Taiz Security Committee discusses latest military developments
The Security Committee of Taiz held Sunday a meeting presided over by Deputy Governor Abdulqawi al-Mikhlafi and Chief of Staff of Taiz Military Pivot Major General Abdulaziz al-Majidi, discussing latest military and security developments in Taiz Governorate.
Zionist occupation’s aggression against Gaza leaves 37,551 martyrs and 85,911 injured.
The Israeli occupation's aggression against the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October has left 37,551 civilian martyrs and 85,911 other civilians injured, the majority of whom are children and women, while thousands of victims are still under the rubble.
China: FDI reaches 57.94 billion yuan in five months
Foreign direct investment in actual use in China has reached 412.5 billion yuan (about 57.94 billion US dollars) in the first five months of the current year 2024.
Scotland, Switzerland draw 1-1 in Group A of Euro 2024
The Scottish national team and its Swiss counterpart drew 1-1 in the match that brought them together at the Rheinenergy Stadion, within Group A of Euro 2024, currently being held in Germany.
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Al-Alimi receives congratulatory message from US President on Yemen's National Day
[22/05/2024 04:46]
Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, has received a congratulatory message from his US counterpart Joseph Biden Jr., on Yemen's 34th National Day, May 22.

The US President, in the telegram, sent his best wishes to president al-Alimi and the people of Yemen on the country's National Day.

He affirmed that the United States will remain committed to multilateral diplomacy in an effort to end the conflict in Yemen.

The US President also indicated he is looking forward to continue united efforts to bolster the shared priorities and those of the Yemeni people alone.

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