Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن stressed :

Social services need to be improved—al-Mahrami stressed.

Water Ministry's role need to be reinvigorated—Tariq Saleh stressed

Commitment to two-state solution imperative to establish peace in Middle East—Chinese President stressed.

Electricity service must be improved, consumption rationalized—al-Arada stressed

Yemen, South Korea discusssports cooperation

More than 366,000 tons of WFP aid arrive in 9 months

Al-Kamal tells Hadhramout Social Affairs offices to make optimal use of int'l support

Health Minister stresses importance of partnership between the Ministry of Health and UNFPA

Hadi stresses imperative of upgrading Central Bank branches

Arab League SG stresses importance of strengthening Arab-Japanese partnership

Al Muflihi: Aden deserves sacrifices to regain its status

Taiz governor , CARE discuss plan for humanitarian interventions in governorate

Jordan condemns double terror attacks in Aden

Government officials, ICRC member discuss cooperation in water issues

Arroayni, CSO representatives meet in Mukalla

Interior Ministry leadership discuss rehabilitating police academy in Aden

Military, security developments in Taiz discussed

Taiz governor stresses integration of security effort

FM says UN Hodeidah mission is beholden to Houthis, ‘not acceptable’

Hodeidah Governor, WFP, OCHA discuss sustainable projects support

Coalition implements quality operation in retaliation for Houthi threat

Minister of Health emphasizes righting up the work of health programs

Health Minister calls on international organizations to nationalize humanitarian action

Egyptian president stresses importance of resolving Yemen crisis as per relevant references

PM says reforming education is priority despite hard circumstances

Planning Minister, Russian ambassador discuss revitalizingjoint economic committee

Deputy FM meets US Charge d'Affaires

Hadi: Security key to development at any time and place

Eryani discusses with a German official strengthening bilateral relations 07/18/2022

Health Minister stresses imperative of finding new communication strategy for immunization campaigns

Taiz Governor, World Food Program discuss continuation of providing food aid

PMdiscusses overall situations in liberated Hodeidahwith governor

Efforts of CSOs in Shabwa discussed

Yemen FM tells US envoy Taiz siege must be tackled before moving on to any other issue

Info. Minister, Marib governor consider setting up media complex

PM emphasizes government's interest in developing economic sectors

Al-Salami: Houthi attack on oil tankers a serious threat to global peace and security

PM meets Arab League's Secretary General

Planning Minister participates in meeting of Development Committee of the WB and IMF

PM advices aligning with President Hadi's leadership

Adenis confirm they rally behind Hadi to activate state institutions

Al-Zauri calls on organizations to send relief convoys to the war affected

Mahra Security Committee discusses latest developments

Yemen ambassador briefs Austrian official on Houthi devious avoidance of Stockholm Agreement

Hadi receives Yemen's Ambassador to US

Governor of Abyan inspects Central Bank branch

Baaboud, Saudi Minister discuss cooperation in mining

FM meets French ambassador to Yemen

Health Ministry discusses developments in the epidemiological situation regarding monkeypox

Health Minister opens Immunization Training Center

VP. stresses re-building the Marine Force, Coastal Defense

Interior Minister, Shabwa Governor inspect security units

Foreign Ministers of GCC states stress positions on Yemen crisis

Basohayb, WFP discuss preparations for implementing Food Security and Livelihoods Survey

Al-Hadhrami, UN official discuss protecting children against recruitment

Mujalli,Polish official discusses strengthening Yemen-Polandrelations

Mahwali stresses importance of polishing young people's vocational skills

Yemen participates in Arab-Chinesestrategic dialogue

Kuwait expresses satisfaction at humanitarian agencies' return to Yemen

FM says failure of Stockholm Agreement not an option

Dep. Interior Minister stresses importance of international cooperation in combating terrorism

Meeting in New York over Yemen humanitarian crisis

Marib deputy governor discusses with OCHA and WFP mechanism for IDPs e-registration

President Hadi stresses COCA's role for combating corruption

Minister of Interior stresses importance of enhancing security in liberated governorates

Al-Awadi hands Kenyan official a statement regarding Houthi refusal to extend truce

Fatah calls for urgent tackling of torrential rain impact

Minister Planning discusses with UAE Ambassador enhancing bilateral cooperation

Leadership Council member calls on the people of Shabwa to unify ranks and overcome differences

A meeting in Aden discuss Marib humanitarian situations

Normalizing conditions committee commences its activities in Harib, Marib

Minister Al-Soqatri chairs meeting to discuss mechanisms of operation at fisheries sector

Ministers of information, defense stress on integration under legality

Al-Zubaidi stresses the need for speedy providing of urgent solutions to power shortage in Aden

