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President Hadi addresses the nation on the 7th Anniversary of February 11 Revolution
[10/02/2018 08:33]
President of the Republic Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, Commander-in- Chief addressed the Yemeni people in the homeland and abroad on the 7th Anniversary of February 11 peaceful Revolution.

President Hadi said:" Revolution against injustice and oppression was a good adventure. Anybody may in one way or another try to blame the revolution for troubles we have been facing at the moment, he does ignore many variables and facts, it takes long time to explain".

The President went on say:" It is not a secret to say today that Southern Peaceful Movement in 2007 that took to the streets to protest against oppression, injustice and marginalization the southerners were subjected to, and sought for fair and legitimate rights, asked for correcting the conception of the unity that mistakenly deviated from partnership into subordination. That southern peaceful movement was preliminary step forward on the path of Change Revolution in February against the familial ruling and rampant corruption".

President Hadi stated that between the Sixth and Seventh Anniversary of the Change Revolution there were many changes have taken place, most important of all is the crumble of 'Evil Putshist Alliance' between Iran-backed Houthi militia and demised former President Ali Saleh, who had to come to realize eventually the militia's lethal scheme, called for an uprising against it so that the militia assassinated him as that is its nature, betrayal, rescind from pacts and vows.

Concerning the Southern Cause, the President said: " For my comrades in the south, I do say that Southern Cause has gained significant achievements, incorporated in the outcomes of the National Dialogue, backed regionally and internationally. So it is quite safe to say that previous grievances won't be recurrent and days of kelptocracy had gone forever. Therefore, you the heroes of the south, you are making history, extending sacrifices, fighting along with legitimate government and Arab Coalition to bring the coup into its end, and go together on establishing the new federal state for the benefit of everybody".

The President of the Republic stated that what happened in Aden recently of bloody confrontations should serve as an alarm for our Yemeni people and Arab Coalition, draw attention to those who are seeking for derailing Yemen's and Gulf's main battle against the Iranian scheme, in favor of narrow-minded devastating projects. We have been working assiduously along with our brethren on removing all reasons caused that painful events.

Addressing the population of Taiz province, the President said:" I do sense your agony you are experiencing due to grave loses of the best heroes of young men and women on the daily bases.. Oh! You who dream of better future, you who are patiently and bravely struggling against the militia's control.. while the world has continued to turn blind eye on the militia's crimes, besiege and atrocities against Tai's population.. Your sacrifices make us more determined to keep on the battle against the coup d'état , we'll go on fighting with all possible resources, no matter the huge costs we have to pay.. Victory is coming, even though the criminals hate so".

President Hadi expressed deep thanks and gratitude on his own and on behalf of the Yemeni people to Custodian of the Two Holly Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and for all member states of the Saudi-led Coalition for restoring legitimacy for their key role and great sacrifices they have been making in Yemen.

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