President al-Alimi receives Turkish Ambassador
His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) received today, Tuesday, in the temporary capital Aden, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Yemen Mostafa Pollat.
Israeli aggression on Gaza in one year: 42,438 people martyred, 99,246 others injured
The year-long Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has left 42,438 people martyred and 99,246 others injured to the moment of this report.
Gold continues to rise amid uncertainty
Gold prices continued to rise, on Tuesday, near a record high, amid uncertainty regarding the US elections, and expectations of major central banks cutting interest rates.
AFC Champions League Elite: Al-Ahli beats Qatari Al-Rayyan 2-1
Al-Ahli has secured a 2-1 victory over Qatari rival Al-Rayyan during the match that brought them together today, at Ahmed bin Ali Stadium in Doha, in the AFC Champions League Elite 2024-2025.
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نتائج البحث عن Security :

Al-Bahsani praises security services' efforts to maintain security, stability in Hadramout

Mahrah Security Committee discusses security situations in the province

Third International Conference on Information Security, Cyber Security starts in Cairo

Al-Bahsani extols security personnel's sacrifices in Hadramout to establish security

Al-Muharrami praises security forces' role in tightening security in Lahj

Almaharah Security Committee makes decisions to maintain stablity, security

Haidan discusses security cooperation with the American Security Attaché

Aden Governor, Security director sign agreement with Emirati co. to enhance security with cameras

Security Committee in Marib discuss report about joint security operation to hunt down wanted persons

Egyptian FM: Yemen's security is inseparable part of regional security

An inclusive security plan endorsed in Taiz

Lahj's Committee to tighten security, stability

Security situations in Hadramout reviewed

Interior Minister briefed on security performance in al-Mahrah

Security situations in Taiz reviewed

Mareb governor highlights promoting security, fighting crime

Taiz Committee discusses tightening security

Mareb Security Committee discusses improving performance

PM discusses security situations in Aden

Taiz governor stresses activating police role, evaluating security campaigns

Interior Minister inspects security, police in Abyan

Shabwa Security Committee discuss protection oil companies

PM chairs exceptional security meeting in Aden

Governor, Deputy Minister inaugurateAbyan Security Building

Taiz governor stresses integration of security effort

Eid Al-Fiter security plan in Marib endorsed

Marib 2020 Security plan discussed

Aden governor chairs meeting to discuss security situation

Hadramout governor urges high security vigilance

Interior ministry leadership discusses promoting security performance

Al-Bahsanistresses security alert in Hadhramout

Tightening security, banning motorcycles in Taiz discussed

TighteningTaiz security discussed

Interior Minister directs normalizing security in Baihan

Al-Bahssani meets with military, security leaders in Hadramout

PM: Peoples' security and safety a government's top priority

PM follows up on security and services in Hadhramout

Security Region in Baihan launched

Al-Bahssani praises Security Services' efforts in Hadramout governorate

Yemen contributes to discussions in Addis Ababa on security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden

Defense Minister presides over meeting for Supreme Security Committee

Mahra Security Committee discusses latest developments

PM calls for unifying security services in Aden

Haidan, Socotra governor discuss security situations

Interior Minister, Luhj Governor discuss security

Security challenges in Dhal'ae debated

Interior Minister applauds security services progress in Al-Maharah governorate

Military, security redeployment process in Shabwa continues

Police, Security Services performance in 2018 reviewed in Aden

Police, Security Services performance in 2018 reviewed in Aden

Joint defense and security plan endorsed

Expanded meeting discusses security situation in Socotra archipelago

VP, Deputy Minister of Interior discuss establishing security in government held regions.

Dep. Premier, Taiz's governor discuss security situations

Security campaign to be carried out against smugglers, road robbers in Lahj

Interior Minister, Shabwa Governor inspect security units

Special Forces Commander orders beefing up of security around Marib

Vice President discusses with Interior Minister security developments

PM: Riyadh Agreement enforcement imperative to maintain security, stability

Arab chairs meeting on tightening security in liberated areas

Activating security institutions in Hodeida's districts discussed

Al-Erada convenes a meeting of the security services officers in Marib governorate

Security services in Hadramout receive 10 autos from Arab Coalition

Shabwa security welcomes deployment new military forces

Al-Bahsanai: 2018 will witness military, security enforcement, development

Jawf security seizes 155 Kg of hashish in way to Hothi-held areas

Security committee for coordination between Baidha, Lahj formed

Yemeni-Djiboutian security cooperation discussed

Interior Minister heads to Saudi Arabia for security preparations

Yemen, UAE discuss security cooperation

Security forces foil terrorist attack in Tarim Hadhramout

Planning Ministry, FAO discuss efforts of facing food security

Security issues in liberated parts of Al-Hodeidah discussed in a meeting

Aden International Airport receives security system devices

Vice President, Deputy Premier discuss security situation in liberated areas

Interior Minister, police directors discuss security situation in number of liberated governorates

