Ambassador al-Sunaini reviews situations in Yemen in Japanese
Yemen's Ambassador to Japan, Adel al-Sunaini, discussed the various stages and conditions of education in Yemen, amidst the war ignited by the terrorist Houthi militias.
Gaza: Death toll rises to 37,598 and injuries to 86,032 since the start of Israeli aggression
The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that the death toll in the Gaza Strip had risen to 37,598, the majority of whom were children and women, since the start of the Israeli occupation aggression on October 7th.
China: FDI reaches 57.94 billion yuan in five months
Foreign direct investment in actual use in China has reached 412.5 billion yuan (about 57.94 billion US dollars) in the first five months of the current year 2024.
Euro 2024: Portugal seeks full mark and a fateful confrontation between the Czechs and Turkey
Two matches will be held tomorrow in the third and final round of Group Six competitions in Euro 2024 currently being held in Germany, where the Portuguese team will meet its Georgian counterpart, and the Czech team will play with the Turkish team.
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نتائج البحث عن Australia’s :

Ashamiri presents his accreditation papers as non-residence ambassador to Australia

President al-Alimi receives ambassadors of Australia, New Zealand to Yemen

FM discusses with ambassadors of Australia and New Zealand ways to strengthen ties with their countries

Yemen welcomes Australia's revoking of recognition of West Jerusalem as Israel's capital

President al-Alimi receives Ambassadors of Australia, New Zealand

President al-Alimi congratulates Australian Governor on National Day

Al-Shamiri hands over his credentials to Australian Governor General

Yemen demands Australian government to revise its support mechanism

FM receives credentials of new Australian ambassador

Yemeni-Bulgarian relations discussed

Yemen participates in tea road conference in China

Hadi receives congratulations on forthcoming Unity Day

Yemen ambassador, Austrian official discuss consular cooperation

Ashamisri meets with Assistant of Australian FM

Yemen joins International Alliance of Solar Energy

Yemen signs MOU for Promotion of SMEs

Australian government lists Houthis as a terrorist organization

Al-Sayadi highlights efforts of IPO in Yemen

President al-Alimi receives congratulation cables from world leaders on Yemen’s national day May 22

Interior Minister meets with Acting Japanese Ambassador, and security attaches

President Hadi briefs HRC experts on Houthi atrocities

Government demands International Community to exert pressures on Houthi militia to release all prisoners

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