Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن kidnapped :

Mothers warn their kidnapped sons could be used humanshields by Houthis

Government delegation heads to Geneva for talks on kidnapped, prisoners

Chief of Staff discusses with ICRC delegate situations of kidnapped in militia's prisons

Government, Houthi agreement on releasing 887 prisoners, kidnapped

FM: Kidnapped people's file is in government's top priorities

Sada denounces Houthi use of kidnapped journalist paper in negotiations

IFJ holds Houthis responsible for safety of kidnapped journalist Al-Dais

Al-Iryani: The government will save no effort to centralize issue of the kidnapped people

Fadhael discloses how Houthis failed talks on prisoners, kidnapped

Information Monetary: Houthi militia kidnapped 144 journalists in 2018

Information Minister, UK Ambassador discuss situations of kidnapped journalists

17,000 kidnapped persons held in Houthi custodies

Basundowah: Houthi militia kidnapped 1180 women, recruited 30,000 children

Yemen minister warns Houthis of responsibility for safety of kidnapped journalists

Rights Report; More than 3000 violations in Houthi detentions in Sana'a

Human rights ministry denounces kidnapping Sana'a University's professors

Al-Iryani calls for swift probe into killing prisoners in Houthi detentions

Al-Eryani calls for international pressure on Houthi militia on exchanging prisoners

Al-Eryani demands UN committee to investigate killing prisoners by Houthis

Houthi militia kidnap 13 villagers in central Yemen

Coup militias shell houses in Dhi Na'em, al-Beidha

Rights group: 70 hostages in Houthi terrorists-run jails risk facing execution

Al-Eryani denounces killing prisoner al-Shaj'e by Houthi militia

Houthi militants storm central Yemen village, kidnap three people

YJS calls for rescuing Yemeni Journalists

Gov't delegation: Political leadership is keen to exchange prisoners on 'all-for-all' principle

Houthi militia kidnaps 3 engineers of Safer Oil Co.

Efforts of prisoners' organization discussed

Yemen's premiership denounces abduction of official's son by Houthis

Houthi militia kidnaps more than 50 male, female students from Sana'a University

Government warns of Houthi attempt to cover up on the militia's crime in Radaa

Shura Council condemns execution sentences against three civilians in Houthi militia-controlled regions

Yemen, Egypt discuss law, human rights cooperation

Released prisoners reveal Houthi militia's atrocities in their detentions

Alliance of Yemeni Political Parties condemns Houthi militias' death verdicts against 16 activists from Sa'dah

FM discusses issue of Yemeni detainees in Iraq with Al-Jaafari

Sana'a: Sixteen abductees and forcibly disappeared killed and 134 others injured in a year in Houthi-run jails

Government demands International Community to exert pressures on Houthi militia to release all prisoners

Houthi militias bomb citizen's house, kidnap villagers

Houthi militia kidnaps 11 persons, from Baidha'a

Protests against Houthi massacres in Taiz

Houthi militiamen kidnap a child in Aljawf governorate

Info minister: Houthi jails stuffed with thousands of innocent civilians

Marib Governor meets with ICRC's team

Almahweat local authority condemns Terrorist Houthi militias' killing verdicts against the governorate's citizens

Yemen Journalists Syndicate official shot injured by gunman in Houthi-controlled Sana'a

SP sends a letter to the UN's envoy about Houthis' execution verdict against 4 journalists

Mechanism of implementing prisoners' agreement discussed

Rights group records 141 Houthi abuses of civilians in one month

Arab Parliament condemns Houthis kidnapping headmistresses in capital Sana'a

Amnesty International calls upon Houthi militia to release journalist Younes Abdulsalam

Eryani: Houthi militia’s elimination of Dr. Al- Shabooti is a heinous crime that adds up to its criminal record

Al-Eryani calls on the UN to press for releasing Yemeni journalists imprisoned in Houthis' jails

Jawf's Human Rights Office discloses Houthi detention cells in the province

ICRC's health interventions in Dhale' discussed

Shura Council presidency condemns Houthi kidnapping of 11 Tihamis on trumped-up charges

Eryani condemns Houthi orders to execute director of Prodigy System company Adnan Al-Harazi

YJS records 130 violations of press freedom in first half of 2017

Yemen minister condemns Houthi extortion of private businesses

Al-Eryani calls on UN Envoy to make the case of the journalists in Houthis' jails a top priority

Prime Minister receives US ambassador in Aden

Endowments Minister denounces Houthi violation against mosques and worshippers

Eryani condemns Houthi torture of academician Sabri Al-Hakimi to death

Egypt welcomes results of Yemen's peace consultations

Report: Houthi militias blamed for killing 7 detainees, torturing 120 others

Al-Erada calls on international community to press for releasing all prisoners

HR Ministry condemns Houthi militia crimes against villagers in Albaidha

Houthis kill one more child, hurt 4 others in Taiz

Eryani: The Houthi militia force tribal sheikhs to supply warfronts with children

PM says using journalists as hostages by Houthi militia revives Imamate rancorous tradition

Report: 259 violations by Houthi militiamen against civilians in Taiz in one month

