Establishing Cancer Treatment Center in Marib discussed
Deputy Governor of Marib Dr. Abd-Rabu Miftah discussed on Monday with a team from the Hadhramaut Foundation for Cancer Control, led by Mohammed Salem, the enhancement of partnership and cooperation to establish a specialized center for cancer treatment in the governorate.
Typhoon "Bebenka" hits the Chinese city of Shanghai
The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory of China announced on Monday that Typhoon "Bebenka" made landfall and hit the city of Shanghai.
Further new foreign companies established in China during January- August
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced that China saw a total of 36,968 new foreign-invested enterprises established across the country during the first eight months of 2024, up 11.5 percent year on year.
Borussia Dortmund beats Heidenheim 4-2, makes it to top of Bundesliga
Borussia Dortmund beat Heidenheim 4-2 in the match that brought them together in the third round of the German Football League. Borussia Dortmund's goals were scored by Donyell Malen in the 12th minute, Karim Adeyemi with two goals in the 17th and 41st minutes.
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Prime Minister highlights UK's support to Yemen
Prime Minister Ahmad Ubaid bin Daghr has highlighted historical relations between Yemen and the United Kingdom and its positive and constructive position in supporting Yemeni people and its legal government in restoring the state and overturning Houthi-Saleh's coup.

Yemen's PM calls for integration to overturn coup
Prime Minister Ahmad Ubaid bin Daghr has called Yemeni people to integrate efforts and unify fronts to restore the state and overturn Houthi-Saleh's coup.

Deputy FM ,Turkish Ambassador discuss bilateral relations
Deputy Foreign Minister Mansour Bajash on Wednesday met here with the Turkish Ambassador to Yemen Levent Eller, discussing bilateral relations between Yemen and Turkey and how to enhance them.

Yemen, ESCWA discuss humanitarian assistance
Yemen's Ambassador to Lebanon Abdullah al-Duais met Tuesday with Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) Khawla Matar efforts exerted by Yemen for mobilizing international political and humanitarian support for honoring financial commitments to support Humanitarian Response Plan to ease suffering of " our Yemeni people over Houthi-Saleh's militias war."

Fath, WFP discuss aid to Yemen
Minister of Local Administration, the Head of the Supreme Relief Committee Abdul-Raqeeb Fath discussed Tuesday with Regional Director of World Food Program Stephen Anderson provision more aid to Yemen.

Minister of State meets Japanese Ambassador
Minister of the State for Parliament and Shura Council Affairs Othman Mujali on Tuesday met here with the Japanese Ambassador to Yemen Katsu Yoshie Hayashi, discussing Yemen's updates as well as bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, Yemen and Japan.

Vice President meets leaders of al-Janad Region
Vice President Ali Mohsin Saleh on Tuesday met here with social, military and public leaders from al-Janad Region

Houthi militias blow up 750 mosques, abduct 150 imams
A report prepared by the Program of Communication with Yemeni Religious Scholars has revealed that the Houthi-Saleh militias blow up, bombed and looted 755 mosques, and abducted 150 imams of mosques from a number of governorates.

Yemen, GCC discuss, relief, reconstruction
Prime Minister Ahmad Ubaid Bin Daghr discussed on Tuesday with the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Abdullatif al-Zayyani ways of supporting Yemen in different fields; economic, relief, reconstruction and power.

President Hadi: Firmness Storm represented brotherly integration
The Operation Firmness Storm represented the core and and icon of brotherly fruitful cooperation ( between Yemen and Saudi Arabia) for facing challenges threatening our nation and our identity over Iranian interventions in the region via its agents, said President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

President Hadi, US Ambassador discuss prospects of cooperation
President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Tuesday received here the US Ambassador to Yemen Matthew H. Tueller, discussing prospects of cooperation between Yemen and the United states at various levels.

Arab chairs meeting on tightening security in liberated areas
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior Hussein Arab chaired Monday a meeting here with local authority officials and security commanders and discussed tightening security in liberated governorates.

PM: NDC's outcomes are solution for Yemen's crisis
Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid Bin Daghar on Monday met here with the US Ambassador to Yemen Mathew Tuller, discussing relations between Yemen and the United States, and how to enhance them.

President calls Yemeni People to join National Army
President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi has called Yemeni people for integration and unifying their efforts and discarding anything disturbing integrated efforts.

Human Rights Ministry condemns assault on abductees' mothers
Human Rights Ministry has denounced assaulting mothers of detainees on Wednesday by the Houthi-Saleh militias in front of the Political Security's jail in Sana'a.

President sends condolences to Egyptian counterpart over terror attacks
President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Wednesday sent a cable of condolences to his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi over the terrorist attacks on two churches in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria in which several innocent people were left killed and wounded.

Yemen, GCC discuss education cooperation
Yemen's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Sha'i al-Zandani discussed Sunday with Director of Gulf Cooperation Council's Arab Education Office Ali al-Qarni cooperation between Yemen and GCC in education field.

Human Rights Ministry denounces Houthis over attacking mothers
The Ministry of Human Rights has denounced Houthi militias over attacking mothers of arrested people in their jails while in a protest in front of Political Security Prison, chasing them and banning them access to transportation.

Yemen calls UN official to visit besieged governorates
Minister of Civil Administration Abdul-Raqeeb Fatah has called the UN Humanitarian Coordinator Jamie McGoldrick to visit all Yemeni governorates which are tightly besieged by the Houthi-Saleh militias.

Yemen demands Turkey release female student
The government is closely following up the issue of the Yemeni female student held at Turkish authorities and " is exerting every possible efforts- via diplomatic channels- to release her and unearth reasons of her arrest ," said an authorized government source.

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