Establishing Cancer Treatment Center in Marib discussed
Deputy Governor of Marib Dr. Abd-Rabu Miftah discussed on Monday with a team from the Hadhramaut Foundation for Cancer Control, led by Mohammed Salem, the enhancement of partnership and cooperation to establish a specialized center for cancer treatment in the governorate.
Typhoon "Bebenka" hits the Chinese city of Shanghai
The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory of China announced on Monday that Typhoon "Bebenka" made landfall and hit the city of Shanghai.
Further new foreign companies established in China during January- August
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced that China saw a total of 36,968 new foreign-invested enterprises established across the country during the first eight months of 2024, up 11.5 percent year on year.
Borussia Dortmund beats Heidenheim 4-2, makes it to top of Bundesliga
Borussia Dortmund beat Heidenheim 4-2 in the match that brought them together in the third round of the German Football League. Borussia Dortmund's goals were scored by Donyell Malen in the 12th minute, Karim Adeyemi with two goals in the 17th and 41st minutes.
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Twenty five journalists trained in conflict sensitive journalism
Twenty five journalists have completed a training in conflict sensitive journalism held by the Center of Economic and Media Studies (CEMS)and the German organization Frederich Ebert in Mukalla, Hadhramout.

Governor launches youth projects in Mukalla
Governor of Hadhramout and the Commander of the Second Military Region General Faraj al-Bahsani launched on Thursday two youth projects here.

VP and state officials discuss payment of public employee salaries
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh has discussed with Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr and the Minister of Civil Service Abdul-Aziz Jubari in Riyadh on Thursday the payment of salaries to public civil servants, a necessary step to alleviate people's suffering caused by the Saleh-Houthi militias' coup.

Yemen, Japan discuss activating youth programs
Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport Saleh al-Faqih discussed on Thursday with Japanese Cultural Attaché activating youth and sport activities financed by Japan in Yemen.

Yemen, KSrelief discuss higher education cooperation
The Minister of Higher Education Dr. Hussein Ba-Salamah and the Deputy Minister of Local Administration Abdusalam Ba Abbood have discussed with the CEO of King Salman Center for Relief (KSrelief) Maher al-Hadhrawi the efforts that the KSrelief offers to higher education in Yemen.

Yemeni diplomat hails Turkish positions
Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for Political Affairs Mansour Bajash has hailed the Turkish positions supporting Yemen's legitimacy, relief and humanitarian assistances.

Yemeni-Hungarian diplomats discuss bilateral relations
The acting Yemeni Ambassador to Budapest Hamad Dahan on Thursday met her Secretary of State for Eastern Opening and Head of the Middle East and North Africa in the Hungarian Foreign and Trade Ministry Peter SZIjjarto, discussing bilateral relations, means of enhancing them and activation of official visits between both countries.

PM, al-Mahrah Governor discuss preparations for investment conference
Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Daghar on Thursday discussed with al-Mahrah Governor ongoing preparations for the first investment conference in al-Mahrah which is scheduled to be held in the middle of October.

Public work minister inspects re-constructing judiciary buildings
Minister of Public Works and Roads MaeenAbdulmalik inspected on Wednesday the construction and maintenance work of a number of buildings of judiciary authority.

Decree appointsmembers of Supreme Judiciary Council issued
President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Haid on Wednesday issued the decree No. 122 of 2017 , appointing members of the Supreme Judiciary Council. The members are as follows:

New Attorney-General appointed by presidential decree
A presidential resolution no. 123 for 2017 was issued Wednesday appointing judge Ali Atboosh Mohammed a first Attorney General for Yemen.

Presidential decree restructurescommittee investigating HR alleged abuses
A presidential decree no. (50) issued today has restructuredthe National Committee for Investigating alleged Human Rights Abuses, as an amendment to decree no. (140) for 2012.

Yemen Ambassador meets students in Russia
Yemen Ambassador to Moscow Ahmed Salem al-Wohaishi has affirmed that the Yemeni embassy pays attention to the Yemeni students studying in Russian universities and institutes.

Yemen, OCHA discuss arrangements for the UN emergency response plan
Minister of Water and Environment Dr. Al-EzziShoreim held a meeting in Aden today withthe coordinator of the Supreme Relief Commission, Jamal al-Fakih and the Director of the OCHA George Khouri on the arrangements for the UN Emergency Response Plan 2018.

PM affirms govt's commitment to retake Sana'a back from militias
Prime Minister Ahmed O. bin-Daghr has affirmed the government's commitment to retake the capital Sana'a from the Saleh-Houthi coup militias.

Distribution of Turkish assistances discussed in Shabwah
Assistant Deputy Governor of Shabwah Mohammed al-Kindi on Wednesday discussed here with the local authority's officials mechanisms of distributing assistances provided by the Turkish Red Crescent to the poor people of Shabwah.

Training program for several health activists in Shabwah
The Association of Humanitarian Solidarity in Ataq has launched a training for several local health activists who will be in charge of carrying out the association's health activities in Shabwa from August to October by OCHA financing.

Yemen Ambassador to Cambodia presents credentials
Yemen Ambassador to Cambodia Adel ba-Hamid on Wednesday presented credentials to the Cambodian acting President and Senate President Samdech Say Chhum as an ambassador of Yemen to Kingdom of Cambodia.

Human rights are facing real test in Yemen, official says
Local Administration Minister Abdulraqeeb Fatah has affirmed that human rights values are facing a real and practical test in Yemen, pointing out that the Yemeni people are subjected to systemic violations by the Houthi-Saleh militias.

Anti-cholera campaigners visit over 44000 houses in Hadhramout
The teams in charge of conducting a house-to-house awareness raising mission as part of the national anti-cholera campaign have visited more than 44 thousand houses in Wadi and desert Hadhramout, or 69% of the target houses. This is the fourth day of the campaign.

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