Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن activists :

Activists demand UN to pressure Houthis to release abductees

Yemeni activists highlight Houthi" bulldozing"of multiculturalism

Eminent Experts report seeks to cover up Houthisavage crimes, Yemen activists say

Activists condemn UNHRC overlooking of Houthi crimes

NGO trains young activists in human rights and media

Yemeni activists call on int’l community to stop collusion with Houthi terrorism

Training program for several health activists in Shabwah

Yemen minister says Houthis responsible for destiny of thousands of activists after detention facility explosion

Activists say external pressures prolong Yemen suffering, recommend no yielding to them

Activists condemn UNHRC overlooking of Houthi crimes

1433 violations by Houthi militia against politicians, activists, journalists

Activists rally in Paris to demand Houthihandover of Hodeidah to government

RASD denounces targeting civilians, activists by Houthis

Three documentary films on violations against civilians, activists

Activists rally against militias' violations against children

Activists calls on int'l community to force end to Houthi recruitment of child soldiers

Activists: Houthi militia kills 61 forcibly disappeared persons

Yemeni activists showcase Houthi violations in Yemen

Rights activists call on international community to put Houthis on terror list

Houthis fired ballistic missiles on villages before storming them, activists say

Alliance of Yemeni Political Parties condemns Houthi militias' death verdicts against 16 activists from Sa'dah

Sah Corporation denounces Houthi snipping activists Reham, Saeed in Taiz

Yemen's government encourages child activists

Govtcalls on UNHCR, UN's envoy to stop militia's death penalty verdict against activists, journalists

VP: Will work to implement ND outcomes which give equity to women

President al-Alimi honors inspirational initiatives, artists in al-Mahra

Protesters condemn Houthi execution orders against abductees

Seminar: Yemen state needs to be restored, if public salaries are to be resumed

Awareness-raising sessions held in Hadramout, Aljawf, Marib

YJS to launch online campaign to release journalists

Marib: First anniversary of Layan's death in Houthi missile attack

Info. Minister calls on IC to pressure Houthi militia to release the journalists Arrefi, Abdulghani

Arab Parliament calls on UN to stop Houthi abuse of Yemen MPs

Houthis worsen humanitarian suffering for political gains

Al-Bahssani calls on media outlets to report professionally, responsibly

Human rights report records 1,444 Houthi violations

Aden governordirects Women Committee to start over

Al-Wahashi dies under militias' vicious torture

Saleh-Houthi militias killed 440 people within first half of 2017, HR group reports

PM condemns rebels' torture of forcibly disappeared to death

Eryani expresses surprise over international silence for Houthi abuse and atrocities against journalists

Yemen stakeholders condemn Houthi atrocities

Political parties condemn Aden spate of assassinations

Eryani says Houthi arrest campaign reflects state of fear gripping the militia

Female institutions' role in National Dialog Conference discussed

Political alliance condemns Houthi death verdicts against 36 detainees

HR Minister calls UN to press for release of forcibly disappeared

Awareness-increase discussion in Marib

Protesters rally in Geneva over Saleh-Houthi crimes against civilians

Awareness-raising session in Tarim of Hadramout

Governors honor women on World Women Day

Yemen partakes in Davos Economic Forum

Cabinet condemns militia's death sentences against oppositionists

NGO demands release of inmates from Houthi jails over coronavirus

Yemen mission to UN holds symposium on abductees

Awareness- raising session about southern issue in Mukalla

Awareness-raising seminar in Abyan about outcomes of National Dialogue

Awareness-increase session about outcomes of National Dialogue in Al-Baidha

Yemen welcomes U.S. designation of Houthi militias as a global terrorist group

Awareness-increase session in Sayoon

Taiz: Session raises awareness about women rights as in National Dialogue outcomes

Two awareness- increase sessions about NDOs in Aden, Taiz

Environmental Impact Authority launches training on EIA in Sayoon

Al-Eryani condemns lifting judicial immunity from Judge Abdulwahab Qatran

Awreness-raising discussions about outcomes of National Dialogue in Abyan

Awareness-raising sessions in Taiz, Hadramout

Houthi militia arrested 1181 women over 5 years, says activist

ISESCO workshop promotesthe rights of the disabled in Yemen

Info. Minister condemns Houthi kidnapping of ex-minister of culture

Yemeni ambassador to Morocco meets Director of INFDH

Houthis continue the atrocities they are known for, Dep. FM says

Session raises awareness on National Dialogue Conference outcomes in Beidha

YNCECS introducesitself in Aden seminar

Houthis don't believe in peace, Yemen stakeholders tell Griffiths

Info. Ministry condemns separatists' kidnapping of journalist in Socotra

National stakeholders learn dialogue skills in a workshop in Taiz

Human Rights Ministry celebrates Universal Children's Day

Awareness-raising session held in Aden

Arroayni, CSO representatives meet in Mukalla

Yemeni government reiterates its commitment to protect human rights

PM praises Yemeni women's contribution to pre-coup change

Eryani: Houthi militia’s elimination of Dr. Al- Shabooti is a heinous crime that adds up to its criminal record

