[13/02/2024 06:06]
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) Brigadier Tariq Saleh lambasted the Iran-allied Terrorist Houthi militias for taking the advantage of the Palestinian cause to mislead the public, distract attention away from the Yemeni people ordeal and achieve some temporary political gains.
" Thouhis are targeting the commercial ships, they haven't killed any Israeli, they are only interested in carrying out the Iranian agendas", he said, adding " The Houthis don't care about the catastrophic repercussions the Yemeni people will suffer from, because they are basically an Iranian scheme against Yemen and the Yemenis".
He made his comments during a field visit he paid today, Tuesday, to inspect the fellows'' situations in several areas in the countryside of the two District of al-Mokha and Maqbana, western Taiz governorate.
Described the strangling besiege imposed by the Houthis on Taiz as aggressive and inhumane as the Zionist blockade on Gaza Strip.
He said" The population of the city of Taiz have been chafed under the Yoke of the Houthis blockade which is more aggressive than the Zionist's on Gaza".
The PLC's member emphatically stressed that Houthi militias are a destruction proposal established by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to serve Iran's plan.
" The Houthi militias will never bring any good for Yemen, they are a demolition Iranian scheme, Yemen can never live in peace, security and stability as long as these militias are in control over the capital Sana'a", said Brig. Saleh.
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