Primary courts to resume work in Shabwa
The First Deputy Governor of Shawbah Mohammad Adyou discussed on Sunday with the leadership of the Judiciary Apparatus here under the presidency of the Head of Appeal Court Judge Khaled Hunaishan means of resumption primary courts.
Yemen FM heads to Ethiopia
Yemen's Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi has headed to the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in an official visit.
ERC distributes humanitarian aid in Mukalla
The Emirati Red Crescent has distributed various humanitarian aids to the destitute families, orphans and widowed women in Al-Qafein of Mukalla district, Hadhramout.
SCF trains cash transfer facilitators in Aden
The Social Care Fund (SCF) and Prodigy Systems Company have begun training a number of facilitators working for the cash transfer program in Aden. The program serves more than 41 thousand beneficiaries in this province.
CBY discusses provision of cash to Aden
The Central Bank of Yemen's Board of Directors discussed on Sunday supplying the bank with banknotes printed abroad to the bank's headquarter in interim capital of Aden.
SCF trains cash transfer facilitators
The Social Care Fund and Prodigy Systems Company havebegun training a number of facilitators employed by the cash transfer program in Lahj. The program serves 82,235 beneficiaries in this province.
PM heads to Riyadh
Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin-Daghar on Saturday left the temporary capital of Aden to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, for consultation with President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi and meeting ambassadors to Yemen and sponsors of the GCC initiative .
VP highlights importance of unifying media message
Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen has called on the country's different information media to unify their terms and message toward the national struggle to restore the state and realize the Yemeni people's dream of a federal state.
President condoles UAE leadership on four soldiers' death in Yemen
President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi has sent a cable of condolences to his brother the President of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed over the martyrdom of four soldiers while in a military operations within the "Hope Restoration Storm" in Yemen.
PM, Mahrous discuss projects in Socotra
Prime Minister Ahmad Obeid bin Daghr has confirmed his government's keenness on taking care of Socotra Archipelago and supporting development and service projects there for alleviating people's suffering.