Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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Houthi militia's attacks on Sport facilities need to be internationally condemned ,says minister

Militia's harassments against relief organizations must be internationally condemned, says minister

Houthi militias' attacks on IDPs must be internationally condemned, says minister

Yemeni rights org condemns persistent Houthi attack on Taiz civilians

OIC renews its support for Hadi's government

Yemen condemns terror bombing in Saudi Arabia

OIC condemns Houthi militia's laden-explosives drone against Saudi Arabia

Cabinet discussessouth Yemen riots

Houthi missile attack toward Riyadh draws worldwide condemnation

Arab Parliament condemns Houthi aggression on Marib governorate

Arab Interior Ministers Council denounces terrorist attack on oil tanker off Jeddah coasts

PM condemns Houthi ballistic missile attack on Marib governor's residence

Aden's terrorist attack denounced by many Arab countries

Arab Parliament condemns Houthi militia's refusal to extend truce

Yemen condemns terrorist attack in Nairobi

Al-Hajraf condemns Houthi militia's ballistic missiles, drones attacks on Saudi Arabia

Telecommunications Corporation and TeleYemen condemn Houthi militia’s threats to target submarine cables

Shura speaker says peace is the government’s goal despite Houthi obstacles

Yemen political parties support government in face of separatists' violence

Yemen parliament welcomes international designation of Houthis as terrorists

Yemen governorates condemn STC self-rule announcement

SCR chairman condemns coup militia's bombing of relief aid trucks

Endowments Ministry condemns terrorist attacks on mosques in Hodeidah, Hadramout

Eryani condemns Houthi terror attack in Taiz, disgraceful international silence

Fatah reiterates decentralization of WFP mission to avoid Houthi lootings

YCMHRV condemns Houthi shelling of ex-child fighter rehab center

Info. Minister condemns burning migrants to death in Houthi-held Sana’a

Relief Committee calls on Humanitarian Coordinator to acton Taiz

Had it not been the full Emirati support, rebellion won't have occurred: Yemen

Govt condemns Houthi military campaign against central Yemen village, int'l silence

UN blind-eye approach emboldened Houthi terrorist crimes, says Yemen Cabinet

Yemen political parties condemn Houthi aggression in Kubza, massacre in Taiz

Yemen parties condemn Houthi seizure of MP's house in Sana'a

Marib female students condemn Intl. community's silence towards al-Abidia siege

AYC expresses support for Yemen stability, condemns Houthi crimes

Bulgaria condemns the terrorist Houthi attack on Al-Dhabba seaport

Foreign Ministry denounces France attack

Rights orgs condemn Houthi massacring of Taiz children, criticize international silence

GCC confirms support to Yemen

Yemeni political parties condemn STC for takeover state's institutions in Socotra

