Yemen participates in 68th annual IAEA General Conference
Yemen took part in the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA today.
Displaced people in Gaza rises to 1.9 million, says UNICEF official
The total number of displaced people in Gaza has moved from 1.7 to 1.9 million people, the UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban has said.
Bank of England sets interest rate at 5 percent
The Bank of England announced on Thursday that it will fix the interest rate at 5 percent, one month after cutting it for the first time since March of 2020.
Monaco stuns Barcelona with 2-1 victory in the Champions League
Monaco secured a victorious return to the Champions League by stunning 10-man Barcelona with 2-1 win, in the match that brought them together in Stad Luis II.
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Food shipment arrives in Al-Maharah province
Some 20 tons of baskets food have been unloaded Sunday at Al-Ghaidha airport of Al-Mahara province.

UAE denies Houthi claim of firing missile toward its airspace
The National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) denied in a statement on Sunday Yemen's rebel Houthis' claims of firing a cruise missile toward the UAE's airspace.

VP: The State aligns with everybody stands against Al-Houthi
Vice President Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Ali Mohssen Saleh asserted that it is very accepted that Yemenis reject and revolt all over the provinces including the capital Sana'a because of injustice and unacceptable practices by Iran-backed Houthis rebels.

Medical missionary conducts 150 vision reclaims in Sana'a
A medical missionary financed by the Kuwait is By Your Side program has conducted free surgeries involving the removal of cataracts and planting of artificial lenses for 150 poor people with compromised vision.

Yemeni cooperation with ICO discussed
Secretary General of Islamic Cooperation Organization (ICO) Dr Yousif Al-Othaimen received in Jeddah on Sunday Yemen's ambassador to Saudi Arabia Kingdom Dr Sha'ea Aznedani, Yemen's permanent envoy to the ICO.

GPC Pro-Legality leadership calls for participation in anti-militias popular uprising
The Pro-Legality leadership of the General People Congress (GPC) announced its support for the popular uprising led by the GPC's men along with free fellows in the capital Sana'a and elsewhere around all provinces who have been suffering under the yoke of the terrorist –Imamate Houthi coup.

Socotra Governor launches marine patrols, first police batch
Governor of Socotra Archipelago Ahmad Abdullah al-Socotri launched on Saturday the plan of marine patrol carried out by the Archipelago's Coast Guards.

Presidential statement: Everyone countering Houthi terror guerilla will be supported
Yemen's presidency has announced that "everyone countering the Houthi terror guerilla will be supported" in reference to the uprising in Sana'a by the former President Ali Saleh and his GPC party against the Houthi militias with whom they have been battling the government for three years.

King Salman provides more aid to Yemen
The Ministry of Public Health and Population received on Saturday 20 tons of medicines of dialysis provided by King Salman Center for Relieve and Humanitarian Activities (KSCRHA) to be distributed in a number of provinces.

VP meets with Chef of Staff and Command of Arab Coalition Forces in Marib
Vice President Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Ali Mohssen Saleh held meeting on Sunday with Chief of Staff Maj. General Tahir Al-Aqili and Commander of Saudi-led Arab Coalition Forces in Marib, Brig. Gen. Ibrahim bin Ali Al-Harbi and Commander of the United Arab Emirates armed forces Brig. Gen. Saleh bin Sa'aeed Al-Alili.

China provides $2 million in aid to support Yemeni people
Minister of Public Health and Population Dr Nasser Ba-aum launched on Statuary a project of Chinese medical and humanitarian assistance.

PM inaugurates Ba-Sohaib Hospital
Prime Minister Dr Ahmed Obeid Bin-Dagher inaugurated on Saturday Ba-Sohaib Military Hospital, in the interim capital Aden.

Coalition: GPC's move and alignment with Yemeni people will save Yemen from militias
Leadership of Saudi-led Arab Coalition aims to restore legality in Yemen said:" Coalition was well aware that good people affiliate to the General People Congress (GPC) party, its leadership and Yemeni people who had been forcefully under the Iranian-Sectarian militias' authority had gone through hard times".

VP calls for anti-Houthi alliance
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh has called on for an anti-Houthi alliance and opening a new page in countering the rebels which has devastated the state institution and committed various abuses against Yemenis.

Fatah says operating Mahra airport an enforce of decentralization
The Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Relief said that theArab Coalition and government's re-operation of the airport of the southeastern province of Mahrawill serve as an enforcement of the decentralization of relief aid and a step to ease the destitute people's access to aid.

President and VP congratulate UAE leadership on National Day
President Abd-RabbuMansour Hadiand Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Salehsent on Friday cables of congratulations to their Emirati counterparts and t the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of their country's National Day, December 2.

Arab Coalition readies Ghaydha Airport for relief aid reception
An official source in the command of the Arab Coalition announced on Friday that in coordination with the Yemeni government, the Coalition has made the Ghaydha Airport in Yemen'S southeastern province of Mahra ready for receiving relief aid flights.

VP arrives in Marib, discusses military developments with Chief of Staff
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh arrived in Marib on Friday and discussed military developments the Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Maj. Gen. Dr. Taher al-Aqili in the presence of the Commander of the Arab Coalition Forces in Marib province Brig. Gen. Ibrahim Harbi.

Russia ready to provide scholarships for Yemeni students facing hardship
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov confirmed his country's readiness to support the efforts for establishing peace in Yemen and provide scholarship grants for Yemenis pursuing higher studies in Russia but suffering financially in this academic year 2017-2018.

Mujalli: Rebel militias resort to kidnapping children, send them to warfronts
Houthi-Saleh's militias have resorted to kidnapping children and sending them to warfronts after receiving consecutive defeats, the Spokesperson of the National Army AbdoMujalli has said.

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