SPDRY continues development programs and initiatives
The Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen SPDRY has stayed the track of projects and initiatives oriented for the economic empowerment of women, youth and communities, investing in human capital, and supporting livelihoods.
Presidential Leadership Council reviews national, regional developments
The Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) held a meeting Today, Thursday, presided over by His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Council, with the presence of its members Aidarous al-Zubaidi, Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi, Othman Mujalli and via video conference Tariq Saleh and Abdul Rahman al-Mahrami, while Council members Sultan al-Aradah and Faraj al-Bahsani were absent with excuse.
Al-Aradah discusses military developments with advisor of UN envoy for Yemen
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, the Governor of Marib Major General Sultan al-Aradah, discussed Thursday with the military advisor to the UN envoy to Yemen Anthony Hayward the military developments and the continued escalation of the Houthi terrorist militias and their impact on the UN's efforts to achieve peace in Yemen.
PM receives Chinese Chargé d'Affaires to Yemen
Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak received the Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of China to Yemen Shao Zheng here today and discussed with him areas of bilateral cooperation and the opportunities of establishing investment partnerships.
PM, UNOPS discuss projects in basic services
Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak discussed today, Thursday, in the
transitional capital Aden, with the Director of the Office of the UNOPS in Yemen Rayhana Zora the projects which are being carried out to improve the infrastructure of the basic services in the sectors of health, water and sanitation.