Interior Minister, Turkish Ambassador discuss security cooperation
Minister of Interior Maj. General Ibrahim Haidan discussed today, Wednesday, in the transitional capital Aden, with the Turkish Ambassador to the Republic of Yemen Mostafa Pollat aspects of bilateral cooperation in the areas of security.
Israeli aggression on Gaza in one year: 42,438 people martyred, 99,246 others injured
The year-long Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has left 42,438 people martyred and 99,246 others injured to the moment of this report.
Gold continues to rise amid uncertainty
Gold prices continued to rise, on Tuesday, near a record high, amid uncertainty regarding the US elections, and expectations of major central banks cutting interest rates.
AFC Champions League Elite: Al-Ahli beats Qatari Al-Rayyan 2-1
Al-Ahli has secured a 2-1 victory over Qatari rival Al-Rayyan during the match that brought them together today, at Ahmed bin Ali Stadium in Doha, in the AFC Champions League Elite 2024-2025.
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نتائج البحث عن sacrifices :

PM praises women's sacrifices in defending freedom, dignity against Houthis

Shabwa governor praises troops' sacrifices

President Hadi : Imamate, theocracy to be eliminated at whatever sacrifices

PM appreciates sacrifices made by Dhamar Province's population

UAE sacrifices in Yemen, pride to Yemeni people; says al-Minhali

Hadi hails Sabais' sacrifices in defending the revolution and the republic

VP applauds Assabaiha tribesmen's sacrifices

President Hadi appreciates Hodeidah populations' sacrifices

Al-Bahsani extols security personnel's sacrifices in Hadramout to establish security

PM praises sacrifices of Hajjah people against Houthi militia

PM praises great sacrifices made by the national military troops

Al-Bahsani appreciates armed forces' sacrifices to defend national achievements

VP commends troops' sacrifices in Qaniah front

PM hails sacrifices of Saadapeople to end Houthi coup

Mujalli appreciates Sudanese sacrifices in Yemen

Vice President praises sacrifices of people of Baidha

President: Republican system will win no matter the sacrifices

Defense Minister praises Sudanese troops' bravery, sacrifices in Yemen

Vice President praises troops' sacrifices

President al-Alim praises the sacrifices of heroes' of the armed forces in the face of terrorist organizations

Al Muflihi: Aden deserves sacrifices to regain its status

President Hadi highly extols troops heroic battles against Houthi militiamen

Hadi honors two fallen commanders with Bravery Medals

President informed on developments in Western Coast

VP sends condolences on death of two UAE soldiers

Commander of Third Military Region updates VP on developments

PM, Aden Deputy governor address catering to wounded, families of martyrs

Marib Governor: Yemeni people moving forward to build Yemeni federal state

Defense Minister inspects frontline in Serwah

President praises victories achieved by national army

Leadership Council chairman and deputies lay the foundation stone for Martyrs' Memorial in Taiz

Chairman of Negotiation Committee announces opening of Alkamb-Al-Qasr Road, which had been closed by Houthis for 9 years

Retaking Al-Baidh province a priority, VP asserts

President Hadi receives Utma resistance leader

Eryani: The government will double efforts to free remaining detainees

PM receives Ambassador of UAE

VP, Minister of Information discuss official media actions

President is acquainted with developments in Hodeida warfronts

Al-Bahsani celebrates the 8th anniversary of liberating al-Mukalla from al-Qaeda organization

Vice President stresses unifying national front against Houthi coup

Minister al-Ruaini: 11 February Revolution protected Yemen against plots

VP commends military advancements in Al-Baidha.

President directs transporting injured soldiers abroad for treatment

Al-Maqdashi: Yemen will deter Houthi agenda and Iranian aspirations

Minister of Information visits Meedi and Haradh frontlines

President highlights coordination with Arab Coalition's countries

VP meets with military commanders of Qaniah Front, Al-Baidha province

Taiz dep. Governor surveys liberated parts of the province

President Hadi presides over preliminary meeting of senior commanders of Ministry of Defense

Hadi says 14th October jubilee commemorates a history

PM hails Hadhramis' for purging their province of terrorists

VP says government committed to the wellbeing torture victims

Hadi emphasizes ranks unification to protect civilians from Houthis

Vice President meets Ibb military leaders

PM hails Beidha tribesmen for confronting Houthi putschists

FM phones Sudanese counterpart

VP says government committed to the wellbeing torture victims

VP briefed on military committee's services for wounded warriors

Info minister tours Haradh warfront

Hadi congratulates UAE leadership on National Day

VP follows up on military progress

Yemeni missions and community in US celebrate Unity Day

Hadi hails deep Yemeni-Emirati ties

VP comforts persons tortured to disability in Saleh-Houthi prisons

Fighting readiness, victories in warfronts discussed

VP congratulates his Emirati counterparts on Eid al-Adhaha

Interior Ministry to support police in Hodeida

VP follows up on army victories in Saada

President, governor discuss situations in Hodeida

PM, Commander of al-Dhale'a discuss combat operations

Info. Minister visits national warriors at Baqem warfront

President Hadi offers condolences to Saudi King over plan crash

FM receives copy of the credentials of the UAE ambassador to our country

PM observes a ceremonial function held for distinguished students of secondary schooling