Arab FMs Council renews support for Yemengovt

US ambassador condemns terrorist Houthi militia's attack on the Baha'is

Yemen condemns attempt to storm US embassy in Baghdad

France condemns the terrorist attacks on Aden airport

Yemen condemns terror attack on coal miners in Pakistan

Hungary condemns Houthi terror attack on Aden International Airport

US Department of State condemns attacks on the Yemeni government in Aden

RSF condemns death sentence against Yemeni Journalist

Aden Health Ministry office condemns assassination attempt against physician

Aden terror attack continues to draw worldwide condemnations

Yemen condemns Pakistan market suicide bombing

Japan condemns Houthi militia ballistic missile attacks on Saudi Arabia

Yemen condemns terrorist attack in Tunisia

Saleh-Houthi militias bomb a house in Shabwah

OIC condemns Houthi Red Sea attack on oil tanker

Information Minister condemns Houthi looting of museum

Foreign Ministry condemns Houthi launch of drones on Saudi Khamis Meshiet

Yemen's Health Ministry condemns Houthi attack on Marib hospital

Yemen condemns the terrorist attack in the Somali capital

IFJ condemns Yemen rebels for holding TV journalists hostages

Yemen condemns bombing of oil pipelines in Bahrain

Foreign Ministry condemns Houthi demolishing of Turkish monument in Sana'a

Yemen condemns terrorist bombing in the Somalis capital

The government condemns the terrorist attack on Abyan security checkpoint

Oil Ministry condemns attack on Saudi oil tanker

Houthi militants sentence four journalist to death

Canadian government denounces Houthi terrorist attacks on Yemen's ports

Arab Coalition condemns assassination attempt against UN Envoy

Yemen condemns terrorist attack on Aramco oil facilities

Yemen condemns storming Bahrain's embassy in Baghdad

Yemen condemns terrorist attack norther Sinai

Foreign Ministry condemns Houthis' laden-explosives drones attacks on the UAE

Endowments Ministry condemns Houthi extortion of pilgrimage agencies

Foreign Ministry condemns terrorist attack in Cairo

Saba condemns raid of its office in Aden

North Yemen local authorities condemn separatists coup attempt

Yemen condemns storming Aqsa Mosque by Israeli extremists

IC must mount pressure on Houthi militia to make peace, says minister

Information Ministry condemns the assassination of photographer al-Qoaeiti

Yemen condemns assassination attempt against Sudanese Prime Minister

Yemen condemns van attack in Toronto

Info. Minister condemns Houthi kidnapping of ex-minister of culture

France condemns target Kawfal mosque in Marib

OIC Secretary General condemns attempted Houthi terror attack on Saudi

Yemen condemns terrorist attack on an a hotel in Mogadishu

Cabinet condemns attack on minister's home in Aden

Govt condemns Houthi arson against national endowments archive

Yemen condemns terrorist bombing targeted the down town of Istanbul

Govt doing its utmost to alleviate the Houthi-triggered humanitarian crisis, says FM

Morocco condemns the terrorist attack on Aden airport

Info. Minister condemns Houthi crackdown on Bahai faith members

OIC condemns Houthi militia drone and ballistic missile attacks aimed at KSA

Thousands take to Taiz streets to condemn Zionist aggression in Palestine

Human Rights Ministry condemns Houthi killing of passenger in Aljawf

Yemen condemns Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip

Legal Affairs and Human Rights Ministry condemns Abyan terrorist crime

Ministry of Culture condemns Houthi kidnapping of ex-minister

Yemen condemns assassination attempt against Iraqi Prime Minister

Yemen denounces terror attacks in France and Canada

UN Chief condemns Wednesday’s attack on Yemen airport

MPs condemn Houthi ballistic missile attack on school in central Yemen city

PM condoles his British counterpart Theresa May

Malaysia condemns Houthi missile targeting of Mecca

President Hadi receives a letter from Djiboutian President

Shura Council condemns separatists' declaration of self-rule

Yemen condemns terrorist bombing in the Somali city of Jowhar

Eryani condemns Houthi house storming in Ibb

FM affirms govt commitment to continued facilitation of humanitarian aid

Arab Parliament condemns continuous abuse of MPs by Houthi militia

Govt condemns Houthi terror rocket attacks against Saudi Arabia

Info. Ministry condemns separatists' kidnapping of journalist in Socotra

Aljawf: Education Ministry office condemns Houthi burning of school

Amb. al-Awadhi updates Kenyan official on the developments in Yemen

Yemen denounces terrorist attack on Djibouti army

Yemen condemns terror attack against Indian military convoy in Kashmir

Transport Ministry condemns Houthi militia missiles attack on Ataq airport

Yemen central bank condemns separatists' seizure of cash containers

Yemen condemns assassination bid against frmr US president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump

Conference of Shura Councils in Arab World, Africa confirms support for legitimate government in Yemen

Al-Eryani calls on UN to act firmly against Houthi militia's attacks on IDPs

Yemen condemns sabotage attack against four cargo vessels near UAE waters

Yemen condemns Houthi terror attack on Saudi oil field

Spain regrets Houthi obstruction of truce in Yemen

Foreign Ministry slams Houthi obstruction of int'l organizations in Sana'a

Human Rights Ministry condemns militias' decisions to execute 6 of the sons of Al-Mahweet

Yemen condemns attack on Saudi, Bahraini, Palestinian and Chinese diplomatic missions in Khartoum

Oil Ministry condemns oil and gas pipeline blasts in Shabwah

Human Rights Ministry condemns Houthi death sentences against abductees

Govt condemns Iranian regime for smuggling militant to Yemen, declaring him ambassador

VP condemns Houthi disregard for all ceasefire calls

Yemeni Scouting Commission demands international pressure upon Houthis to stop child recruitment

CSOs condemn Houthi bombing of civilians' homes in Baydhaa governorate

Al-Eryani condemns Houthi militia for slaughtering Taiz children

Yemen parliament presidency condemns Israeli occupation forces for aggressive Gaza raids

Al-Bahssani condemns the terrorist crime against worshipers at Azyar mosque on Friday

FM discusses with Dutch Deputy Foreign Minister developments of situation in Yemen and region

Jordan condemns double terror attacks in Aden

Yemen condemns terrorist attack in Sinai

NGOs condemn Houthi killing and injuring of civilians in Beidha

Al-Alimi extends condolences to President Putin over the fall of victims in Moscow terror attack

Almahweat local authority condemns Terrorist Houthi militias' killing verdicts against the governorate's citizens

Yemen condemns Iranian seizure of British tanker

NGOs network demand holding Houthis accountable for war crimes

NAYPF denounces escalatory measures of the STC

GCC Secretary General condemns Houthi militia missiles attacks on Saudi Araroba

Yemen condemns Israeli occupation forces' resumed aggression on Gaza

For how long the int'l community will keep silent? Yemen minister asks

Yemen's Human rights condemns UN silence on Taiz carnages

Al-Salami condemns Houthi use of civilians as shields to launch terror

Yemen condemns Israeli attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque, worshippers inside

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