ناقش عضو مجلس القيادة الرئاسي، محافظ مأرب اللواء سلطان العرادة، اليوم الثلاثاء، مع وفد برنامج المتحدة الإنمائي برئاسة منسق مشروع تعزيز المرونة المؤسسية والاقتصادية في اليمن (SIERY) مارتن فاندريل والوفد المرافق له خطة المشاريع والتدخلات خلال المرحلة القادمة.
أقر مجلس الوزراء السعودي، الميزانية العامة للدولة للعام المالي الجديد 2025م، حيث قدرت الإيرادات عند 1.184 تريليون ريال سعودي، وإجمالي النفقات عند 1.285 تريليون ريال سعودي.
فاز وست هام يونايتد على مضيفه نيوكاسل يونايتد بهدفين دون مقابل في المباراة التي جمعتهما في ختام منافسات الجولة الثانية عشرة من الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز لكرة القدم.
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council Othman Mujally received Tuesday Swedish Envoy for Yemen Peter Simenby and Charge D'Affaires of Swedish Embassy in Saudi Arabia Erick Chante.
He discussed with them latest developments in Yemen and efforts of Saudi Arabia and international community for releasing prisoners and abducted people from Houthi prisons.
Mujally pointed out that the Presidential Leadership Council is interacting with humanitarian and national issues and everything related to halting the war and realizing peace.
He welcomed realizing abducted and prisoners from Houthi militia's prisons, praising efforts of Saudi Arabia in this positive role.
He confirmed that Houthi militia has rejected peace choices made in Stockholm, Kuwait and Geneva for releasing prisoners and abducted people and proposals regarding rescuing Safir Tanker until directives came from Iran, confirming that he does not trust Iran that it will stop its support to its terrorist militia like Houthis.
He praised efforts of the role of Swedish Kingdom in supporting peace efforts in Yemen, saying that friends in Sweden exerted huge efforts in Stockholm talks as Sweden was the last station for a European agreement rejected by Houthi militia.
For his part, the Swedish envoy praised responsible efforts of the Presidential Leadership Council with all international and regional efforts for realizing peace in Yemen, pointing out to his country commitment of providing assistances and support to end the war.