Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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نتائج البحث عن terrorism :

FM, US counter-terrorism official discuss cooperation in fighting terrorism

Yemen, UN discuss cooperation in counter-terrorism

Yemen calls Intl. community for integrating efforts for fighting terrorism

Yemen participates in coordinative meeting on terrorism in Tunesia

Yemen participates in workshop on terrorism in Cairo

Yemen partakes in roundtable meeting on fighting terrorism in Paris

SP participates in 1st International Parliamentarian Summit on Fighting Terrorism

Yemen is facing two forms of terrorism, FM tells UN official

Minister of Interior participates in international conference on combating terrorism

Yemen's First Lawyer confirms efforts of counter-terrorism

Al-Sharif receives officers from Arab Coalition, US anti-terrorism unit

Yemen, US discuss security cooperation in field of fight against terrorism

Our aim is to end the coup and get rid of terrorism, says VP

PM: Government determined to go on countering money laundry, funding terrorism

Minister of Interior, US ambassador discuss fighting terrorism

General Aziz: Iran proved a source of evil, terrorism

Yemen appreciates Arab Coalition's role in combating terrorism

A presidential decree about appointing a Head of Counter-Terrorism Organization

Yemen, US discuss cooperation in combating terrorism, crime

Vice President: Fighting terrorism is a main objective of Yemen's legitimacy

President praises US help in addressing coup & terrorism challenges

PM issues decree by reforming Anti-Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism National Committee

Interior Minister discusses with the legal and security attachés of the US Embassy cooperation in combating terrorism

Bin Mubarak: Yemen, strategic ally with US fight against terrorism

Justice Minister emphasizes pan-Arab action against terrorism, organized crime

FM: Fighting terrorism a government's top priority

Yemen's Vice President, UK Ambassador discuss fighting terrorism

Hadi: Iran exploited nuclear deal to export violence, terrorism

Hadi: Iran exploited nuclear deal to export violence, terrorism

VP briefs US Ambassador on efforts to counter coup and terrorism

Interior Minister praises security establishment's efforts in combating terrorism

Al-Iryani: Iranian regime has become a tool to terrorism in the region

Yemen, Korea discuss cooperation in fight against terrorism

Yemen, US discuss fighting terrorism, Iran's interventions

Al-Bohssani, US Ambassador discuss counter-terrorism plans in Hadramout

Al-Bahsani lays emphasis on promoting international cooperation to combat terrorism

President al-Alimi seeks international support to fight terrorism

Hadi, US ambassador discuss cooperation in fighting terrorism, Iranian interferences

Hadramout can control corruption as it defeated terrorism, says governor

Vice President, US Charge D'affaires discuss efforts of fighting terrorism

Yemen participates in UN Conference of Counter Terrorism Organizations' Chiefs

Yemen participates in UN Conference of Counter Terrorism Organizations' Chiefs

Yemeni-American cooperation in fighting terrorism discussed

Head of national Inquiry commission meets chief of Counter-Terrorism Apparatus

Info. minister calls on Arab media to unify counter-terrorism discourse

Minister of Defense discusses with a British delegation the fight against terrorism and smuggling

Interior Minister discusses with the US Embassy's security attaché efforts to combat terrorism

Yemen, US discuss political, aid conditions, fighting terrorism

Info. Minister: Iran promotes terrorism in Yemen through Houthi militia

Yemen, UK discuss coordination for fighting terrorism

Planning Minister, GCERF chair discuss combating extremism, terrorism

Yemen demands int’l support to confront Iranian-backed terrorism

PM chairs meeting focused on counter-terrorism plans

Chief of Staff: The army will have the honor to rid Yemen, region of Houthi terrorism

Interior Minister, US Ambassador discuss cooperation about fighting terrorism, organized crime

Defense Minister, U.S. Military Attaché discuss efforts to counter terrorism

Yemeni activists call on int’l community to stop collusion with Houthi terrorism

Al-Eryani: Killing parents by Houthi assistant leader reflects worst terrorism

VP: We're fighting two battles: terrorism, coup d'état

VP: Our objective is fighting terrorism, ending coup

Bin-Dagher chairs meeting about counter-terrorism

Dep. Interior Minister stresses importance of international cooperation in combating terrorism

Mujalli: He who recruits children, brainwashes them with terrorism has no will for peace

FM discusses with Sudanese Interior Minister efforts to combat terrorism

VP affirms resolve to restore state and fight terrorism

VP says Houthi targeting of Marib IDPs and Saudi civilian places indicates Iran’s terrorism

Int’l community’s leniency with Houthis worked up their appetite for terrorism, says Eryani

Vice President is acquainted with plans for fighting smuggling, terrorism

Yemen participates in Regional Conference on Parliamentarians' Role in Countering Terrorism

Chief of Staff participates in second meeting of Chiefs of Staff of the Islamic Coalition to Combat Terrorism

