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PM confirms Houthi escalation reflects rejection of peace
[05/08/2019 07:21]

Prime Minister Ma'eenAbdulmalik has confirmed that Houthi rebel militia's recent escalation is a clear position of rejecting peace and an Iranian fail attempt for facing international isolation by moving their terrorist tools in the region to tell international community they can affect vital interests in the region and the world.

Receiving US Ambassador to Yemen Christopher Henzel on Monday, Prime Minister confirmed government's commitment –along with brethren in the Arab Coalition- of finalizing Yemeni people's battle in eradicating Iran's Agenda, pointing out that any intercepting problems or differences will be solved soon.

The meeting discussed recent developments in national arena in the light of Houthi continuous attack against Saudi civilian targets and terrorist attacks targeted Aden's recently.

He confirmed that Houthi militia utilizes terrorist crimes they commit to make a rift in national front and destroy social fabric, pointing to Houthi attacks in Aden followed by regional criminal acts against innocent citizens.

Prime Minister made it clear that the government of Yemen- in coordination with the Arab Coalition- is working on tackling such violations and regaining security and stability in the transitional capital of Aden, as well as improving services in it.

He confirmed government's determination with the help of the Saudi led Coalition and active participation from the UAE on eradicating Iran's agenda in Yemen, finalizing battles of ending Houthi rebellion and tackling all security and service issues in Aden and liberated provinces.

He renewed his call to all Yemeni people for integration behind the legality represented by President Hadi and the national project as the sole wayout from war to peace and establishing the federation of Yemen on the bases of justice, equality and the rule of law.

For his part, the US diplomat renewed his country's denouncement to terrorist acts took place recently in Aden and condemnation to Houthi recent escalation.

He confirmed his country's support to the government for peace and stability and to the government's efforts for normalizing conditions in the transitional capital Aden.

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