Establishing Cancer Treatment Center in Marib discussed
Deputy Governor of Marib Dr. Abd-Rabu Miftah discussed on Monday with a team from the Hadhramaut Foundation for Cancer Control, led by Mohammed Salem, the enhancement of partnership and cooperation to establish a specialized center for cancer treatment in the governorate.
Typhoon "Bebenka" hits the Chinese city of Shanghai
The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory of China announced on Monday that Typhoon "Bebenka" made landfall and hit the city of Shanghai.
Further new foreign companies established in China during January- August
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced that China saw a total of 36,968 new foreign-invested enterprises established across the country during the first eight months of 2024, up 11.5 percent year on year.
Borussia Dortmund beats Heidenheim 4-2, makes it to top of Bundesliga
Borussia Dortmund beat Heidenheim 4-2 in the match that brought them together in the third round of the German Football League. Borussia Dortmund's goals were scored by Donyell Malen in the 12th minute, Karim Adeyemi with two goals in the 17th and 41st minutes.
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نتائج البحث عن operates :

Alexandria Airlines operates its first flight from Cairo to Aden

Syo'un international airport operates above 900 flights in 2017

Deputy Minister of Planning signs agreement with international organizations

Health minister surveys operation of central vaccine stores

Ministry of Planning inks two agreements with American, French Organizations

Yemen signs treaties with International organizations

Slovenian organization to help demining in Yemen

ICRC organizes workshop on international humanitarian law in Aden

Governor of Dhali'a inaugurates meteorological station

Yemen’s central bank takes measures to stop dramatic depreciation of the Riyal

Governor of Marib meets with CIVIC representatives

(Luban) sweeps water network way, puts drinking water wells out of operation

Baggash reviews Yemen's conditions to Indonesian diplomat

Basoheib meets with INGOs representatives, signs agreement

Health Minister, Aden Governor inaugurate solar power projects for local hospitals

The Saudi Program signs a contract for the operation and management of Aden General Hospital

Deputy Minister of PIC meets with INGOs

National Investigating Committee meet with governors of Tihama province

Dep. Minister of Planning inks two agreements with American, British NGOs

Oil production in al-Uqla oilfield rises to 17 thousand barrel daily

OHCHR holds symposium in Aden

Houthi-Saleh militias distorted image of Yemen's unity, PM says

Saudi ambassador affirms Kingdom's continuing support for Yemen against Iran's scheme

Fatah hails SKA statement about re-open airports and seaports

Member of Presidential Leadership Council al-Bahssani arrives in al-Mukalla

Yemen signs treaties in international law, services

CBY warns banks against failing to submit financials or move to Aden

FM commends EU's roles in supporting Yemen

High Council of Energy approves practical measures to improve electricity

Minister Planning explores EU support for Yemen

Yemen, European Parliament discuss humanitarian situation

Health minister visits medical establishments in Taiz

The decision to stop dealing with some banks a sovereign action--Governor of CBY confirmed

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