Yemen National Alliance says Fujairah and Yanbo'a attacks amount to terrorism

Al-Eryani: Houthi increasingly killings of their relatives dangerous indicator of terrorism

Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi praises American role in fighting terrorism, controlling weapons smuggling

Tueller lays emphasis on US-Yemen coordination against terrorism and Iranian interference

Al-Eryani: The world neglected government's warnings on Iranian interferences in Yemen, now facing its organized terrorism

President al-Alimi discusses with NATO Assistant Secretary General partnership in counter-terrorism

Yemen, US discuss anti-money laundering, fighting terrorism

Enquiry Commission visits counter-terrorism barracks

Yemen's bin-Daghr, UK diplomat discuss peace efforts, fighting terrorism

Al-Hajraf calls on IC to press for halting Houthi terrorism

PM: Terrorism crimes in Aden prompt everybody to stand up to this looming danger

nterior Minister discusses with UN official Houthi militia's terrorism

Al-Alimi discusses with US Secretary of State Yemen developments, fight against terrorism

Endowments minister warns Islamic nations against danger of Houthi terrorism

Vice President, Hodeida Governor discuss Houthi terrorism

Al-Yamani: Houthi and ISIL terrorism turned our nations' life into a nightmare

President highlights integration, fighting extremism, terrorism

Chief of Staff: Houthi militia's threat to maritime navigation, extension to terrorism

Eryani condemns school attack, says UN silence gives Houthi terrorism greenlight

Houthis terrorists in terms of thoughts, practices, says ambassador

FM meets UN Under-Secretary-General Voronkov

Minister of Defense receives American Ambassador in Aden

Yemen condemns terrorist attack on Alexandria' security chief

PM: Houthi militia's collaboration with terrorist organizations is too obvious for anyone to ignore

VP says Tehran supports terrorist groups

Yemen participates in regional meeting on combating crime, terror

Yemen-British security collaboration discussed

Defense Minister, American Ambassador discuss Houthis' attacks on economic facilities

Bin Mubark meets with Deputy Coordinator for Countering Violent Extremism Christopher Harnish

VP praises US success in hunting terror figureheads

Yemen, Austria discuss cooperation in fighting crimes

YCMHRV calls for Yemen peace based on the three basic references

Yemen govt condemns terror attack against Egyptian army

Yemen condemns terrorist attack in Tunisia

US support needed to combat terrors incl. Saleh-Houthi terror, Pres. says

Yemen denounces terrorist attack targeted Tunisian guard patrol

Yemen denounces Seri Lanka terrorist bombings

Yemen denounces Pakistan terror attack

Vice President receives US Marines commander

South Africa expresses concern over Aden airport attack

Yemen condemns terrorist attack on Aramco oil facilities

Yemen condemns terrorist attack norther Sinai

Al-Bahsani urges Abyan's people to join hands with security authorities as they carry out their tasks

Interior Minister, US Embassy official discuss cooperation in security, training & rehabilitation fields

Yemen participates in International Ministerial Conference aims to stop funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda

New Counter- Terror Consignments graduated in Marib

Minister of Interior meets with US Deputy Ambassador

Hadhramout Governor briefs VP about situations in the province

Yemen condemns terrorist attack in Sinai

Yemen Ambassador, UN official discuss fighting terror and drugs

President Hadi receives US Ambassador over peace efforts

Parliament delegation participates in IPU's 143 round

Vice President meets US Ambassador to Yemen

Justice Minister, UN's team explore cooperation about controlling organized-crime

Yemen condemns Darazah village bombing in Bahrain

Yemen denounces terrorist attack on Turkish Security Directorate

Finance deputy minister participates in financial group meeting in Paris

Yemen condemns terrorist attack in Egypt's Giza

VP phone calls governors to follow up on developments

Yemen denounces terror attack on Russia

Yemen, US discuss military cooperation

Yemen denounces Barcelona crash

President Hadi receives US Ambassador

Yemen denounces terrorist attack on worshipers in New Zealand

SP participates in international parliamentary events in Vienna

Yemen Govt condemns Manhattan terrorist attack

PM expresses Yemen's solidarity with Austria over Vienna terrorist attacks

Yemen condemns Egypt terror attack

Yemen condemns Sinai bombing

Arab Coalition committed to fighting terrorist organizations to maintain global security

Yemen, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime hold talks in Vienna

Yemen condemns terror attack on Parsons Green

President addresses the nation on the eve of Eid Al-Fitr

Yemen chairs the meeting of financial workgroup of Middle East, North Africa

Al-Iryani denounces storming al-Ushari's house, killing his wife by Houthis

Yemen chosen Vice President to MENAFATF

Yemen, US discuss army capacity-building

Yemen denounces Quetta blast

Interior Minister meets with UK Ambassador to Yemen

Yemen needs its int'l friends and Congress support more than ever, says bin Mubarak

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