Leadership council member al-Zubaidi chairs meeting of Supreme Security Committee

Lahj security authorities seize explosives in a farm

Lahj security authorities seize explosives in a farm

Al-Arada urges military and security forces to keep alert

Yemen, UAE discuss security coordination

Defense Minister presides over meeting for Mareb's Security Committee

Yemen explores Hungarian cooperation in security

Yemen explores Hungarian cooperation in security

Mareb security seeks support from CIVIC on training

Al-Irada, Judges, commanders discuss tightening security in Mareb

Yemen, Arab Interior Minister Council discuss security cooperation

Yemeni-Polish security collaboration discussed

Security, military situations in Taiz discussed

Dhale' carries out security campaigns to crack down outlaw people

Yemen-British security collaboration discussed

FAO organizes workshop on food security in Aden

4th Batch of Security personnel graduate in Hadramout

Interior Minister, Shabwa Governor chair security meeting

Security forces in Marib seize a terrorist cell linked to the Houthi militia

Security authorities arrest a terrorist cell in Ataq

Foreign ministry expresses solidarity with Saudi towards everything that threat its security

Presidential Committee addresses security situations in Hadhramout

Yemeni-Turkish security cooperation discussed

Japan provides USD 8 million for Yemen's food security

Yemeni-British security cooperation discussed.

Interior Ministry, Doctors without Borders discuss security coordination

President al-Alimi convenes a meeting of the Security Committee in Hadramout governorate

Yemen, US discuss security cooperation in field of fight against terrorism

VP suggests more efforts to improve security severces

Leadership Council chairman meets with Supreme Security Committee

Vice President urges high alert, security sensibility

VP meets with security committee in Hadramout

Taiz Security Committee to remove checkpoints in Taiz-Aden Road

Prime Minister directs security forces in Aden to protect public stability

Maj. General al-Zubaidi briefed on security, military situations in Shabwa governorate

Shabwa government discuss response to security challenges

Inspector General discusses with Japanese Security Attaché enhancing cooperation

Taiz: Security services arrest assassins of WFP official

Mahra governor stresses tightening security checkpoints

Security situations in Lahj, Taiz discussed

Dep. Premier, Minister of Interior briefs seniors security officials on his visit to the UAE

Taiz: Several criminals rounded up in Security crackdown

Maritime security thwarts ship escaping from Aden port

Yemen participates in the 46th Conference of Arab Chiefs of Police, Security

President Hadi orders establishing security, stability in Socotra

Amb. al-Ahmadi, Bahrain Interior Minister discuss security cooperation

VP hails Marib security authority's vigilance

Al-Maysari urges active coordination to enable security forces functioning effectively

Prime Minister meets with head of Security Committee

VP meets Shabwa governor and security leaders

VP.arrives Bahrain for participation in Regional Security Summit

VP. arrives Bahrain for participation in Regional Security Summit

Prime Minister lays foundation stone to security projects in Socotra

Al-Bahsani urges Abyan's people to join hands with security authorities as they carry out their tasks

Premier chairs meeting for Aden Security Committee

Chief of Staff, foreign diplomats discuss military and security cooperation

Security operation to hunt down lawbreakers ongoing in Marib

President al-Alimi holds meeting with Taiz Security Committee

Food security in Yemen discussed

Interior Ministry mourns members of the security belt in Abyan

HR Ministry condemns the terrorist attack on the Security Belt forces in Abyan

Interior Minister meets with UN's team for security, safety

Discuss security cooperation between Yemen, Sudan, Egypt and Mauritania

Interior Minister, US Embassy official discuss cooperation in security, training & rehabilitation fields

Taiz Governor meets with Director of UN's Office for Security and Safety

Yemeni-American security cooperation discussed

Human Rights organizes specialized course to security officers in Mahra

Dep. Premier observes graduation of third batch of security forces in Mukalla

Hodeidah Security Committee prepares plan to receive recruits

Interior Minister discusses security collaboration with his Qatari counterpart

PM, Security Committee follow up Aden's terrorist attack

Tunisian Interior Minister shows willingness to rehabilitate Yemeni security personnel

President al-Alimi meets with the Security, Military Committee

VP follows local authority's efforts to maintain security in Marib

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