Establishing Cancer Treatment Center in Marib discussed
Deputy Governor of Marib Dr. Abd-Rabu Miftah discussed on Monday with a team from the Hadhramaut Foundation for Cancer Control, led by Mohammed Salem, the enhancement of partnership and cooperation to establish a specialized center for cancer treatment in the governorate.
Typhoon "Bebenka" hits the Chinese city of Shanghai
The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory of China announced on Monday that Typhoon "Bebenka" made landfall and hit the city of Shanghai.
Further new foreign companies established in China during January- August
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced that China saw a total of 36,968 new foreign-invested enterprises established across the country during the first eight months of 2024, up 11.5 percent year on year.
Borussia Dortmund beats Heidenheim 4-2, makes it to top of Bundesliga
Borussia Dortmund beat Heidenheim 4-2 in the match that brought them together in the third round of the German Football League. Borussia Dortmund's goals were scored by Donyell Malen in the 12th minute, Karim Adeyemi with two goals in the 17th and 41st minutes.
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نتائج البحث عن Committees :

Three committees for liberating Taiz formed

Marib forms local committees to mobilize support for army

Yemen, Djibouti activate joint trade committees

Fatah urges establishing emergency committees

Sana'a governor directsfinalizing formation of relief committees

Assaqaf discusses with Tanzanian official activating joint committees

Yemen, Tunisia discuss activating joint committees

Reconciliation Authority holds virtual meeting to follow up results of permanent committees' meetings

Consultations and Conciliation Commission continues its sessions in Aden

Saudi Authorities allow Yemenis in via al-Wadi'a outlet

elease of 158 insolvent prisoners in implementation of Al-Alimi's directives

Headship of Consultations and Reconciliation Commission continues its sessions in Aden

Martyrs Families Office start paying salariesin Aden

Planning Ministry, UNICEF discuss preparations for family survey

Launching financial assistances to needy in Socotra

Consultations and Conciliation Commission's subcommittees continue discussions in Aden

Mahra investment conference to be held on October 17

Consultations and Conciliation Commission launches cessions of its subcommittees in Aden

Parliament Speaker arrives Ankara for participation in conference on Quds

Yemen participates in Food Security Conference in Addis Ababa

Yemen participates in ALECSO's seventh conference

President of the High Judiciary Council signs a MoU with his Moroccan counterpart

Al-Aweg, Wes discuss WB's projects in Yemen

Headship of Consultation and Conciliation Commission discusses its 2023 action-plan

Foreign Minister meets leaders of the Yemeni community in Turkey

Al-Kamal, Raima Governor discuss humanitarian situations

Consultation and Reconciliation Commission calls in its meeting for exceptional solutions in the economic aspect

Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics

Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics

President Receives Parliament Speaker

PM urges practical solutions to fuels shortages crisis

Al-Miklafi meets with EU Ambassador to Yemen

Panel forms to study Hadhrami musical rhythm and nominate it for World Heritage

Social Affairs Ministry, Federation of Chambers of Commerce discuss cooperation

Hadi orders necessary relief measures for flood affected people

PM orders for bracing measures for cyclone Kyarr

Al-Amrani, Jordanian official discuss facilitations to Yemenis in Jordan

Fatah directs local authorities to face tropical depression

Yemen, Austria discus developments, securing aid

Military affiliates in Taiz got salaries

Customs Authority participates in 57th meeting of North African, Near and Middle East Customs

Al-Kamal raises issue of Yemeni labors with her Saudi counterpart

Yemen participates in meeting of WCO

Minister al-Sharjabi discusses with Dutch ambassador water cooperation

Anti-Money Laundering Committee organizes workshop on Forty Recommendations

Yemen prepares for Aden's theater festival

PM discusses maintaining peace and order in Aden region

Yemen participates in 47th meeting of Arab telecommunication committee

Al-Socotri, Omani counterpart discuss bilateral cooperation in exports and imports

Yemen, Djibouti discuss trade exchange

Yemen participates in 82nd GCC Health Ministers' Conference in Muscat

Head of PLC chairs a Cabinet's session

Yemen to implement unified database for security forces

Yemen partakes in conference on transport, telecommunications

YCB decides US dollar exchange rate at 506 (YR)

Oil Company reduces prices of benzene to 275 Rial for a litter

Marib: "My City More Beautiful" project and cleanliness campaign launched

Consultative session on 2018 state budget

PM, his Moroccan counterpart confer over range of issues

Parliament deliberates draft bill criminalizes Houthi militia, labeling it a terrorist group

Cabinet endorses emergency interventions plan in military, economy

Govt's team flying to Geneva tomorrow to discuss prisoner- exchange deal

Yemen participates in 53rd meeting of the Technical Council of the Gulf Standardization Organization

Basohayb, WFP discuss implementation of food security and livelihoods survey

Oil Minister discusses with Omani energy official mining cooperation

Yemen seeks help against politicized UN human rights report

Jubari: Houthi project continuation means more bloodshed

Yemen participates in Arab police meeting in Tunisia

Russia stresses banning trading with Yemeni antiquities

A delegation of the House of Representatives participates in IPU meeting

Yemen, WASH Cluster discuss joint projects

Yemen supports Kuwait measures against Iranian diplomaticmission

Yemen participates in conclusion of Munich Security Conference 2018

President al-Alimi conducts phone calls to governors of Hadramout, al-Mahra, Socotra

PM Presides over meeting for Supreme Committee of Combating Smuggling

Yemen, Oman, Bahrain discuss economic, financial cooperation

Yemen, Saudi Arabia discuss health projects

PM praises leading position of GCC countries

PM praises leading position of GCC countries

FM, UN envoy discuss latest developments on Hodeida

Miniter al-Sharjabi signs agreement to implement water projects in Makh, Taiz

Marib Emergency Committee discusses anti-flood measures

Parliament Speaker receives Moroccan Education Minister

President discusses with his advisors implementation of Stockholm agreement

Yemen, World Bank review projects package financed by WB

Cabinet of Ministers approves establishing Qana Seaport in Shabwah

President meets with Parliament Speaker, MPs on latest developments

Iraqi Prime Minister receives BinMubarak

Energy Supreme Council to tackle electricity problems in Aden

Lamlas discusses with Dutch diplomats a number of local issues and ways to address them

Government signs MOU with Siemens Company to improve electricity in Yemen

President Hadi praises cooperation between Yemen, Germany

Human rights ministry denouncesHouthi genocide in Hodeida

Saudi Arabia: UN support to the militia unjustified, unacceptable

Interior Minister urges security alert

Mareb Governor, companies discuss increasing oil, gas production

FM presides over high-profile meeting about entries monitoring

President al-Alimi directs doubling precautionary measures to follow up low-pressure impacts in eastern provinces

Interior Ministry Convention reiterates supports for President Hadi, appreciates Arab Coalition's role

Presidential Council discusses reforms, arrangements for national celebrations

President al-Alimi outlines requirements to move to joint national action

Cabinet discusses a number of internal and external developments

President confirms commitment of presidential council to its pledges

President al-Alimi confirms proceeding with "Economic Resolve" policy

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