[02/10/2023 08:15]
Aden – Saba
The leadership of the Central Bank of Yemen, headed by the Bank’s Governor, Ahmed Al-Ma'abaqi, discussed today, in the temporary capital, Aden, with a delegation from the World Bank headed by the WB's Regional Director for Yemen, Egypt and Djibouti, Stephen Gumpert,, aspects of the World Bank’s support for the central bank to build and develop its capabilities and enable it to carry out its functions with high efficiency and professionalism.
The Governor of the Central Bank welcomed the World Bank's delegation, praising the World Bank’s support for Yemen's central bank to enhance its capabilities, reviewing economic developments and their impact on macroeconomic indicators, especially growth and inflation rates, as well as poverty rates and performance indicators related to the state’s resources and expenditures, and the role of the central bank in securing resources from non-inflationary sources in light of the decline in foreign aid and the decline in the level of services provided to citizens.
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