Yemen army takes over main road near Mocha
The Yemeni army on Monday managed to take over the area of al-HamiliinMawza district and a main road linking between Mocha and Hoediedah, in west of Taiz.
President Hadi receives US Ambassador
President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Monday received here US Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller, discussing bilateral relations as well as Yemen's updates.
Al-Iryani explains Yemen's crisis in Egypt
Minister of Information Muamar al-Iryani met Monday with the Chairman of the Board of al-Ahram Corporation for Press and the Head of Egyptian Journalist Syndicate Abdulmohsen Salama and discussed with him humanitarian conditions and developments in Yemen.
Yemeni-Algerian cultural cooperation discussed
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulmallik al-Mikhlafi discussed on Sunday with Algerian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Taher Hajjar aspects of cultural cooperation between the two countries.
Yemen's FM reviews government peace efforts in Algeria
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulmali al-Mikhlafi discussed on Sunday with the Prime Minister of Algeria AbdelmadjidTebboune conditions and situations in Yemen under Houthi-Saleh's coup against the state and the political process.
Senior Nehm officials inspect IDPs in Salb area
The Director General of Nehm District of Sana'a, Zabn Allah al-Matari and the Director General of the Health Ministry branch office there inspected the IDPs in Salb area and heard from them about their health and water-related needs and concerns.
Prime Minister calls for quick arrest of criminal gang
Yemen's prime minister has called for the arrest of a criminal gang who attempted but failed to rob the Yemen National Bank but injured two of its employees including the manager of the bank branch in Aden two days ago.
Chinese assistances granted to Yemen
Chinese Ambassador to Yemen Tian Qi has said that China contributes in alleviating the Yemeni people's suffering, pointing out that urgent humanitarian assistances of CN¥150 million were provided to Yemen.