[22/11/2023 02:47]
Aden - Saba
A meeting was held in the temporary capital, Aden, today, headed by the Assistant Deputy Minister of Planning for the International Cooperation Sector, Mansour Zaid, to discuss the most prominent humanitarian and development priorities for the government, in order to present them to donors and United Nations agencies.
The meeting, which brought together representatives of the ministries of Public Health and Population, Water and Environment, Agriculture, Irrigation, and Fisheries, the Executive Unit for the Management of IDPs Camps, and the Central Bureau of Statistics, touched on the latest preparations for holding a workshop on the development framework, in Aden, at the end of this November, with the participation of the government side and representatives of the United Nations agencies, international organizations and donors.
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اليمن تشارك في اجتماعات مجلس محافظى وكالة الطاقة الذرية
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