Establishing Cancer Treatment Center in Marib discussed
Deputy Governor of Marib Dr. Abd-Rabu Miftah discussed on Monday with a team from the Hadhramaut Foundation for Cancer Control, led by Mohammed Salem, the enhancement of partnership and cooperation to establish a specialized center for cancer treatment in the governorate.
Typhoon "Bebenka" hits the Chinese city of Shanghai
The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory of China announced on Monday that Typhoon "Bebenka" made landfall and hit the city of Shanghai.
Further new foreign companies established in China during January- August
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced that China saw a total of 36,968 new foreign-invested enterprises established across the country during the first eight months of 2024, up 11.5 percent year on year.
Borussia Dortmund beats Heidenheim 4-2, makes it to top of Bundesliga
Borussia Dortmund beat Heidenheim 4-2 in the match that brought them together in the third round of the German Football League. Borussia Dortmund's goals were scored by Donyell Malen in the 12th minute, Karim Adeyemi with two goals in the 17th and 41st minutes.
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US shoots down a new "flying object" that flew over its territory
The US military, by order of President Joe Biden, shot down a new "flying object" that flew over Lake Huron on the border with Canada this Sunday.

Palestinian Presidency warns of the danger of Israeli escalation in Al-Aqsa Mosque
The official spokesman for the Palestinian Presidency, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, warned of the dangerous escalation of the Israeli occupation authorities, in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the attack on citizens in its squares and in the alleys and lanes of the Old City of Al-Quds.

Health Minister chairs meeting over the difficulties facing the health sector in Marib
A meeting was held today in the city of Marib, chaired by the Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Qassem Beheibeh, to discuss the health sector in Marib especially the difficulties it faces and how to address them.

Arab Interior Ministers Council denounces terrorist attack on oil tanker off Jeddah coasts
The General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers condemned the terrorist attack against oil tanker off Jeddah coasts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

GCC demands SC to extend weapons ban against Iran
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) demanded Sunday the Security Council to extend Resolution 2231 regarding transport traditional weapons from and into Iran.

Lahj local council inaugurates Farm Day with aid for farmers
The Secretary General of Lahj local council Awadh Asalahi has inaugurated Farm Day for Harvest in his province with $1500 worth of aid for everyone of 200 farmers.

Secretary-General of the Arab League calls for assisting Yemenis
(Saba)- Secretary-General of the Arab League A hmed Aboul-Gheit on Monday appealed to the international community and humanitarian organizations to immediately provide assistance and relief to Yemenis.

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