واصل مجلس القيادة الرئاسي اليوم الاحد، برئاسة فخامة الرئيس الدكتور رشاد محمد العليمي، رئيس المجلس، مناقشة تطورات الاوضاع السياسية والاقتصادية، والادارية، والامنية والعسكرية، وذلك بحضور اعضائه الدكتور عبدالله العليمي، وعثمان مجلي، وعبر الاتصال المرئي عيدروس الزبيدي، طارق صالح، عبدالرحمن المحرمي، وفرج البحسني، بينما غاب بعذر عضو المجلس سلطان العرادة.
أكدت وكالة غوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين "الأونروا" أن ما يصل من الدقيق والمواد الغذائية عبر المعابر، لا تلبي 6% من حاجة السكان، الأمر الذي تسبب بأزمة حادة، خاصة في الحصول على الخبز، إذ أدى ذلك إلى إغلاق معظم المخابز جنوب قطاع غزة.
قاد الدولي المصري محمد صلاح فريق ليفربول لفوز صعب أمام مضيفه ساوثهامبتون بثلاثة اهداف مقابل هدفين في المباراة التي جمعتهما، اليوم الأحد، ضمن الجولة 12 من الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز.
Bin Mubarak; any armed militia will not include in political scene in Yemen
[06/04/2019 10:27]
Yemen's Ambassador to Washington Ahmad Awadh bin Mubarak has said any militia carries weapon will not be accepted in the future political scene in Yemen and anyone wants to be part, should be transferred into a political party for drawing better future to Yemen.
In the annual meeting for US universities ( Arab League sample) organized by the National Council for Arab –American relation, which included diplomats, academics and students of political science, he talked about the Arab League as political entity for Arab nation and a significant forum includes all concerns of the nation.
He added, it has important role in dealing with files concerning international community as a whole like international trade, globalization and fighting terrorism and through it Arab countries presented joint viewpoint to the international community as a political body through which Arab countries move.
Concerning Yemen, he said Yemen is one of the founders of the Arab League but today is going through domestic war imposed by an Arab neighboring country does not respect this relation and does not consider religious and kinship relations and used a group of Yemeni people who have political aspirations on the bases of sectarianism to enter Yemen and goes beyond to Arab countries and blackmailing western countries and international community.
He made it clear that the dream, which can be implemented in Yemen, is the federal state adopted by President Hadi and supported by Yemeni people with their different political and social trends.