Yemen congratulates KSA on their National Day
President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi has sent a cable of congratulations to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia on the 87th anniversary of the kingdom's National Day, September 23.
Info minister says govt offered many concessions
Minister of Information Muammar al-Eryani said "the government offered many concessions" during the different peace talks with the Saleh-Houthi coup militias "but that didn't work due to the militias' intransigence and rejection of everything at the end of every round."
President tells UN envoy coupists are indifferent to peace concessions
President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi has told the UN Special Envoy to Yemen that "we have offered concessions at consecutive times out of our national sense of responsibility and desire to save Yemeni people's blood, but the coupists were unfortunately indifferent at all rounds of peace talks."
Yemen is facing two forms of terrorism, FM tells UN official
Yemen is facing two forms of terrorism, one practiced by al-Qaeda organization and another by the Houthi organization, Foreign Minister Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi told Weixiong Chen, the Acting Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) of the United Nations Security Council.
President, WB discuss cooperation
President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi discussed with the Vice President of the World Bank Hafez Ghanem different areas of cooperation and the facilitations that Yemen is looking forward to.
Hodeidah official updates VP on militia violations
The First Undersecretary for Hodeidah province Waleed al-Qadeemihas updated the Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh on the sufferage gripping the people of the Red Sea port province as a result of the Saleh-Houthi militias' control.
Appeal to int'l community to stop shedding blood of Yemeni journalists
Yemen's Information Ministry, Federation of Arab Journalists, Syndicate of Yemeni Journalists, Yemeni Media Observatory and several likeminded organizations issued today a joint urgent appeal to the international community to stop the shedding of blood of Yemeni journalists.
Hadi, Trump discussbilateral cooperation
President Abdu R. Mansour Hadi and his US counterpart Donald Trumo have discussed the US-Yemeni cooperation in a number of areas including fighting terrorism in its various forms.
PM hails victories gains against al-Qaeda in Abyan
Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr has hailed the army gains against al-Qaeda terror organization in the southeastern province of Abyan. Bin-Daghrwas following up on the army's crackdown on the militants in a phone conversation with the province's governor Abu Bakr Hussein on Tuesday evening.
Our war with militias for guarding great revolutions' goals, PM says
Prime Minister Ahmed bin-Daghr said, "our war with the [Saleh-Houthi] militias is for the sake of guarding the noble goals of the great revolutions of 26th September and 14th October; to get Yemen out of illiteracy, backwardness and colonization to the era of knowledge, freedom and democracy.
Fatah values GCC relief aid to Yemen
The Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Relief Aid Abduraqeeb Fatah has highly valued the GCC countries' saying that reaches to the destitute in all parts of the country.
Info minister: 2015 was a year of journalists' bleeding
Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani said that "2015 was a year of journalists' bleeding."
Addressing a seminar organized by his ministry with the International Federation for Journalists and other orgs on the sideline of the HRC 36th session in Geneva, al-Eryani said: "It (2015) is the same year in which 14 journalists were killed, 630 others lost their jobs and hundreds others were forcibly displaced after the militias' control of ll media institutions."