Prime Minister confirms facilitations to relief and humanitarian activities

Taiz Pivot discusses enhancing cooperation with ICRC

Two hundred hostages killed under torture in Houthi prisons

Amran mass grave signal to Houthi militias' horrific crimes against the civilians

PM calls on the UN, IC to take clear stance toward Houthi militia's crimes

Rights, freedoms network denounce torturing, killing Assubari

Eryani warns of Houthi genocides in Taiz villages

Association of Mothers of Abductees condemns kidnapping women by Houthi militia

Second batch of rehabilitated soldier children graduated

Report: Houthi militiamen killed 296, hurt 732 children in Marib

Al-Iryani condemns Houthi militia's kidnapping 7 headmistresses in capital Sana'a

Al-Eryani condemns Houthi militia for kidnaping journalist Nadia Moqbel

Mothers protest torture of children in Saleh-Houthi jails

Yemen, Algeria discuss human rights cooperation

Saada's fellows protest Houthi militias' execution sentences against prisoners of the governorate's folks

Eryani: Houthi trial of 4 social media celebrities confirms militia-held areas not safe for media activism

Human Rights Ministry: Over 70 abductees killed in militias' prisons

Al-Osaydi tells HRW official Yemeni journalists face serious Houthi abuses

The National Committee inspects victims of mines in Taiz

Al-Ma'mari confirms death of dozens detainees under torture in Houthi militia's jails

Yemen, Cuba discuss Hodeida's developments

Eryani condemns Houthi kidnapping of journalist Al-Jaradi

Al-Wahashi dies under militias' vicious torture

Arab Parliament denounces Houthi violations against Yemeni MPs

Eryani condemns Houthi militia over forcing families to relinquish claims on the blood of their relatives massacred in Radaa

Information Minister calls for ending suffering of detainees

Eryani: The government will double efforts to free remaining detainees

Foreign Ministry demands UN to stop death sentence against journalist

Report: Up 20thuasand violations by Houthis against children

Workshop on activating mechanisms to protect women from gender-based violence

Yemeni rights coalition warns against executing Journalist Jubaihi

FM, UN envoy discuss preparations for Geneva Talks round

Cabinet approves emergency plan for food security

Militia's harassments against relief organizations must be internationally condemned, says minister

Interior Minister discusses with the US Embassy's security attaché efforts to combat terrorism

Houthi militia abducts the Journalist Abdulsalam Addoais

HR minister acquaints UN special envoy about rebels' crimes

Al-Eryani condemns storming al-Maghrebi house, kidnaping his wife by Houthi militia

Al-Eryani calls on Arab Journalists do more to advocate Yemeni peers

Political alliance condemns Houthi death verdicts against 36 detainees

Arab Parliament; Stockholm Agreement no longer element in Yemen's peace process

Al-Yemany, Jordanian Speaker discuss situations in Yemen

Info. Minister warns Houthis of destructing Safer-Ras Essa oil pipeline

Al-Sallal discusses with Canadian parliamentarian Iran's interferences in Yemen

Yemen calls on UNSC to hold Houthi militia accountable for killing nine abductees

Yemen, Cuba discuss joint issues

Rights organization reports reveals Houthi militia have committed 203 truce violations

If it weren't for Iranian conspiracy, Yemen would be stable, says Hadi

President al-Alimi receives UN envoy for Yemen

Yemeni government reiterates calls for designating Houthi militia terrorist group

Rights activists call on international community to put Houthis on terror list

Over 12 civilians abducted by Houthi-Saleh militias, AMA reveals

Civilian detainee and soldier die of torture in Houthi-run jail

Human Rights Minister: Yemen and Egypt a strategic depth to each other

HR Minister, ICRC's deputy director discuss human rights cooperation

NGOs appeal for an int'l rescue of Taiz villages under Houthi shelling. siege

Al-Eryani appeals for rescuing Asma al-Aumaisi's live, releasing Fatima al-Arwali

Rights group documents Houthi crimes against Hajjah people

The 21st September is one of the gloom-ridden days of the Republic, Yemen Minister says

Al-Eryani condemns kidnapping of female leader, Fatima Al-Arouli 07/10/2022

Yemeni Mission to New York demands release of detainees

Al-Iryani: Govt offered all concessions for peace

Kamal calls for ratcheting up awareness to discourage violence against women

Houthi militias' war-crimes against the people of Hajour tribe—Report

OHCHR inspects situation of human rights in Yemen

Yemen calls for UN interventionto free militia-detained journalists

Kuwait welcomes agreement between Yemeni parties

Yemen: Houthi-Saleh rebels damage journalism, kill journalists

Yemen mission to UN holds symposium on abductees

YJS calls for releasing the journalists from Houthi militia's jails

President of PLC discusses with US FM latest developments in Yemen

Mujalli praises French role in Yemen

President Hadi praises cooperation between Yemen, Germany

Rasd Alliance: Houthi militia continue atrocities against women

Al-Kamal: 4.5 million children deprived from education overHouthi coup

Eryani: Houthi threats to target GPC leaders confirm they are a terrorist group

Al-Erada discusses with US ambassador challenges before peace

Military source: 10 soldiers killed in two terror attacks by Al-Qaeda

President praises US efforts for realizing peace in Yemen

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