Al-Saqtari Visits Fishing Industry, Seafood Technology Exhibition in Saint Petersburg
Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries, Major General Salem al-Soqatri, visited on Thursday the Fishing Industry and Seafood Technology Exhibition (SPIEF) as part of the International Economic Forum on the Fishing Industry held in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Israeli occupation arrests 13 Palestinians in Qalqilya raids
Israeli occupation forces rounded up 13 Palestinian civilians from the city of Qalqilya and the nearby town of Jayyus in raids today.
Bank of England sets interest rate at 5 percent
The Bank of England announced on Thursday that it will fix the interest rate at 5 percent, one month after cutting it for the first time since March of 2020.
Italian League: Udinese beats Parma and goes top of standings
Udinese secured a remarkable comeback victory and went to the top of the Serie A table after a 3-2 victory away at Parma.
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Putschist militias seek to serve Iranian regional agenda, says Al-Mikhlafi
Yemen's ambassador to the Peoples Republic of China Mohammed Al-Mikhlafi said that Houthi-Saleh alliance sought to carry out Iranian regional agendas aimed to expand Iran's influence and destabilize Yemen, neighboring countries and entire region. Consequentially, posing threats to international peace and security given that overlooking one of the world's important international passageways: Bab al-Mandab Strait".

Urgent relief aid arrives to Marib from Kuwait
A shipment of 200 tons of food and shelter aid from the Kuwaiti charity organization "Asalam Association" has arrived in Marib on Thursday.

UNDP Director gains first hand look at Civil Service Ministry
The Director General of the UNDP Office Silva Marlina gained a first hand knowledge about the functions of the Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance and its affiliate agencies in Aden. Marlina made a tour with the Deputy Minister of Civil Service Abdullah al-Maysari in the ministry's facilities in Aden on Thursday.

Socotra Governor launches anti-transmitter program
Governor of Socotra Archipelago Salem al-Socotri launched on Wednesday the anti-transmitter program.

Militias can't see in Yemen but their swollen bellies, they offered Yemen as scapegoat for their masters in Iran, says president Hadi
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi said:" Coup rebellious militias couldn't see in Yemen but their own swollen bellies and increasingly growing bank accounts at the expense of Yemeni peoples' subsistence and through black markets, they couldn't perceive Yemen and its people but as a scapegoat they offered to their own masters in Iran. They didn't care about the people, nor the grave devastation and destruction they had caused ".

PM: Chairs meeting of security and military committee
Prime Minster Dr Ahmed Obeid Bin-Dagher presided over an extraordinary meeting Wednesday included the security and military committee members in the interim capital Aden.

Abyan Governor inspects maintenance work of executive offices
Governor of Abyan Abu Bakr Salem inspected on Wednesday a number of executive offices after maintenance.

MoPIC signs cooperation agreement with CARE
The Ministry o0f Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) has signed an agreement of cooperation with the global humanitarian organization, CARE.

Court holds second session in trial of terror suspects
The Specialized Criminal Court has held a second session in the trial of a number of terror suspects in the temporary capital Aden on Wednesday.

Al-AQwa'a: Yemen's electricity sector will grow significantly
Minister of Electricity and Energy Eng. Abdullah Al-Aqwa'a said:" Yemen's electricity sector would be growing remarkably in order to cope with great demand due to severe shortages the country has experienced over past years".

Nine diphtheria infections recorded in Taiz, says Dep. Governor
The Deputy Governor of Taiz for Health Affairs Dr. Elan Abdul-Haq said on Wednesday that nine cases of diphtheria infections were recorded in Taiz, the city under the Houthi-Saleh rebel militias' siege for three years.

Preparations for anti-Diphtheria vaccination campaign in progress
Arrangements are underway to launch a national vaccination campaign against Diphtheria. Undersecretary of Ministry of Public Health and Population for health primary health care Dr Ali Al-Waleadi held meeting Wednesday with Dr Mohammed Ishaq from the UNICEF and Dr Hussein Younis and Dr Omer Zain from the WHO.

Arms smuggling to militias threatens int'l shipping, says Minister
Minister of Transports Murad al-Halimi said on Wednesday that continuing arms smuggling to the Houthi-Saleh militias poses a threat not only to Yemenis but to the safety of international security and shipping, in the most important (Yemeni) waterways that connect the world's continents.

Criminal acts won't deter govt from cracking down on assailants, says bin-Daghr
Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr said the "criminal attacks which have seen a spike in recent weeks won't deter the government from cracking down on the assailants."

VP discusses Sino-Yemen cooperation with Chinese ambassador
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Salehhas discussed with the Chinese Ambassador to Yemen the Sino-Yemen relations and cooperation especially in economic and investment fields.

Memo of Understanding between Petromasila and General Electric
A memorandum of understanding signed Tuesday in Dubai between Petromasila Company and Baker Houghes General Electric Company.

Yemen's champion of the earth will make a difference at a home
The Yemeni engineer Omer Badokohn who won the top UN Environmental prize and the Young Champion of the Earth title will make a difference at home.

KSRelief Center carries out 162 projects in Yemen totaling $715 millions
Spokesperson of King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Actions (KSRelief) Center Dr Samer Al-Jotaili announced that total number of projects carried out by KSRelief Center in Yemen reached to 162 by 85 partner with total cost estimated at $715 million.

PM inaugurates complex of Ministries of Education and Interior in Aden
Prime Minister Dr Ahmed Obeid Bin-Dagher inaugurated Tuesday the buildings of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior in the interim capital Aden. He inaugurated the premises of Ministry of Education in Asha'ab district of Aden city.

Yemen participates in Chemical Weapons Conference
Yemen participated on Tuesday in the 22nd Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention in the Dutch capital, the Hague.

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