

PM meets German ambassador

SP visits HQ of Berlin Parliament

Info. Minister meets with US Congresswoman Rashida Taleeb

President Hadi receives credentials papers of newly appointed ambassadors to Yemen

Bin Mubarak to Lenderking: Houthi militia only believes in violence

Bin Mubarak, Al-Hajraf discuss cooperation between Yemen and the GCC

President Hadi appreciates Ould Sheikh's good offices

Al-Arradah: Don't forget that Houthi militia still firring missiles on this city

Arab League SG warns of Houthi escalation in Marib

FM meets with Moroccan Parliament Speaker

Assa'di, Russia's Representative to UN discuss developments in Yemen

PM: Houthis mustn't be allowed to exploit the humanitarian crisis to gain politically

Yemen, Turkey to activate MOU signed between the two foreign ministries

Yemeni-American relations discussed

Yemeni-American relations discussed

Bin Mubarak confers with German minister of State over developments in Yemen

Info. Minister meets with Arab Ambassadors in Germany

Cabinet: UNSC's recent resolution about Yemen a significant step to press for peace

FM calls on the IC to press for peace in Yemen

Al-Eryani calls on the international community to press for peace in Yemen

Defense Minister meets with US senators

Assa'di, UN-Under-Secretary General discuss political developments in Yemen

The OIC 4th Ministerial meeting concludes in Dhaka

Shamsan to Grundberg: Opening roads has become an increasingly growing humanitarian need

Defense Minister meets with Military Advisor of UN Envoy

Parliament Speaker: Iran blamed for disturbances in Yemen, several Arab countries

FM, US Ambassador discuss developments in Yemen

Amb. Al-Aoud details Spanish official on developments in Yemen

Shujaa al-Din reviews with an Austrian official the Iranian interference and obstruction of peace in Yemen

President Hadi to Borrell: Our hands are still extended for peace

Bin Mubarak, Abu al-Ghait discuss Iranian interventions in Yemen

The Council of Ministers calls on International Security Council to act firmly against Iranian spoiler role in Yemen

FM briefs his Belgian counterparts on Houthi militia's escalatory actions in the region

Info. Minister demands Lebanese government self-rescue

Yemeni government blames Houthi rebels for not implementing Stockholm Agreement

FM participates in Arab League's sessions

Pakistani President receives Ambassador al-Ashbi

FM, Danish Ambassador discuss bilateral relations

PM, German Ambassador confer over peace efforts

Abu-Alghait: Iran interferences destabilized Yemen

Defense Minister meets with military advisor of the UN's Envoy to Yemen

International blind-eye approach allows Houthis to prolong conflict, says Cabinet

Prime Minister, Russian Ambassador discuss national developments

Minister al-Iryani calls for banning export weapons to Houthis

Bin Sifa' briefs Kuwaiti FM on latest developments in Yemen

PM phones Baidha' governor, Baihan commander on military developments

Bin Mubarak: Houthi militia started plotting against Stockholm agreement since first moment

Baggash contributes to the discussions of the OIC's Council of Foreign Ministers

Kuwait starts delivering on its humanitarian pledges about Yemen

Al-Sa'adi receives UN envoy for Yemen

Al-Iryani: Government does not accept Houthi deceptive practices

Al-Iryani voices disagreements with British officials' statements about Hodeidah's recent events

FM meets with Charged' Affairs of German embassy in our country

Presidency Office Director: Yemen's future requires people integration against coup

FM confers with his Kuwaiti counterpart over developments in Yemen

Minister of Information meets with Chinese Ambassador to Yemen

Yemen Government welcomes the KSA's proposition

Bin Mubarak, Lenderking discuss peace efforts

BinMubarak meets with Sweden Envoy

Al-Eradah, US envoy discuss Houthi militia escalation on Marib

Political parties reiterate support for peace based on (3ToR)

