ارتفعت حصيلة الشهداء في قطاع غزة إلى 48,458 شهيدا، و 111,896 مصابا منذ بدء العدوان الإسرائيلي في السابع من أكتوبر 2023، في حين لا يزال عدد من الضحايا تحت الركام وفي الطرقات، ولا تستطيع طواقم الإسعاف والإنقاذ الوصول إليهم.
تأهل الإسباني كارلوس ألكاراز، المصنف الثالث عالميا، إلى الدور الثالث من بطولة إنديان ويلز الأمريكية للتنس من فئة الـ 1000 نقطة بعد فوزه على الفرنسي كوينتين هاليس بمجموعتين دون مقابل (6 - 4 و6 - 2).
Leadership Council Member al-Zubaidi confers with U.S. Ambassador over economic, security situations
[06/03/2025 06:03]
The Member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) Maj. General Aidarous al-Zubaidi discussed today, Thursday, with the American Ambassador to the Republic of Yemen Steven Fagin the latest developments in our country, the ongoing efforts by the PLC to manage the economic challenges the country has been experiencing due to the terrorist Houthi militias' war and attacks on oil and gas facilities.
The conversations which conducted via the video technology touched on the American administration's decision about designating the Houthi militias as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and the measures need to be taken at the national level after the decision put into effects.
Maj. General al-Zubaidi welcomed once again the American decision, appreciating the measures taken recently by the U.S. Treasury about sanctioning first-rank Houthis leaders for the gross crimes they committed against the armless Yemeni people since they triggered their absurd war in 2015.
In this context, al-Zubaidi stated that the designation of the Houthi militias as FTO is the start of the end of the terrorism exercised by these militias on the land and sea.
He stressed that it is very important for the regional and international partners to coordinate about enforcing the designation decision in order to deter the militias' terrorism and dismantle their military capacities that pose threat to the international and regional security and stability.