FM meets Director of ICRC Humanitarian Operations
Yemen's foreign minister, Dr. Shaya Zindani held talks with the Director of Humanitarian Operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross over a range of humanitarian issues.
Israeli aggression on Gaza in one year: 42,438 people martyred, 99,246 others injured
The year-long Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has left 42,438 people martyred and 99,246 others injured to the moment of this report.
Italian exports grow slightly in August
Italian exports recorded a slight growth rate in August of +0.3 percent with a limited decline in imports - 0.7 percent.
Valladolid wins 3-2 at Alaves in Spanish league
Valladolid defeated its host Alaves 3-2 in the match that brought them together at Mendizorroza Stadium in Vitoria as part of the tenth round of the Spanish Football League in Duqm.
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Info. Minister meets British MP Keith Vaz
Yemen's Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani met Keith Vazthe Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Yemen in the British Parliament in London on Friday.

ShojaaAdeein discusses Austrian support in training Yemeni diplomats
Yemen's Ambassador to Austria HaythamShojaaAdeeinhas discussed with the Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Emil Brix the possibility of organizing training courses for Yemeni diplomats in the academy in the form scholarships in diplomacy and German language.

Arab Health Ministers allocate $100 as urgent aid for Yemen
The Council of Arab Health Ministers have agreed to offer Yemen an urgent $100,000 worth of urgent aid, mainly a variety of medicines and medical supplies.

Yemen Central Bank says news of Saudi deposit postponement fabricated
The Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) said the ongoing allegations that the Saudi $2 billion deposit to shore up Yemen's currency, Riyal, has been put off is not true and "are fabricated news from entities and persons who harbor hatred for the whole Yemeni people."

Taiz governor praises Kuwait support to Yemen
The Governor of Taiz Ameen Mahmoud praised the Kuwaiti support to Yemen which has been continuing since the 1960s and reaching all Yemeni provinces including Taiz. He made the remarks during a meeting with a delegation from the Kuwait Relief Association currently on a visit to the province on Thursday.

YCMHRV calls for Yemen peace based on the three basic references
A Yemeni activist with the Humanitarian Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violation (YCMHRV) has called on the UN Human Rights Council and the UN office to take serious measures to stop the war Yemen by forcing the implementation of the three basic references of peace; the GCC Initiative, the UNSC resolutions mainly resolution no. 2216 and the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference.

UN organizations team inspects potentials of CSOs in Hadhramout
A team from the UN organizations offices in Yemen headed by Muataz Ba-Nafe'a has inspected the civil society organizations in Wadi Hadhramout districts and assessed their potentials.

KSrelief provides Aden's health with medical solutions
King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Activities (KSrelief) supplied Aden Medical Stores in the transitional Capital of Aden with venous solutions within humanitarian process plan in Yemen.

Kuwaiti relief agency's delegation visits Abyan
The Secretary General of Local Council in Abyan Mahdi al-Hamid discussed with the President of Kuwait Relief Agency Jamal al-Nouri humanitarian situations here.

Relief, health treaties signed
Deputy Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Nizarba-Suhaib signed on Thursday with Spanish and Swiss Doctors Without Frontiers organizations two treaties in fields of relief and health.

Lamlasemphasizes on laying down for absorption of support to education
Minister of Education Dr. Abdullah Lamlas has stressed the importance of developing an integrated plan to absorb regional and international support for the education sector in order to ensure the progress of the educational process.

USAID, IMF ready to support institutional building of Yemen's Central Bank
The governor of the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) Mohammed Zammam has discussed with the representative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) a project for supporting and institutional rebuilding of the CBY.

Djiboutian airlines announces weekly flights to Aden airport
Yemen's ambassador to Djibouti Abdullah Assoqatri discussed on Thursday with Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Djiboutian airlines company, Abdurahman Ali, arrangements the company is going to make to run its flights Aden International airport within the next week.

Baoom says 16 mln Yemenis lack health care as a consequence of Houthi coup
Minister of Health and Population Naser Baoom has said that "16 million Yemenis lack health care services and more than one million and a half children under the age of five are suffering malnutrition" as a consequence of the Houthi coup and insurgency.

Deputy Governor discusses with NGOs situation of IDPs in Marib
The Deputy Governor of Marib Abd-Rabbu Miftah has discussed with NGOs the issue of people internally displaced to Marib as a result of the ongoing conflict.

UN Food Security and Agriculture team discuss cooperation with NGOs
In a meeting in Hadhramout on Thursday, the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) have discussed their strategy for cooperation with the local NGOs toward achieving a humanitarian response in the districts of Wad Hadhrmout.

Minster of Human Rights meets with Swiss ambassador to UN
Minister of Human Rights Dr Mohammed Asker met Thursday in UN Palace in Human Rights Council in Geneva with the Switzerland's ambassador to the UN and International Organizations Ambassador Valentin Zellweger.

Legitimate government struggles for sustainable peace, says Al-Iryani
Minister of Information Mo'amer Al-Iryani said:" Yemeni government had demanded three things to reach political settlement: to get remaining phases of the GCC's Initiative accomplished, to put the National Dialogue's Outcomes in place and implementing the UNSC's resolution 2216".

Ambassador Maysari discusses health cooperation with Spanish official
Yemen's Ambassador to Spain NabeelMaysari discussed with the Secretary General of Health and Consumer Affairs, Javier Castrodezathe fields of Yemeni-Spanish cooperation in the field of health and the possibility of revitalizing an existing bilateral MOU in this respect.

YCMHRV documents 189 deaths by Houthi landmines
The Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations (YCMHRV) has documented the death of 189 persons by Houthi landmines in the period from April 2015 to the end of October 2017.

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