Al-Eryani calls on the UN to press for releasing Yemeni journalists imprisoned in Houthis' jails

Houthisabducted over 18000 persons until July 2017, says NGO

Yemen's Ambassador to France presents report about Houhi militia's violations to UNHCR

Wojoodorganizes workshop on gender-based violence

Al-Maflahi : National Committee documented, investigated above 14 thousand incidents

Yemeni Organization for Prisoners and Detainees in Marib

NGO: 12636 abductions, enforced disappearances of civilians by Houthis

Govt communicates with Old Sheikh about militias control over property of pro-legality personalities

Interior Minister received international experts delegation

Yemeni-Dutch relations, cooperation discussed

ent al-Alimi receives National Committee for Investigations into violations of human rights

'Houthis exploited Hodeidah truce to commit genocides against civilians'

Journalists call int'l community to stop Houthi abuses against colleagues

Two Houthi-held hostages contract coronavirus, reports

Yemen welcomes the U.S. Department of Treasury sanctions against some Houthi militia leaders

Reconciliation authority receives Russian diplomat

Houthis killed, injured 340 civilians in Marib over 3 years, says NGO

Askar calls on int'l think-tanks to shed light on Houthi war crimes

Yemen calls on int’l community to condemn unprecedented crimes against journalists

Watchdog calls UN organizations to condemn Houthis as they start trying journalists

Yemen, Portugal discuss displaced people, refugees' issues

Arman, UNICEF discuss building capacities of the Ministry's staff in human rights field

Foreign Ministry praises EU's decision blacklisting Houthi militia as a sanctioned group

Info minister says Houthi kidnapping of 97 fooled defectors to their side shows Houthis as rogue gang

'Sweden's consultations revealed Houthis profiteering from humanitarian crisis'

Parliamentary delegation meets with German Left MP Zaklin Nastic

Griffiths' remarks 'not commensurate with' Houthi captive execution orders

Yemenis say UN rights experts' report averts gaze from Houthi atrocities, encourages more

Info Minister calls on UN to pressure Houthis into releasing abducted journalists

Asker meets with Director of advocacy in Amnesty International

Asker meets with Director of advocacy in Amnesty International

PM says using journalists as hostages by Houthi militia revives Imamate rancorous tradition

Arrangements for international investigators visit discussed

Houthis've caused death of 46 Yemeni journalists, displacement of thousands: Al-Osaydi

AL-Sharjabi emphasizes integrating efforts to face climate challenges

Journalists protest for release of abducted colleagues in Houthi jails

As Press Freedom Day falls, Houthi war against journalism continues unabated

President al-Alimi receives US Ambassador to Yemen

Death of prisoner Mokaber a remainder of thousands of detainees' tragedy, says minister

Mothers protest torture of children in Saleh-Houthi jails

Rights organizations demand HCHR to exist in all provinces

Al-Eryani appreciates UNESCO's support for culture in Yemen

Houthis militias commit 2723 violations in first quarter of 2017

Yemen parliamentary delegation hails USIP

Ambassador Bahomayd discusses with Philippine Human Rights Commission prospects for joint cooperation

New NGO holds workshop on assassinations in Aden

VP praises populations' patience in capital Sana'a

Yemen, Tunisia discuss developments, Iran's plot

Training course on implementing international accord on disabled commenced

Human Rights Ministry: Over 70 abductees killed in militias' prisons

PM orders a financial grant for families of abductees in Houthi jails

Shura presidency condemns blowing up of houses by Houthi terrorists

Reconciliation authority receives Chinese diplomat

FM briefs Italian envoy on Houthi atrocities

Health Minister: Vaccination, the only way to protect children against polio

Community leaders in Abyan aligned themselves behind President Hadi's leadership for restoring state

Yemen embassy in UScondemns Houthi execution orders against political detainees

Popular protest in Aden calls for categorizing Houthi militia "terrorist group"

Leadership Council chairman receives UK Ambassador

PM calls for pressuring Houthi-Saleh militias to release detainees

Yemen embassy in US condemns Houthi execution orders against political detainees

Information Minister calls for ending suffering of detainees

Jordon host international conference on HR violations in Yemen

Houthi militia arrested and abused 1181 women in three years: Rights orgs

Yemen human rights group hand over reports to UN Rapporteur

Human Rights Ministry deplores militia's assault on a sit-in by GPC's supporters

Yemeni documentaries show Houthi crimes in London

26 attacks by Houthi militia against civilians in Taiz last year

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