[18/03/2023 02:18]
Marib - Saba
Deputy Governor of Marib, Dr. Abd Rabbo Miftah inaugurated today the headquarters of the Yemeni Red Crescent Society branch in the governorate.
The cost of purchasing and furnishing it is 290 thousand US dollars, funded by the International Committee of the Red Cross.
After the inauguration, Miftah and the head of the ICRC delegation toured the building, which is located on an area of 270 square meters and consists of a basement and 3 floors, and listened to an explanation from the branch manager of the Red Crescent Society, Fares Al-Aqili, about the administrative, financial and logistical offices, projects, meeting rooms and restrooms that the building includes, which coincides with the opening of the building, the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Red Crescent Society branch in the governorate, and the third anniversary of the opening of the International Committee of the Red Cross office in the governorate.
Miftah also listened to an explanation about the humanitarian role of the Red Crescent Society branch and its interventions in the fields of health, food, shelter, and its humanitarian role in recovering dead human bodies on the front lines and other humanitarian roles that alleviate the suffering of the displaced and those affected by war and disasters as an active partner to the International Committee of the Red Cross in the governorate.
Pascarelli appreciated the humanitarian role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the governorate and its presence since the first moment of the war, and it provided important interventions to alleviate the suffering of the population and the displaced in the fields of water, relief, health, shelter and shelter, and the promotion of the concepts of international humanitarian law.
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