Yemen participates in 68th annual IAEA General Conference
Yemen took part in the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA today.
Displaced people in Gaza rises to 1.9 million, says UNICEF official
The total number of displaced people in Gaza has moved from 1.7 to 1.9 million people, the UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban has said.
Bank of England sets interest rate at 5 percent
The Bank of England announced on Thursday that it will fix the interest rate at 5 percent, one month after cutting it for the first time since March of 2020.
Monaco stuns Barcelona with 2-1 victory in the Champions League
Monaco secured a victorious return to the Champions League by stunning 10-man Barcelona with 2-1 win, in the match that brought them together in Stad Luis II.
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FM requires international condemnation of Houthi militia
Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi told the French ambassador to Yemen that Yemen is going through a delicate and sensitive stage that requires an international condemnation of the Houthi theologian milita that plunged the country in three years of devastating conflict.

FM discusses situations in Yemen with Swedish ambassador
Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mikhlafi met Thursday with the Swedish ambassador to our country.

President Hadi receives an invitation from his Turkish counterpart to attend Islamic emergency summit
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received Thursday an invitation from the Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan to attend the Islamic Emergency Summit scheduled to be convened in Istanbul on December 13,2017.

Yemen condemns Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital
Yemen has condemned the US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving of the US embassy to the holy city from Tel Aviv.

President praises British stance in support of Legal leadership in Yemen
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received the British ambassador to our country Simon Shercliff .

Hadicalls Guterres to implement UN resolutions under Chapter VII
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has called on the UN Secretary General AntónioGuterresto implement the UN resolutions concerning Yemen under Chapter VII.

Arab Ambassadors, military attachés discuss developments in Yemen
Ambassadors and Military Attachés of the countries of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition held on Wednesday their second meeting in Riyadh. Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Yemen Mohammad Al Jaber chaired the meeting.

Yemen welcomescall over us approval of Israeli plan on Quds
Yemen has welcomed a call by the Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman al-Safdi for holding extraordinary round by Arab League Council on foreign ministers level.

President Hadi follows combat operations in front-line battles
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, Commander-in-Chief, conducted a telephone call Wednesday afternoon to the Chief of Staff, Maj. General Tahi Al-Aqili.

Yemen participates in Islamic Conference's sixth round of health ministers
The Republic of Yemen participated in the sixth round of the Islamic Conference of the member states' Ministers of Health. The gathering is held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Kingdom.

War was not choice of Yemeni government, FM tells British MP Vaz
Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi told the British MP Keith Vazthat the ongoing conflict "was not the choice of the government but imposed by the rebels who sabotaged the political process, invaded cities, killed and displaced thousands of people, and rounded up thousands others to jails."

PM applauds advancements made by troop
Prime Minister Dr Ahmed Obeid Bin-Dagher commended the achievements have been realized by armed forces backed by Saudi-led Arab Coalition in the ongoing battles against Imamate-Houthi militia.

Fatah calls UN organizations for more aid in Sana'a and Hajja
The Chairman of the Supreme Commission for Relief Aid has called upon UN organizations to offer more aid for the victims of the Houthi militia's battles in Sana'a, Hajja, Amran, Mahweet and the other provinces.

President Hadi receives US ambassador to our country
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received on Wednesday the American ambassador to our country, Matthew Tuller .

President values Russian support to Yemen in different forums
President Abd-Rabbo Mansour Hadi received on Wednesday Russian Special Envoy to the Middle East and the Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Boghadnov and discussed with them developments in the region and Yemen's situation.

Info.Minister condemns rebels for seizing journalists
Minister of Information Muammar al-Eryani has condemned the Houthirebel militias for storming the headquarters of al-Yemen al-Yowmnews TV channel in Sana'a and seizing more than 40 of its workers.

PM: We hold Imamate militia responsible for the abductees of the GPC' members
Prime Minister, First Deputy of the General People Congress (GPC), Dr Ahmed Obeid Bin-Dagher has condemned the arrest campaign conducted by Imamate-Houthi militia against the members of the GPC party in Sana'a and several provinces.

Minister of Planning discusses WB projects in Yemen
Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dr Mohammed Assa'adi discussed in Cairo Tuesday with the World Bank (B) team Portfolio of the WB projects in Yemen. The WB team headed by Regional Director Sandra Bloemenkamp.

VP mourns GPC martyrs
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh has mourned a number of GPC party leaders who martyred in the Sana'a uprising against the Houthi couper militias.

Mareb expects new displacement wave
Mareb Executive Office has welcomed the popular uprising in Sana'a and in Houthi-held provinces.

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