FM meets Director of ICRC Humanitarian Operations
Yemen's foreign minister, Dr. Shaya Zindani held talks with the Director of Humanitarian Operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross over a range of humanitarian issues.
Israeli aggression on Gaza in one year: 42,438 people martyred, 99,246 others injured
The year-long Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has left 42,438 people martyred and 99,246 others injured to the moment of this report.
Italian exports grow slightly in August
Italian exports recorded a slight growth rate in August of +0.3 percent with a limited decline in imports - 0.7 percent.
Valladolid wins 3-2 at Alaves in Spanish league
Valladolid defeated its host Alaves 3-2 in the match that brought them together at Mendizorroza Stadium in Vitoria as part of the tenth round of the Spanish Football League in Duqm.
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Yemen's ambassador hands over a copy of Humanitarian Relief Plan
Yemen's ambassador to Mauritania Dr Salim Saleh Al-Aradah met Tuesday with Commissionaire of Human Rights and Labor Sheikh Altrad Ould Abdulmalik and Head of the Arab World And Islamic Organization in the Mauritanian Foreign Ministry, ambassador Al-Hussein Seedi Abdullah.

VP urges active operations by industry and trade offices
Vice President Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Ali Mohssen Saleh has urged the Ministry of Industry and Trade to activate its offices in the government-held provinces.

Marm appreciates Egyptian media coverage of Yemen's events
Yemen's ambassador to Arab Republic of Egypt Dr Mohammed Ali Marm highly praised the Egyptian media outlets' role in following the Yemeni landscape and conveying a true picture to the Egyptian public opinion; particularly the leading daily Al-Gumhorya Newspaper, which devotes large spaces to cover the ongoing conflict and events in the Yemeni national arena.

Governor of Luhj chairs meeting of investors, businessmen
Governor of Luhj province Maj. General Ahmed Abdullah Turki chaired a meeting Tuesday brought together investors, businessmen and officials of the local office of the General Investment Authority (GIA) in the province.

Transports Minister, Shabwa Governor inspect Ataq airport
Minister of Transports Saleh Ahmad Al-Jabwaniand the Governor of Shabwa, Maj. Gen. Ali Rashid Al-Harthy, inspected today the International Airport of at Ataq in Shabwa's provincial capital as part of efforts exerted by the Ministry of Transport to restore the activity of air and sea ports in the liberated governorates.

Workshop on National Dialogue Conference wraps up
A workshop for spreading awareness about the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference 2013-2014 has been wrapped up in Mukalla, the provincial capital of Hadhramout province.

SJC chief inaugurates training course for martial court personnel
President of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), judge Ali Nasser Salem, opened today the first training course for military prosecutors and members of martial courts.

PM meets with the charge d' affairs of the US embassy in Yemen
Prime Minister Dr Ahmed Obeid Bin-Dagher met Tuesday with the charge d' affairs of the US embassy to our country Karen Sassari

France voices concerns about Iran's failure to honor ISC resolution 2216
French Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Agnes Romatet-Espagne expressed France's concerns over Iran's noncommittal stance toward weapons embargo imposed on Yemen under the International Security Council resolution 2216 of 2015.

Germany welcomes appointing new envoy to Yemen
Federal Republic of Germany has welcomed the appointment of the British national Marten Griffith as a UN' s envoy to Yemen to replace Isma'il Ould Sheikh Ahmed whose tenure has expired now.

Yemeni-Spanish cooperation in relief discussed
Yemeni ambassador to the Royal Kingdom of Spain Nabeel Maissari met Monday with the Director of the Office of the Humanitarian Relief in the Sapanish Agency for International Cooperation Rafael Dial.

Preliminary meeting of the political parties in Taiz
Governor of Taiz province Dr Ameen Ahmed Muhmood chaired a meeting brought together the political parties and organizations in the province.

Heart Physicians Association to be established in Aden
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Hussein ba-Salama has inaugurated the establishing meeting of Heart Physician Association.

Preliminary meeting in Aden discuss health challenges
The Ministry of Public Health and Population organized a large gathering included international organizations and agencies which operate in the health sector.

Creating custom outlets by militia contradicts international laws, says Minister
Minister of Local Administration and the Head of the Supreme Relief Committee AbdulraqeebFath has condemned Hothi militia's creation of custom outlets in the capital Sana'a and provinces of Baidha'a, Amran and Dhamar and a number their held-areas.

Hadicongratulates South Africa's newly elected president
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Tuesday sent a cable of congratulations to the newly elected president of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa.

MSAL launches training course on humanitarian response in Hadramout
In partnership with the Foundation for Development, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MSAL) has launched a training course under the title "Building Capacity for CSOs in Humanitarian Response and Relief Work" in WadiHadramout.

Hadi emphasizes fruitful cooperation with US
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has stressed the importance of enhancing fruitful cooperation between Yemen and the United States in various fields, especially the current circumstances in which Yemen's need for the support of friends is most urgent.

Hadicondoles UAE leadership on martyrdom of Emirati soldier
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has sent a cable of condolences to the UAE President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan on the martyrdom of Emirati Sergeant KhalifaHashel Al Mesmari while carrying out his duties within the operations of the Arab Coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, to back the Yemeni government.

Yemen's bin-Daghr, UK diplomat discuss peace efforts, fighting terrorism
Prime Minister Ahmad Obeid bin-Daghr discussed on Monday with UK Charge d' Affairs in Yemen Fauna Walker UK support to the government of Yemen for achieving peace and stability and fighting terrorism, drying up its resources and cracking down on its elements.

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