Amb. al-Asbahi seeks Moroccan cooperation in training, capacity building
Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Kingdom of Morocco Azaddin al-Asbahi disussed today, Friday, with the Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration, Labor and Competences Dr. Younis Skori aspects of joint cooperation in training the Yemeni young men and women.
Gaza: Death toll from the Israeli occupation’s aggression against Gaza rose to 38,919 martyrs and 89,622 injured.
The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has left 38,919 civilians martyred and 89,622 others injured since October 7, 2023.
S. Korea's economy contracts 0.2 percent in second quarter
South Korea's economy retreated in the second quarter of the year as weaker domestic demand clouded recovery prospects, despite robust exports, S. Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.
Over six thousand athletes to participate in Paris 2024 Olympics
The Summer Olympics Paris 2024 will kick off tomorrow with the official opening ceremony, and last until August 16.
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Parliament deliberates draft bill criminalizes Houthi militia, labeling it a terrorist group

Sada denounces Houthi use of kidnapped journalist paper in negotiations

IM regrets UN envoy's negligence of snipping female child in Taiz by Houtihs

National Alliance of Political Parties welcomes Cooperation Council invitation for consultations

Al-Socatri inspects 22 May Hospital Project

Al-Iryani: Appearance of Irloo in Sana'a ceremony confirms he is de facto ruler

Yemen welcomes election of Libya’s executive authority

France condemns the terrorist attacks on Aden airport

Shoura Council rejects Houthi "Functional Approach Code"

Hadramout official TV channel launched its broadcasting

Judiciary Council sacks rebel appointed members in higher election committee

Government sends letter to SC on Iran's agent smuggling to Yemen as ambassador

OIC condemns Houthi hijacking of "Rawabi" ship

Problems of Yemeni expatriates in Toronto discussed

Hadi phone calls Palestinian counterpart

Houthi militia destroys house of deputy interior minister in Sana'a

Aden Court considers Yemen coup leaders fugitives from justice

Al-Aghbari discusses with Soul Organization programs and plans for the current year

Arrangements underway for convening parliament's sessions in Aden, says minister

Health Minister receives Region Director of John Snow

PM: Food security a government's top priority

Khadabakh, Kuwaiti Tawasul consider health activities in Aden

دFM denounces killing Palestinian female Journalist Sherin Abu Aqelah​

FAO representative presents his credentials to FM's office

Tourism deputy minister inspects damages affected Braqish historic city

Killing, injuring four students by Houthi militia's drone western Taiz

Yemeni appointed ministers sworn in before President

High Relief Committee condemns Houthi Militia's attack on IDPs Camp in Hajjah

Aden University staff get workshop on improving skills

Yemen welcomes appointing US envoy

Bought energy generators imported to Abyan

President receives Somali Ambassador

France, Russia welcome establishing presidential council in Yemen

Yemen's Ambassador informs Slovakian official on Aden, Shabwa's rebellion

Al-Hadhrami hands over credentials to US President

Amb. Assanain looks for JICA's extra projects in Yemen

VP, Eng. Ba-Shareaf discuss merging telecoms networks

President receives Hadhramout Governor

Yemen denounces Iran's shelling on Kurdistan Iraq

PM: Food security a government's top priority

Medical waste segregation project launched in Aden

Parliament Leadership urges Presidential Leadership Council to take necessary measures to deter Houthis' attacks, atrocities against the Yemeni peoples

Yemen denounces Jordan's terrorist attack

KSreliefreintegrates 40 minor rebel fighters in school

Transport Ministry: Houthi hijacking of Rawabi is a terrorist crime that threatens international navigation

Info. Minister, Marib governor consider setting up media complex

Dep. Education Minister inaugurates Muslim Hands School in Aden

JOFHR denounces kidnapping a girl by Houthis

Yemen's Army detonates Houthi sea mines

Al-Yazidi informs Algerian FM on developments in Yemen

Guterres stresses necessity of immediate stop of fright, suffering in Rafah

Yemen's Oil Ministry announces pumping oil from S4 Saf

Ba-Salama, Hussein inspect Cotton Gin in Abyan

Mukalla Iron Factory is launched

Al-Khanbashi, al-Bahsani inspect ongoing work at Iron, oxygen factories

Eryani says Houthi terrorists besieging Yemen's Taiz are committing identical crime to that of Israeli occupation

President al-Alimi salutes heroes of resistance, coalition on liberating Aden

FM, Saudi, Emirati, Sudanese ambassadors study response to UNHRC Experts

Baaboud, Saudi Minister discuss cooperation in mining

Yemen: Establishing a Palestinian state with Quds capital, solution to all regional problems

President Hadi highlights role of youth, woman in building new Yemen

US confirms its continued support to the Central Bank of Yemen

Yemen welcomes International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion on the illegality of Israeli occupation

Yemen, Morocco agree on holding cultural conference

Information Ministry condemns attack on Al-Shomooa Press Corp.

