دشن محافظ محافظة الحديدة الدكتور الحسن طاهر، ووكيلة وزارة الصحة العامة والسكان المساعد الدكتورة إشراق السباعي، اليوم، بمديرية الخوخة، حملة النشاط الطارئ للتغذية والتحصين ضد مرض الحصبة والحصبة الألمانية، والتغذية والتي تستهدف الاطفال من سته أشهر إلى 59 شهر.
رحب البرلمان العربي، بقرار المحكمة الجنائية الدولية إصدار مذكرتي اعتقال بحق رئيس وزراء الاحتلال الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو ووزير الدفاع السابق يوآف غالانت، بتهمة ارتكابهما جرائم حرب وجرائم ضد الإنسانية في قطاع غزة.
فرض سيلتا فيغو التعادل على ضيفه برشلونة بهدفين لكل منهما في المباراة التي جمعتهما، ضمن منافسات الجولة الرابعة عشرة من الدوري الإسباني لكرة القدم لكرة القدم، والتي شهدت فوز أتلتيكو مدريد على ديبورتفو ألافيس بهدفين لهدف.
Al-Iryani, al-Uwaisheq discuss latest developments in Yemen
[17/09/2020 06:53]
Minister of Information Mua'mar al-Iryani discussed Thursday with the Under Secretary General for Political and Negotiations Affairs of the Gulf Countries Council Abdulaziz al-Uwaisheq latest developments in Yemen under Houthi militia's military escalation in all warfronts and continuous shelling on populated neighborhoods of Marib city.
The two parties also discussed efforts exerted by the GCC to support the internationally-recognized government of Yemen in political, economic, developmental and humanitarian fields.
Al-Iryani talked about efforts exerted by the government for normalizing conditions in liberated provinces and providing services to citizens with support of the Saudi-led Coalition, pointing out that Yemen under President Hadi is waging fateful battle against Iranian influential agenda and their Houthi hands.
He pointed out to significance of going on with implementation of Riyadh Agreement and directing all national efforts in fighting Iranian agenda and regaining the state from Iran's hands in Yemen.
He pointed out to difficult conditions suffered by millions of citizens in Houthi-held areas and increasing crimes of killing and torture, as well as forcible child recruitment as soldiers.
For his part, al-Uwaisheq confirmed support to the political solution to Yemen's crisis on the bases of the three references; the GCC Initiative, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and Security Council's Resolution 2216.
He also confirmed the deep-rooted partnership between the GCC and Yemen and significance of activating all agreements made within this frame.