Interior Minister, Turkish Ambassador discuss security cooperation
Minister of Interior Maj. General Ibrahim Haidan discussed today, Wednesday, in the transitional capital Aden, with the Turkish Ambassador to the Republic of Yemen Mostafa Pollat aspects of bilateral cooperation in the areas of security.
Israeli aggression on Gaza in one year: 42,438 people martyred, 99,246 others injured
The year-long Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has left 42,438 people martyred and 99,246 others injured to the moment of this report.
Gold continues to rise amid uncertainty
Gold prices continued to rise, on Tuesday, near a record high, amid uncertainty regarding the US elections, and expectations of major central banks cutting interest rates.
AFC Champions League Elite: Al-Ahli beats Qatari Al-Rayyan 2-1
Al-Ahli has secured a 2-1 victory over Qatari rival Al-Rayyan during the match that brought them together today, at Ahmed bin Ali Stadium in Doha, in the AFC Champions League Elite 2024-2025.
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نتائج البحث عن militia\\\'s :

Eryani: Houthi militia's disowning of own P.O.W an extension of the militia's opportunism

The Houthi militia’s practices are not different to the mafias’: Eryani

Arab Parliament condemns continuous abuse of MPs by Houthi militia

Houthi militia unveiled its racist policy, says Ambassador al-Woheishi

WFP blames Houthi militia for manipulating humanitarian aids

Eryani: The Houthi militia is subjected to massive loss of fighters on Marib battlefronts

Right symposium: Houthi militia arrested more than 1700 women in five years

Col. Maliki: Houthi militia promotes sectarianism is textbooks

SP denounces militia kidnapping headmistresses in Sana'a

PM: Houthi militia keeps on refusing truce, peace

Civil Society Organizations hold Houthi militia responsible on children genocide

Houthi militia creates fuels crisis to gain politically, says minister

Sana'a Human Rights Office condemns Houthi militia for death of two hostages

Houthi militia fire eight ballistic missiles on Marib in 12 hours

Houthi militia burns 160 tons of wheat in Taiz

Govt source: STC militia carried out full-blown coup in Socotra

Information minister warns against Houthi militia's forcibly recruitment campaigns

Houthi militia launch massive manhunt in Aljawf

FM condemns Houthi militia's continuous attacks on Marib, Saudi Arabia

PM: We hold Imamate militia responsible for the abductees of the GPC' members

Houthi militia kidnaps 11 persons, from Baidha'a

IC must mount pressure on Houthi militia to make peace, says minister

Houthi militia bombards tribesmen's houses in Marib

Emergency Committee holds Houthi militia accountable for Polio resurrection

Human Rights Ministry deplores militia's assault on a sit-in by GPC's supporters

Fath condemns Houthi militia's attack on Saudi oil tanker

Houthi militia shells Awd villages by artillery

Houthi militia kidnap more than 270 civilians over their positive remarks toward the National Day

Houthi militia deliberately aims ruining cultural heritage, says al-Asbahi

Houthi militia continues breaching truce

Yemeni Government welcomes labeling Hezbollah militia a terrorist organization by Germany

Houthi militia destroys house of deputy interior minister in Sana'a

Houthi militia targets homes in Hodeida

Eryani: The Houthi militia force tribal sheikhs to supply warfronts with children

Al-Iryani: Militia keeps on systematically spoiling education, recruiting children

Houthi militia holds back 19 oil ships in the Red Sea

Two children injured, houses destroyed by Houthi militia's shelling in Dhalea

Info. Minister: Houthi militia kills hope of Stockholm Agreement

Al-Eryani calls for international pressure on Houthi militia on exchanging prisoners

Houthi militia has recklessly politicized judiciary, says minister

General Mujallil: Houthi militia utilized UN Truce barbarically, continues escalation

Al-Eryani calls on UN to act firmly against Houthi militia's attacks on IDPs

Houthi militia denies abductees journalists medicines, food, visits

Abdulghani Jamil calls on Sana’a residents to support the army against Houthi militia

Arab Parliament denounces Houthi militia's massacre in Marib

Al-Iryani condemns Houthi militia for employing scouting movement to recruit children

Yemen's ambassador to Japan cites militia's violations against Yemeni children, women

VP: Houthi militia violates all international, humanitarian conventions

Al-Eryani condemns Houthi militia for kidnaping journalist Nadia Moqbel

Foreign Ministry denounces militia's aggression on Iraqi embassy in Sana'a

Six children killed, injured by Houthi militia shelling on Taiz City

Eryani warns of Houthi militia's plan to undermine major trade houses

Houthi militia blamed for polio resurrection, says senior official

Govt source: Houthi militia denied 2946 persons in its jails

374 breaches committed by Houthi militia in Hodeidah killed 31, wounded 256

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia neglects international laws, seizes plane

Al-Iryani demands US Congress to brand Houthi militia terrorist organization

Yemen condemns house bombings by Houthi terrorist militia

HR Minister says Houthi militia still circumventing around Stockholm Agreement

Al-Uqaili: Floods swept landmines planted by Houthi militia into different areas

President praises struggle of Taizi people against Houthi militia

Houthi militia storms Public Yemeni Bank's branch in Sana'a

Fatah denounces Houhi militia abduction of UN's agencies workers

The gov't. condemns Houthi militia's gruesome crime against African internees in Sana'a

Arab Parliament welcomes the designation of Houthi militia "terrorist organization"

Houthi terrorist militia escalate bombardment of populated areas west of Taiz

Houthi militia fabricates fuel “detention” to cover up on revenues theft and terror finance

Col. Al-Maliki: Houthi militia puts off implementing Sweden's Agreement

Al-Eryani denounces attacking IDP's camps in Marib by Houthi militia

Four citizens killed, injured by Houthi militia's landmines in Taiz

Humanitarian situations increasingly worsening due to militia coup, says al-Mikhlafi

