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Humanitarian situations in Taiz discussed
[23/05/2024 04:40]

Deputy Governor of Taiz Governorate Dr. Abdulqawi al-Mikhlafi discussed the humanitarian situation in the governorate with the Deputy UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Diego Zorrilla and the Director of the Security and Safety Office in Aden Brisel Sadatchi.

The meeting, attended by the Director General of the Taiz Governorate Police Brigadier General Mansour al-Akhali and the Director General of the Planning and International Cooperation Office Nabil Jamel reviewed the role of the United Nations in alleviating the humanitarian crisis amid the widening gap between the escalating needs and the declining humanitarian interventions.
During the meeting, the Deputy Governor praised the role of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Yemen and its efforts in coordinating humanitarian work and the interventions of all humanitarian partners, which have helped alleviate the suffering of the Taizi people.

He emphasized the need to redouble humanitarian efforts amid the ongoing war and the siege imposed on the governorate by the Houthi militia.

Al-Mikhlafi reiterated the local authority's keenness to strengthen its partnership with the UN organizations and provide all facilities for the success of humanitarian work and interventions that help alleviate the suffering of citizens and meet a portion of the growing and pressing humanitarian needs.

For his part, the UN official affirmed the continued UN humanitarian work in Yemen and the efforts to respond to the humanitarian plans for the coming year, meet emergency needs, and transition the humanitarian work from emergency solutions to sustainable long-term solutions.

He praised the significant facilitations provided by the local authority in Taiz Governorate and the overcoming of all difficulties to ensure the success of humanitarian work and the coordination office in the governorate.

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