الارياني: مليشيا الحوثي تحاول جر اليمن لحروب لا طائل منها وتحويل صنعاء إلى نسخة من "الضاحية الجنوبية"
قال وزير الإعلام والثقافة والسياحة، معمر الإرياني "ان على الشعب اليمني أن يدرك حجم الخطر الداهم الذي تمثله مليشيات الحوثي الإرهابية المدعومة من النظام الايراني، بتصرفاتها غير المسؤولة".
ارتفاع حصيلة عدوان الاحتلال الاسرائيلي على غزة إلى 45,227 شهيدا و107,573 مصابا
ارتفعت حصيلة عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة منذ اكتوبر 2023، إلى 45,227 شهيدا و107,573 مصابا.
النفط يتراجع وسط مخاوف بشأن نمو الطلب خلال عام 2025م
انخفضت أسعار النفط في التعاملات المبكرة اليوم الجمعة، وسط مخاوف بشأن نمو الطلب خلال عام 2025 خاصة في الصين، أكبر مستورد للخام.
قطر تتعادل مع الامارات 1-1 في بطولة خليجي 26
تعادل المنتخب القطري مع نظيره الاماراتي، بهدف لكل منهما في ثاني مباريات بطولة كأس الخليج في نسختها الـ٢٦ وذلك في المباراة التي جمعتهما على ملعب جابر مبارك الحمد الصباح ضمن منافسات المجموعة الأولى.
اسم المستخدم: كلمة المرور:
Brig. Gen. Tariq meets local authority and military and security leaders in Taiz
[01/03/2023 02:40]

Taiz - Saba
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Brigadier General Tariq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh, accompanied by the Minister of Water and Environment, Dr. Tawfiq Al-Sharjabi, visited the city of Taiz, during which he met with the governorate’s governor, Nabil Shamsan, the governor's deputies, military and security leaders, directors of executive offices, and leaders of political parties and organizations in the governorate.

At the outset of the expanded meeting, Brigadier General Tariq Saleh conveyed to the attendees and to all the people of Taiz governorate the greetings of the President of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi and all members of the Council.. stressing that Taiz is the initiator of revolutions, the lever of political action, the direction of national action, the liberation of Taiz and breaking the siege on it is of interest to all of us, as it is the bearer of the national project, the source of wisdom, culture, and the political lever for all revolutions and that Sana'a can only be liberated by liberating Taiz first.

He added, "We can offer Taiz a lot of good with the support of the Presidential Council and the cooperation of the people of the governorate to alleviate its suffering by launching the water project and contributing to breaking the siege by implementing the Mokha-Kadaha road and establishing the airport that will serve Taiz and the Yemeni governorates.

There are many projects that are being implemented in all governorates, and Taiz will have its share now." Studies are underway to restart the Mokha thermoelectric station and to connect Taiz with electricity. Brigadier General Tariq said, "Everyone must cooperate and join hands with the tireless work of the local authority, including parties, political organizations, and commercial and social personalities, which are the backup for the soldier in the field and through the real administration that works for the benefit of the citizen and provides him with services as much as possible.

The militias hate Taiz and besiege it militarily, politically, economically, and socially, realizing that Taiz is the revolution and freedom, and that liberation does not begin except from Taiz.”

He pointed out that everyone’s goal is to liberate Sana’a from the absurdity of the militias that are dependent on Iran, which are working to destroy the Yemeni identity and seek to eradicate all the people of Yemen.

" He said "We do not have side battles, and we will not have side battles. This is our goal. Together, it is the liberation of Sana'a from the militias, and therefore we must be one rank and one word to achieve victory over the militias that feed on our differences and benefit from cultivating division, campaigns, hostility and rivalry."

He said by uniting, we will defeat the militias and rid the country of their evil. For his part, the governor said, "Our hearts are open and our hands are extended to all, and we will unite our ranks and efforts with Brigadier General Tariq and all sincere national leaders towards one goal, which is to liberate the province from militias and launch the effort to liberate Sana'a and all of Yemen."

He considered the visit as aiming to inspect the conditions of citizens and survey their needs for water and electricity.

He appreciated the efforts of Brigadier General Tariq in establishing strategic projects, such as the Mocha International Airport, operating the Mocha port, breaking the siege, working on the Mokha-Kadaha road, and a number of important projects that meet the needs of the governorate and alleviate the suffering of its people.

Brig. Gen. Tariq Saleh laid the foundation stone for a project to dig 10 water wells at a cost of 11 billion riyals to supply the city with water. He toured the streets of the city and touched the conditions of the citizens and listened to their demands to liberate the governorate and end the continuous suffering as a result of the war and the ongoing siege.

الارياني: مليشيا الحوثي تحاول جر اليمن لحروب لا طائل منها وتحويل صنعاء إلى نسخة من "الضاحية الجنوبية"
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مؤتمر الحوار الوطني

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