VP calls for mission of breaking Houthi siege on Taiz to be accomplished

Yemen Socialist Party calls on Yemenis to stand united to end Houthi coup

VP appreciates Al-Mahweat's, Rayma's population contribution to battle for regaining the State

VP stresses imperative of concerted efforts to complete Taiz liberation

President congratulates Egyptian counterpart on 23 July Revolution

PM attends military parade in Abyan

PM says allocations for wounded and martyrs' families should go for entitled beneficiaries

President Hadi urges unifying efforts, capacities of Defense Ministry

PM, Raymah governor discuss situations of the governorate

President Hadi welcomes British Ambassador to our country

PM appeals to Arab Coalition leadership to bail out Yemen's economy

PM: We work on alleviating people's suffering in Houthi held areas

Naval Forces commander surveys military units in Bab al-Mandab and Mayon Island

PM praises Marib governorate fellows role in countering Houthi militia's coup

VP informed about developments in Hodeidah governorate

President Hadi instructs governors to mobilize human resources to encounter militia

VP directs gov't to look after families of killed and abducted journalists

Interior Minister, Shabwa Governor discuss latest developments

VP orders comfort visits to the nation's wounded warriors

VP urges troops to keep on training

President Hadi addresses the nation on the 7th Anniversary of February 11 Revolution

VP briefed on Marib's developments

Yemenis will not forget Egyptian army's support

VP emphasizes tribes' role in toppling the coup d'état

Taiz Governor praises victories achieved by national army

PM directs to allocate YR 400 mln for an Ahwar wave breaker

Vice President inspects situations in Shabwa

Defense Minister praises UAE's support for Yemen

Governor: We will not allow councils, components out of State in Baidha

Al-Menhali offers condolences to the Emirati solider family

Sana'a Mayor briefs VP on Houthi abuses in the capital

President al-Alimi convenes a meeting with military commanders in Marib governorate

Cabinet discusses progress in regards to state restoration

VP, Governor of al-Baidha discuss the situations in the governorate

Troops, citizens jointly battling Houthi-militia, governor says

VP conducts phone call to Marib governor

Military affiliates in Taiz got salaries

VP inspects situations in Amran

VP hopes for Riyadh Agreement to be a good start

Blood of martyrs won't go in vain, President tells family of fallen general

Governor of Al-Dale'a reports to PM about situations in the governorate

Houthis must be held to account for the spilled blood of Yemenis: Hadi

VP conducts telephone call to Taiz governor

Hadi receives UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation

President Hadi sends a cable of thanks to leaders of KSA, UAE

Vice President calls Jawf governor on military developments

Hadi meetsBeidha local authority leaders

PM:Yemenis will not accept to be ruled by militias

VP meets with governor of Taiz province

PM hails army's victories against terrorist elements in Hadhramout

Public rallying behind army indicates that all Yemenis realize Houthi danger, says PM

VP highlights importance of unifying media message

Lahj sons in Houthi detentions discussed

Leadership Council chairman offers condolences on death of Brig. Gen. al-Sayyid and escorts

PM visits HQs of Saudi and Emirati forces

PM: Yemen needs $100 billion for reconstruction

PM orders govt to allocate YR500 million for Taiz wounded soldiers

VP: War in Yemen against Iranian's scheme

Prime Minister arrives Attaq

President Hadi: Yemeni and Emirati blood mixed in the fields of honor

VP, Governor of Taiz confer about situations in the governorate

President Hadi praises significant advancements gained by armed forces in different flashpoints

President stresses that retaking Taiz urgent priority

VP congratulates Saudi Crown Prince on National Day

VP follows developments in Aljawf governorate

President al-Alimi holds meeting with Taiz Security Committee

VP congratulates Saudi Crown Prince on Eid al-Adhaha

PM, Jawf Governor discuss situations of the province

President Hadi inspects Saudi, Emirati military units in Al-Ma'ashiq Palace

PresidentHadi confirms enabling Tehami people of managing their province

VP meets with governor of Al-Baidha province

PM: Gov't keen to provide injured servicemen with medication, support martyrs' families

VP meets Sudanese Ambassador to Yemen

Chief of Staff inspects army's injured people in Mareb

VP phone calls commander of Baihan Axis

VP is briefed on military advancements in Al-Jawf province

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