Taiz Security Committee discusses latest military developments
The Security Committee of Taiz held Sunday a meeting presided over by Deputy Governor Abdulqawi al-Mikhlafi and Chief of Staff of Taiz Military Pivot Major General Abdulaziz al-Majidi, discussing latest military and security developments in Taiz Governorate.
Gaza: Death toll rises to 37,598 and injuries to 86,032 since the start of Israeli aggression
The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that the death toll in the Gaza Strip had risen to 37,598, the majority of whom were children and women, since the start of the Israeli occupation aggression on October 7th.
China: FDI reaches 57.94 billion yuan in five months
Foreign direct investment in actual use in China has reached 412.5 billion yuan (about 57.94 billion US dollars) in the first five months of the current year 2024.
Euro 2024: Germany and Switzerland qualify for last 16, and Scotland exits the tournament
The German and Swiss teams qualified for the last 16 of Euro 2024, currently being held in Germany, after they tied with one goal each in the match that brought them together in the third and final round of the first group competitions.
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Tariq Saleh attends graduation ceremony, donates one billion RY
[23/05/2024 01:23]

Member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) Brigadier Tariq Saleh attended today, Thursday, a graduation ceremony of the first batch of Hodeida University branch in the government-held regions of Hodeida governorate.

He delivered a speech in which he congratulated the students who managed to complete their academic studies despite of tough circumstances the country has been experiencing due to Iran-backed Terrorist Houthi militias' coup.

Brig. Tariq restated that Yemenis' battle to restore the state's institutions and to bury forever the myth of the Houthi sectarian and racist claim to have a divine right to ruling.

" Our national battle is persistent against Houthi militias' coup by weapons and sciences and knowledge, as Houthi militias have been systematically seeking to ruin education", said Tariq.

Brig. Has announced a donation of one billion Yemeni Rial (YR) as a contribution to help constructing the buildings of the newly established University in the government-held districts of Hodeida governorate.

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