FM meets with Britain's Deputy Ambassador to Yemen

PM calls for not remaining silent towards Yemen's recent developments

Chinese Ambassador: Yemeni people capable to manage challenges, achieve stability, development

Jubari: Houthi militia doesn't want weapons to be under the government's control, nor believes in ballot box

FM holds discussions in Aden with European Ambassadors

FM discusses with EU Council's senior official latest developments in Yemen

Yemen discusses with Canada Iranian destructive role in the region

President Hadi: We reiterate adherence to the Yemeni Revolution's principles

FM: disarming militia, eliminate coup first step in peace

President Hadi receives US Envoy to Yemen

VP meets with American Ambassador to Yemen

Yemeni-Djiboutian Joint Ministerial Committee's 6th Session held in Djibouti

PM to G18 ambassadors: Yemeni people will not accept war prolongation

Cabinet condemns militia's death sentences against oppositionists

Bin-Mubarak, US MP discuss Yemen's latest developments

President Hadi: Ages of Masters and Slaves gone, Yemeni peoples won't accept Iranian style-ruling

Al-Yamani: Houthis' opposition to peace exacerbates humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Al-Sa'di warns of Safir tanker's collapse

Arab Ambassadors in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry discus situations in Yemen

SP receives a telephone call from British of State for Middle East

Brig. Tariq Saleh confers with German, Dutch Ambassadors over peace efforts

Prime Minister, Russian Ambassador discuss developments in Yemen

VP, PM review Govt's efforts to normalize situations in government-held regions

Al-Barakani contributes to the 13th Session of Asian Parliamentary Association

Cabinet reviews underway measures to protect oil facilities from Houthis' terrorist threats

Government says Yemeni people's agony enters eighth year owing to Houthi escalations

Presidential Leadership Council's Member Othman Mujalli confers with American Ambassador over peace efforts

Dr. Abullah al-Alimi: We're resolutely striving to establish fair, comprehensive peace

President Hadi receives UN's envoy to Yemen

Othman Mujalli meets with Norwegian Ambassador to Yemen

VP meets with French Ambassador to Yemen

Houthi militia insists on fighting, worsening Yemenis' suffering, says minister

Yemeni-Moroccan parliamentary talks in Rabat

President Hadi receives the UN's envoy to Yemen

PM: Yemen supports Trump's policy toward Iran

PM: Peace the single strategic option for the official government, Yemen

PM receives phone call from the US Secretary of State

Yemeni government reiterates its commitment to protect human rights

President Hadi receives UN's Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths

FM contributes UN General Assembly Session

Government looks forward to supporting efforts for reconstruction phase

Council of Ministers reiterates Government's support for the UN's good offices to establish sustainable peace

Yemeni Govt surprised that Arab Coalition blamed for terrorist incidents in Hodeidah

Mujalli: We want sustainable peace eliminates coup, doesn't produce more wars

Yemen's PM emphasizes implementing Resolution 2216

Batheeb: Yemen stands on the brink of very dangerous stage due to the terrorist Houthi militias

President Hadi : Any real negotiation must be based on resolution 2216

Government confirms that the path of peaceful solution begins with the withdrawal of the unconditional militia of Hodeidah

Cabinet meet to ponder on UNSC session on Yemen

Cabinet: Houthis escalation, blatant messages to UN, rejection of peace efforts

Yemen hands over UN envoy response on proposals on Hodeida

Parties Alliance: Yemenis continues their struggle to preserve national gains led by Republic

FM: The Coalition foiled coup's plots of trinity

Yemen confirms commitment to UN resolutions, Stockholm agreement

Yemen's ambassador in UN: Consultations cannot succeed under Houthi obstinacy

Chairman of Presidential Leadership Council calls for drastic shift in handling the Yemeni issue, standing up to Iranian interferences in the region

Yemen's foreign ministry statement on US planned designation of Houthis a terrorist organization

Government affirms importance of implementing SC's Resolutions for international security, peace

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