FM makes phone call with his Kuwaiti counterpart
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak conducted phone call with Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya to congratulate him on his appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait.
Al-Erada: Political leadership pays technical education great attention
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), Governor of Marib governorate Maj. General Sultan al-Erada stated that the PLC and the government are very interested in improving the technical education and vocational training sector, keenly seeking to modernize its infrastructure and educational institutions and facilities.
Ministry of Interior: Records of 16,000 crimes committed during 2023
The Ministry of Interior announced that the security authorities in the liberated governorates recorded 16,539 crimes, of which 10,484 crimes were seized, and 6055 crimes were included in the list of retained crimes during the year 2024 AD, as well as 940 non-criminal incidents that are still being researched and investigated until they are seized, their doers are apprehended, and they are handed over to justice to receive their punishment.
President al-Alimi receives American Ambassador
His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) received today, Wednesday, Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Yemen Steven Fagin.