[25/08/2023 03:08]
Vancouver - Saba
Minister of Water and Environment, Engineer Tawfiq Al-Sharjabi, welcomed the Global Environment Facility GEF's establishment of a Trust Fund to finance the global framework for biodiversity as an important step to put nature on the road to recovery. He called for taking the necessary measures to ensure funds flow to the countries most affected by climate change and reverse the deterioration in biodiversity and natural resources.
In his speech before the General Assembly of the Global Environment Facility in Vancouver, Canada today, Al-Sharjabi stressed the need for rich countries to abide by their commitments and continue to focus on adopting a comprehensive and fundamental program to assist the least developed countries and those most affected by the effects of climate change.
He referred to the suffering of the environment in Yemen under the circumstances of the war waged by the Houthi militia since 2014, which, in addition to climate changes, led to the deterioration of vital biodiversity, which directly affected the green cover, forests, and the deterioration of agricultural and land biodiversity, in addition to the effects on the seas.
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