Yemen participates in 68th annual IAEA General Conference
Yemen took part in the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA today.
Displaced people in Gaza rises to 1.9 million, says UNICEF official
The total number of displaced people in Gaza has moved from 1.7 to 1.9 million people, the UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban has said.
Bank of England sets interest rate at 5 percent
The Bank of England announced on Thursday that it will fix the interest rate at 5 percent, one month after cutting it for the first time since March of 2020.
Monaco stuns Barcelona with 2-1 victory in the Champions League
Monaco secured a victorious return to the Champions League by stunning 10-man Barcelona with 2-1 win, in the match that brought them together in Stad Luis II.
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Jordan expresses sorrow over escalation that led to Saleh killing
The Jordanian government has expressed sorrow over the escalation of the Yemeni crisis that led to the elimination of former President Ali Saleh at the hands of Houthi Imamite militia.

IFJ condemns Yemen rebels for holding TV journalists hostages
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the Imamite Houthi militias capturing 41 journalists at the headquarters of al-Yemen al-Yowm TV network in Sana'a.

FM demnds int'l community to take serious stance against coupists
The Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi has demanded the international community to take a more serious stance and utter a clear condemnation of the criminal Houthi coupists.

rrangements for holding meeting by Liaise Group about Yemen discussed
Deputy Premier, Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mikhlafi met with the Turkish ambassador our country.

Time to realize that Houthis militia is a terrorist organization, says AL spokesman
It is time for the international community to realize that Houthis are a terrorist organization that takes control on people by weapons, the spokesman of the Arab League Mahmoud Afifi said on Tuesday.

In meeting with UK MP, Hadi reminds of his warning of Iran's interferences
In a meeting with British MP Keith Vaz in Riyadh on Tuesday, President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi reminded of his warning against the Iranian interferences in Yemen during a meeting with David Cameroon the then British Prime Minister in September 2012.

Saudi Arabia hopes Sana'a uprising to contributes toward saving Yemen from terrorist militias.
Saudi Council of Ministers expressed hopes that Yemeni peoples' uprising against Iran-backed Houthi-terrorist sectarian militias will contribute toward saving Yemen more oppression, intimidation of killing, bombing and taking control over public and private-owned properties.

Yemen supports Palestinian peoples' rights, say Al-Aqbari
Yemen's envoy to Arab League Riyadh Al-Aqbari said:" American President announcement his intention to move US embassy to Al-Qods and to recognize it as a capital of Israel not only would block fair and comprehensive peace but would further increase anti-American sentiment and rage , consequentially negatively impacting potential efforts aiming to revive peace process".

President Hadi praises Chinese support for Yemen in international platforms
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received Tuesday the Chinese ambassador to our country Tian Chi.

Reconstruction Committee in Taiz to be formed
The Reconstruction Committee in Taiz, entrusted by Prime Minister bin-Daghr, held on Monday its second meeting for formation of the assisting technical committee for commencing the work.

President calls on public to revolt against Houthi rebels
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has called on the Yemeni public in all areas controlled by the Houthis "to revolt in the face of these militias and resist them."

OIC reaffirms support to Yemen's legality, solutions on three references
The Organization for Islamic CooperationOIC has renewed its fixed position supporting legality in Yemen and solving the crisis through GCC Initiative and its Executive Mechanism, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and UN Resolution 2216.

PM: Federal State of six provinces will address everybody's concerns
Prime Minister Dr Ahmed Obeid Bin-Dagher attended huge public rally held in the interim capital Aden to celebrates the golden Jubilee of the National Day Independence, November 30th .

Marib oil, gas Committee approves measures to keep supply stable
The Committee of Oil and Gas has approved in their meeting of today a number of measures to keep oil and gas supply stable in the province of Marib.

Legality calls relief organizations to provide food aid to Sana'a
Minister of Local Administration AbdulraqeebFath has called international humanitarian organizations, existing in Sana'a, and World Food Program to provide needed relief items to locals, who witness tensions over rebel militias' recent clashes.

VP meets with Chief of Staff
Vice President Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Ali Mohssen Saleh met Monday with the Chief of Staff Maj. General Tahir Al-Aqaili and Commander of the Seventh Military Zone Nasser Athaibani.

FM, UN envoy discuss developments in Yemen
Dep. Premier the Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi and the UN Special Envoy Ismail OuldCheikh discussed the latest developments in Sana'a in a meeting in the Saudi capital today.

President, UN envoy discuss latest developments in Yemen, peace efforts
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and UN Envoy to Yemen Ismail OuldChikh Ahmad discussed on Monday latest developments in Yemen and efforts of the United Nation for realizing peace and implementing the UN related resolutions topped by Resolution 2216.

President Hadi meets with Russian Federation ambassador to our country
President Abd-Rabb Mansour Hadi received Monday ambassador of Russian Federation to our country Vladimir Dedushkin.

Yemeni-Egyptian cooperation about immigrants discussed
Minister of Immigrants Affairs Alwee Ba-Faqeeh met Sunday with Egyptian Minister of Migration and Affairs of Egyptians Abroad Nabilah Maqram.

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