Yemen participates in 68th annual IAEA General Conference
Yemen took part in the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA today.
Displaced people in Gaza rises to 1.9 million, says UNICEF official
The total number of displaced people in Gaza has moved from 1.7 to 1.9 million people, the UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban has said.
Bank of England sets interest rate at 5 percent
The Bank of England announced on Thursday that it will fix the interest rate at 5 percent, one month after cutting it for the first time since March of 2020.
Monaco stuns Barcelona with 2-1 victory in the Champions League
Monaco secured a victorious return to the Champions League by stunning 10-man Barcelona with 2-1 win, in the match that brought them together in Stad Luis II.
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Militia has committed up to 10 violations against citizens in Mareb
A state report has revealed that Houthi militia has committed up to 9958 violations against citizens from August 2014 until August 2017 in the militia-held areas here.

Govt. Raises petition to OHCHR about militias' crimes against GPC leaders
Human Rights Ministry has raised a petition to Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hassan the United Nations High Commissionaire for Human Rights (OHCHR) about Houthi rebellious militia's crimes against Yemeni people in general and General People Congress party (GPC) –in particular. The petition included primary documentation of the violations and crimes committed by the Houthi militia.

Yemen values Germany's increasing support to € 165 million
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulmalik al-Mikhlafi has valued increasing German support to Yemen from € 125 to 165 million. This support is assigned for humanitarian field.

Al-Awn, Education Office sign school maintenance deal
Al-Awn Foundation for Development and the Education Office of Sayoon have signed a deal for cooperation in maintaining the schools of Wadi Hadhramout.

Marib approves reception plan for IDPs fleeing Houthi horrors in Sana'a
The Security Committee of Marib and the chief of staff have jointly approved an emergency plan for receiving scores of families fleeing the horrors and genocidal atrocities of the Houthi radical rebel militia that has controlled the capital Sana'a early this month.

Houthi militia kills dozens and detonates their houses, say Tihamasources
The Houthi militia have abducted and killed dozens of people and detonated their houses in Tihama federal region, local sources said.

Presidency of Republic mourns Yemen's great singer, Abu-Baker Salim
The Presidency of the Republic mourned Sunday the great Yemeni singer Abdu Baker Salim Balfaqeeh. In its obituary statement, the presidency heaped praised upon the late singer, describing him as a leading artistic figure, played a key role in developing Yemeni singing and promoting it abroad.

Abu Baker Salim, Icon of Yemen's music and singing dies
The very popular and much-respected Yemeni singer Abu Baker Salim Balfaqeeh passed way on Sunday aged 78. The legendary artist had long been struggling with illness.

Measures of providing cash to Mukalla Bank discussed
Governor of Hadhramout and the Commander of the Second Military Zone General Faraj al-Bahsani discussed on Sunday with financial officials mechanisms of boosting providing liquidity to the branch of the Central Bank of Yemen here.

Minister of Information advises GPC leaders and members to realize challenges facing the party
Minster of Information Moa'mer Al-Iryani blamed some personalities in the provinces under the coup authority for efforts they have been making to convene a convention of the General People Congress party (GPC) sponsored by Houthi-terrorist group.

Rasd Coalition: Yemeni people suffer increasing violations by Houthis
The Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations (YAMHRV) has said Yemeni people-under full silence of the UN organizations and international community- suffers increasing violations and systematic suppression committed by Houthi militia.

Investigation Commission documents over 900 abusesin 3 months
The National Commission for Investigation into allegedHuman Rights Abuses documented 903 abuses during September, October and November 2017 across Yemen.

Wethaq foundation raises awareness of child soldiers' parents
Wethaq Foundation for Civic Orientation organized in Marib on Sunday an awareness-raising workshop for the parents of children recovered from the hands of the Houthi rebels who had recruited them in Amran to work as fighters against the government.

Al-Mikhlafi: Peace path is better, our hands remain extended for
Deputy Premier, Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mikhlafi has stressed that Yemen's battle is Arabs' fight and Yemeni peoples are ready to make sacrifices not only to defend Yemen's Arab identity and land but also to defend their own Arab nation, so Yemenis' Arab neighbors have a duty to do, they should provide Yemen with every necessary support to be capable to re-establish security and stability.. .this is important for the region's and world's security.

Yemen: Establishing a Palestinian state with Quds capital, solution to all regional problems
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulmalik al-Mikhlafi has renewed confirmation of the Republic of Yemen that Palestinian Issue is the core of Arab Issues as a central issue in the region.

KSRelief Center distributes 1500 food baskets in Marib
King Salman Center for Humanitarian Aids and Relief (KSRelief) gave out 1500 food baskets in Harib district of Marib province.

President Hadi discusses with Saudi officials outlines of reconstruction in liberated provinces
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received Saturday the Chief of General Intelligence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ahmed Al-Assiri and ambassador of the Kingdom to our country Mohammed Al-Jaber who is appointed as general supervisor of the reconstruction in Yemen.

VP. arrives Bahrain for participation in Regional Security Summit
Vice President Ali Mohsen has arrived here for participation in Regional Security Summit "Manama Dialogue" in its 13 step.

FM heads Yemen's delegation to meeting of Arab Peace Initiative Committee
Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhalfi has headed Yemen's delegation to the extraordinary meeting of the Arab Peace Initiative Committee in Cairo on Saturday.

VP points to risks Yemen is going through as Houthis control Sana'a
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh has pointed to the risks Yemen is going through as the Houthi rebel militia continues to hold power in Sana'a with Iranian support.

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