[15/11/2023 12:56]
The UN Security Council has unanimously approved the Resolution No. 2707 of 2023 in which the measures of sanctions resulted from the Resolution No. 2140 of 2014 on Yemen until November, 15,2024 have been renewed.
The new Resolution also approved extension of the mandate of the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen until December, 15, 2024.
The Resolution approved commitment of the Security Council of Yemen's unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and decided that the situation in Yemen is still posing a threat to international security and peace.
After approving the extension of the resolution by the Security Council unanimously, the United Kingdom, which is the current President of the Council, praised unity of the council regarding Yemen's file, confirming the significance of this unity to realize more progress in peace process in Yemen.
The unity of the council is a real message that the Security Council continues support to Yemeni-Yemeni peace process under the UN.
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