Mareb authority closes illegal gas stations, establishing new four

Prime Minister, Finance Minister, CBY Governor discuss financial issues

PM arrives in Aden

Water Ministery, stakeholders inaugurate consultative session over emergency urban services

PM receives the new director of the UNICEF office in Yemen

PM stresses pivotal role of Aden seaport ,free trade zone

Water Minister discusses with Oxfam the rehabilitation of sewage plants in Aden

Al-Arada calls on political parties to align positions and rhetoric to contribute to unifying national ranks

Abu Dhabi Crown Prince receives Yemen's Parliament Speaker

FM video calls heads of European missions accredited to Yemen

Al-Maisari briefed on Ibb developments, inspects Aden Free Zone

Al-Kamal emphasizes promoting women role in conflict and peace times

Reconciliation authority receives Chinese diplomat

New York Conference asserts Yemen's unity, supports political solution

Ambassador Bahabib emphasizes the depth of Yemeni-Saudi relations

Taiz Security Committee discusses military developments

Al-Irada, Judges, commanders discuss tightening security in Mareb

Mahwali, ILO officials discuss technical educationin Yemen

Consultations and Reconciliation Commission affirms its support for underway efforts to establish peace

Leadership Council chairman stresses importance of European pressure to end human suffering in Yemen

Al-Doghani discusses with UNICEF representative promotion of cooperation in the educational field

President is briefed on the victories of the army in Osailan, Shabwa

Taiz Security Committee to face Houthi military mobilization western city

VP phone calls Prime Minister

Vice President lauds distinguished Yemeni-French relations

Arab: No Cholera infection in government-held areas

President stresses activating, improving income-generate institutions

Oil Minister, UN official disscuss efforts to develop the economic conditions

Maj. Gen. Al-Zubaidi stresses importance of intensifying efforts to improve the deteriorating service situation

Meeting in Aden discusses draft joint measures to support food security and nutrition in Yemen

President directs stopping any outlaw practice against citizens

Al-Ruaini: Government made NDC's outcomes implementation top of its priorities

Gulf-American statement confirms support for Presidential Council, Yemen's unity territorial integrity

Foreign Minister meets with UK's ambassador to Yemen

Industry Minister holds extensive meeting with entrepreneurs, French Super Novae organization

Banking, financial situations in Taiz discussed

Integrating efforts for protecting Shabwah's security discussed

PM directs quick preparation of Yemen's budget for 2018

Fatah confirms political leadership's care on providing support to local authorities

Arab Parliament stresses talks on the bases of the three references

Al-Muharrami, Reconciliation Commission officials discuss political developments

Prime Minister inspects emergency measures in Mahra

Member of Leadership Council Al-Muharami reviews progress of Scale of Justice operation in Hadhramaut Governorate

President Hadi highlights fighting readiness of military forces, opening fronts in Dhamar

National delegation meets WB team on Yemen

PM chairs meeting Interior Ministry leadership in Aden

European lawmakers urge blacklisting Houthi militias as terrorist organization

CBY Governor discusses with the American Ambassador efforts to maintain riyal stability

Prime Minister, Parliament committee discuss lower atmosphere affects

Eryani stresses the role of international media in dealing with Yemen's human tragedy

PM,US Special Envoy discuss Yemen developments

Defense Minister presides over meeting for Mareb's Security Committee

Chairman of Leadership Council stresses importance of strengthening role of control and audit agencies

Planning, industry ministries discuss food security's issues

Intellectual debate Yemen's "Future Prospects" in Cairo seminar

AYC expresses support for Yemen stability, condemns Houthi crimes

FM discusses Yemeni-Chinese relations with the Chinese ambassador

Major General Al-Zabaidi briefed on the problems facing the educational process and efforts to solve them

Anti-Aids program organizes workshop on rights of patients

PM receives delegation of Saudi Program for Development and Reconstruction of Yemen

Lt. Gen. Al-Maqdashi discusses with military advisor to UN envoy the developments in Yemen

Yemen participates in conference on ME zone free of nuclear weapons

Baoom, WHO discuss support for Yemen

National Alliance of Parties calls for understanding Houthi danger

President Hadi directs approving operational budget to COCA

Marib official, shelter cluster coordinator discuss response plan to IDPs needs

New Aden governor sworn in

Chairman of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission meets the UN envoy

PM emphasizes role of Academic Accreditation Council in helping higher education institutions develop

Yemen FM calls on UN to use one standard toward the country's humanitarian situation

Lahj governor stresses effective collect of revenues

WFP to implement student food aid project in three provinces

FM underscores the need to open routes to the besieged Taiz

PM says top priority is to alleviate the people's suffering & implement the Riyadh Agreement

FM receives the US ambassador to our country

Minister Al-Sharjabi stresses importance of activating sound management of chemicals in Yemen

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