Interior Minister, Shabwa Governor inspect security units

European Union condemns Houthi terrorist attack on commercial port in Shabwa

Government warns against looting public, private funds by Houthis

Yemeni News Agency (Saba) signs a partnership agreement with its Bulgarian counterpart BTA

Yemeni Network for Rights condemns Houthi burning of African immigrants' tents

SP stresses importance of British role in supporting Riyadh Agreement

Health minister launches cardiologists conference

Yemen elected Vice President of 66th Round of IAEA's General Conference

IDP camps Unit say Houthi killing of displacees "heinous crime"

Oman provides Ramadan aid to people of Mahra

President, vice presidents visit Egyptian Administrative Capital

Transport Minister, Taiz Governor discuss operating Makha port

PM inspects repairing international highway linking Yemen with Oman

Yemen, Luxemburg discuss latest developments

Gov't deplores int'l community's silence for militia atrocities in Taiz

Yemeni government condemns Iranian regime's attack on Kurdistan region in Iraq

FM: Designating Houthis as terrorist organization is top requirement from the European Union

FM participates in panel discussion on Yemen at the Mediterranean Dialogues Forum

Minister Al-Soqatri chairs meeting to discuss mechanisms of operation at fisheries sector

Prime Minister visits Administrative Capital in Cairo

Al-Hadrami: We no longer view any point of Stockholm Agreementthis abnormal situation won't continue

MPs in Sana'a under-house arrest, says minister

Supreme Elections Committee confirmsnon- recognition of Sana'aby-elections

Baom: President directs paying YR one million to families of corona-dead

Up to 51 citizens killed, 370 injured in Hodeida during ceasefire

Yemen parliament welcomes international designation of Houthis as terrorists

Human Rights Ministry denounces terrorist crime of killing dentist in Baidha'a

Info. Minister calls on Lebanon to stop Hezbollah's antagonistic acts against Yemen

Houthi militia bombards Mocha Port by ballistic missile, drones

Yemen condemns Turkish military operations in northeast Syria

VP holds a high-profile military meeting

Parliament Speaker: Mahra example of peaceful co-existence

Parliament denounces Houthi militia's continuous aggression against Yemeni people

Arab Coalition Forces spokesman: fighter intercepted by hostile missile from Saada

Parliament leadership opposes STC's proclamation

Al-Eryani: Militia's siege on Khobzah village, war crime

Al-Iryani: Sana'a villages lost most its youth, Houthis live in palaces

Arrabi'ah, Ba-Abood launch humanitarian aids convoy to Hodeidah

Foreign Minister discusses with Swedish envoy peace efforts in Yemen

FM denounces Iran's recognition of Houthi representative

Oil Minister discusses with Chinese company resuming oil production

President Hadi receives Utma resistance leader

Water Minister discusses with UNICEF 2022 projects

Yemen embassy in UScondemns Houthi execution orders against political detainees

Finance Minister participates in WB, IMF's meetings on climate changes

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia's blockade on Marib, war crime

Yemen welcomes UNSC's condemnation of Houthi terrorist attack on al-Dubba oil port

Govtcalls on UNHCR, UN's envoy to stop militia's death penalty verdict against activists, journalists

Yemen embassy in US condemns Houthi execution orders against political detainees

Hadi orders members of elections commission to not heed Houthireplacements

Investment, reactivating private sector in Hadhramout discussed

Saudi Cabinet renews support to implementing Stockholm agreement

Water Minister, Lahj Governor inaugurate water projects at over $2 mln cost

Vice President reviews Houthi militia's violations in Hodeida

Eleven Bulgarian producers participate in International Green Week in Berlin

Interior Ministry suspends its work in Aden

Al-Sallal discusses with Canadian officials the relations between the two countries

Al-Brakani blames Houthi militia for disrespecting Stockholm Agreement

Spokesperson of Armed Forces holds Houthi militia accountable for Sawan crime

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia's terrorist escalation undermines peace efforts

CYB: Only banks can offer electronic payment services

Fatah: UN acts with Houthis contradict international laws

Fath condemns Houthi militia's attack on Saudi oil tanker

VP congratulates Saudi Crown Prince on 4th Anniversary of Allegiance Pledge

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia is the party to blame for the misery humanitarian situations

Successful separation of Yemeni Siamese twins "Youssef and Yassin" in a 15-hour operation

Al-Eryani: Continuous recruiting children, mass killing crimes

Yemen, France discuss environment support

International blind-eye approach allows Houthis to prolong conflict, says Cabinet

Al-Alimi: Arab Coalition key anti-Iran expansion policy pillar

NCIAVHR, relevant diplomats discusses human rights situation in Yemen

Member of Presidential Council receives US ambassador to Yemen

Army Spokesman: Houthi militia committed 520 breaches in Hodeida

FM discusses with Norwegian latest developments in Yemen

Int'l silence for militia raises big question mark, info minister says

Planning minister, French Ambassador discuss support for national sectors

Militia's harassments against relief organizations must be internationally condemned, says minister

Bin Sifa' briefs Kuwaiti FM on latest developments in Yemen

Government warns of Houthi attempt to cover up on the militia's crime in Radaa

CARE's educational services to Aden's institutes discussed

Any forged money might be issued in Sana's must not be dealt with or accepted—CBY warns

Displaced people in Marib express disappointment of international protection

PM: Pushing militia out of Taiz a government's top priority

Yemen, Poland discuss boosting relations

Houthi snippers kill, injure 366 children in Taiz

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