Saudi Arabia welcomes the designation of Houthi militia "terrorist organization"

Govt. condemns Houthi militia's attacks on residential areas in Marib

Al-Eryani denounces killing prisoner al-Shaj'e by Houthi militia

Houthi militia fire new ballistic missile on govt-held city

Houthi militia commit 131 truce violations in 48 hours

Al-Eryani denounces Houthi militia's shelling houses in Hais, Hodeida

Houthi militia loot government banks in anticipation of army's advance: Yemen Minister

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia forcibly recruits African migrants

Houthi militia bombs 14 houses in Taiz

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia's blockade on Marib, war crime

PM decries UN's silence toward Houthi militia's manipulation of humanitarian card

PM praises Marib governorate fellows role in countering Houthi militia's coup

Al-Iryani: be careful Houthi militia employs African refugees to harm Yemen's security

Massive protest decries crimes of terrorist Houthi militia in Hodeidah

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia exploits Palestine catastrophe to gain politically, financially

Houthi militia shares Al-Qaeda, Daesh approach of bombing opponents' buildings

PM says using journalists as hostages by Houthi militia revives Imamate rancorous tradition

Yemen condemns Houthi militia's attack on Abha's international airport

Civilian killed by Houthi militia's snipper in Taiz

Houthi militia's landmine injures woman in Taiz

Mujalli: Houthi militia's shelling houses, war crime will not pass unpunished

MoLAHR criticizes Houthi militia's inciting rhetoric against the IDPs

Houthi militia constitutes concrete threat to social coexistence, activist says in Geneva

Al-Iryani confirms breaching agreement on Safir tanker by Houthi militia

It is time to stop militia's violations against relief actions, says Minister

Houthi militia bombards DP's camps by ballistic rocket southern Marib

Up to 3552 of Houthi militia's landmines destroyed in Aden

Amnesty International calls upon Houthi militia to release journalist Younes Abdulsalam

Al-Iryani: Linking between labeling Houthi militia terrorist, political solution inaccurate

Al-Iryani warns against continuous child recruitment by Houthi militia

Eryani condemns Houthi militia over forcing families to relinquish claims on the blood of their relatives massacred in Radaa

University professors in militia controlled regions to be paid 50% of salaries soon

High Relief Committee condemns Houthi Militia's attack on IDPs Camp in Hajjah

Arman: Houthi militia's escalation in Marib killed, injured hundreds of families

Govt suspends its team involvement in the RCC, holds Houthi militia accountable

The Center of Information and Human Rights Training condemns the militia's crimes in Al-Haima of Taiz

US imposes new sanctions on Houthi terrorist militia

Houthi militia's sniper killed child in Taiz

Fatah condemns Houthi militia holding 16 relief trucks in Ibb province

Safer warns Houthi militia of messing up with oil-pipeline

Al-Iryani denounces Houthi militia's shelling female wedding in Hodeida

Houthi militia recruited above 15 thousand child, says minister

HRA: Houthi militia caused killing, injuring 14000 children in Yemen

Al-Eryani: Our battle with Houthi militia is fateful, unending

Al-Eradah, US envoy discuss Houthi militia escalation on Marib

Info Minister: Houthi militia denies Yemenis their salaries, swaps aids with going fighting

Houthi militia violates UN truce 61 times Friday

Houthi militia kidnaps more than 50 male, female students from Sana'a University

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia's crimes against Baha'is, aggressive approach against minorities

Two little girls injured by Houthi militia howitzer' round in Taiz

Human Rights Center denounces militia's crimes in Taiz

Al-Eryani says recruiting African migrants by Houthi militia a war-crime

428 killed, 811 injured by Houthi militia's missiles, landmines in Marib over 4 years

Al-Eryani: Revenues for Houthi militia from Hodeida Port reached 1.6 trillion YR

Houthi militia kills dozens and detonates their houses, say Tihamasources

Al-Eryani: Houthi militia's terrorist escalation undermines peace efforts

Al-Eryani: Militia's siege on Khobzah village, war crime

Atiah: Houthi militia's terror the worst Yemen has ever suffered

Militia has committed up to 10 violations against citizens in Mareb

Army repels Houthi attacks in three fronts as militia violate ceasefire

Eryani: Houthi militia’s elimination of Dr. Al- Shabooti is a heinous crime that adds up to its criminal record

Houthi militia kidnaps 3 engineers of Safer Oil Co.

SCR chairman condemns coup militia's bombing of relief aid trucks

Political Parties Alliance denounces abducting UN employees by Houthi terrorist militia

Yemeni gov't. blames Houthi militia for worsening humanitarian situations

29 violations by Houthi militia in Hodeidah within 24 hours

Info. Minister condemns Houthi militia's growing crimes against civilians

Al-Iryani: Houthi militia recruitment schools' girls must be denounced, stopped

Fatah: Houthi militia holds 80 trucks laden with relief stuffs in Ibb governorate

Houthi militia shell neighborhood, blow up mosque in Hodeida

Al-Eryani warns of escalating Houthi militia's terrorist attacks in Red Sea

Al-Iryani: Houthi militia pulls teachers to warfronts

Arab Parliament: Houthi militia attack on al-Abidia Hospital a war-crime requires international action

VP lambastes Houthi militia for acting callously, recklessly

Houthi militia won’t halt crimes against Yemenis until the flag is hoisted all over Yemen

Govt. condemns Houthi militia's atrocities against Sana'a University's girls

Al-Sa'adi sends message to SC on Houthi militia's crimes

Houthi terrorist militia's landmine kills, injures five in Jawf highway

Houthi militia abducts the Journalist Abdulsalam Addoais

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