[26/01/2024 03:20]
Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Qasim Buhaybeh discussed with the MENA Regional Manager at the Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis, AIDS and Malaria (GFATM) Dr. Lyne Soucy GFATM's upcoming interventions and projects in Yemen.
In a meeting held in Geneva today, Minister Buhaybeh also discussed the projects funded by GFATM in tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria programs in Yemen, the successes it achieved, ways to overcome obstacles to implementation, new horizons for the upcoming cooperation and ways to develop it, and the GFATM's next project.
Minister Buhaybeh expressed his aspiration to provide infrastructure support and build the capabilities of tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria programs, as they lack many capabilities.
He pointed out that the problem of malaria and mosquito-borne diseases constitutes a major health problem and is one of the risks threatening the lives and health of the population in many Yemeni governorates, especially with climate changes, displacement, and the continued movement of migration and asylum from abroad.
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