Al-Eryani denounces targeting civil, military leaderships of Taiz by Houthi terrorist militia
Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Muammar al-Eryani strongly condemned the heinous act of the Iran-backed Houthi terrorist militia in targeting the civil and military leadership of Taiz on Monday.
Arab League calls for concerted efforts to confront drought and desertification
The Arab League called for the concerted Arab efforts to confront the phenomenon of drought and desertification, as it is one of the most fragile regions of the world in terms of its ecosystem, and 90 percent of its area is designated as dry and extremely dry areas.
Korean ICT exports jump more than 30 percent
South Korea's exports of ICT products jumped more than 30 percent in May thanks to strong global demand.
Bellingham leads England to victory over Serbia in Euro 2024
The English national team defeated its Serbian counterpart with a goal without a response in the match that brought them together in the first round of the third group competitions of the Euro 2024, which is hosted by Germany.
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Houthis seize scores of goods carriers in Dhamar
The Houthis-Saleh Militias seized on Friday scores of carriers transferring goods from Aden Port and al-Wadea'a crossing, demanding their owners to pay custom duties.

Foreign Ministers of GCC states stress positions on Yemen crisis
Foreign Ministers of GCC states have confirmed the GCC firm stances and resolutions on the crisis in Yemen, welcoming the issuance of UN Security Council Resolution No. 2342 under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations which stressed the national, regional and international key points to reach a reconciliation in Yemen.

Yemen participates in "Deauville Partnership" in France
Yemen took part in Deauville Partnership meeting held Thursday in the French capital, Paris. The Yemeni delegation was led by Yemen Ambassador to France Riyadh Yaseen.

Yemen discusses rebels' crimes in Netherlands
Assistant Deputies of Human Rights Nabil Abdulhafiz and Lula Abdulkarim have confirmed the government has been keen on presenting its report in the 34th Round of Human Rights Council to show to the world the real face of rebels.

President Hadi arrives in Riyadh
President Abdo Rabu Mansour Hadi on Thursday arrived the Saudi capital, Riyadh, after his successful participation in the 28th Arab Summit held in Jordan.

Yemen welcomes UN's alternative ports plan
Aden, (Saba)-Ministry of Foreign Affairs has welcomed plans of UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for using alternative ports to receive relief aid and humanitarian assistances to affected people in Yemen.

President Hadi meets UN Secretary-General
President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Wednesday met here with the UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the sidelines of the 28th Arab Summit held in Jordan.

President Hadi meets Egyptian counterpart
President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Wednesday held a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on the sidelines of the 28th Arab Summit held in Jordan.

President: Yemen faces plot bigger than rebellion
Yemen has not only been facing political rebellion, what happened was much more greater, the political transitional process, organized by the GCC Initiative and led to national inclusive dialogue's outcomes included in a draft constitution, has been targeted , said President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Wednesday.

President Hadi Receives Algerian Omma Council Head
President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi received Wednesday the Head of Algerian Ommah Council Abdulqader bin Saleh in the framework of coordination and cooperation between the two countries.

Yemen Ambassador to Vienna discusses training of Yemeni cadres
The Yemeni Ambassador to Vienna Haitham Shuja'a al-Deen on Wednesday discussed here with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Director Hans Winkler cooperation to develop skills and abilities of diplomatic Yemeni cadres.

Yemen reviews Houthi crimes in Germany
Deputy Minister of Human Rights Mohammad Askar visited Tuesday European and International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

President Hadi meets Russian President's envoy
President Hadi met Tuesday with Special Envoy of the Russian President for the Middle East and Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bogdanov at his residence here.

Vice President meets with acting US Ambassador
Vice President Ali Muhsin Saleh met Tuesday with the acting US Ambassador to Yemen Richard Riley, discussing mutual relations between the two friendly countries and how to enhance them at all levels.

Interior Minister partakes in "Unity For Security Forum" in UAE
Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Hussein Mohammed Arab partook in the "Unity For Security Forum" held in Abu Dhabi.

President Hadi arrives Jordan for Arab Summit
ـ (Saba) - President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi arrived Monday at Queen Alya International Airport for participation in the Arab 28th Summit to be held here.

Relief housing project launched in Shabwa
Shabwa, (Saba)- Shabwa First Deputy Governor Mohammad Bin Adyou launched Monday the first phase of the relief housing project within " Kuwait in your Side" campaign.

Vice President meets with UK Ambassador
Vice President on Monday met with the United Kingdom Ambassador to Yemen Simon Shercliff to discuss mutual relations between Yemen and Britain as well as Yemen's updates.

FM al-Mikhlafi highlights Arab support to Yemen
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulmalik al-Mikhlafi has confirmed government's keenness and serious efforts to end suffering of Yemeni people and stopping killing, destruction and siege imposed by rebels on Yemen.

Qatar Charity supplies Taiz hospitals with 1000 Oxygen cylinder
Taiz, (Saba)- Janat al-Yawm Corporation (JYC) inaugurated Monday supplying hospital in Taiz with up to 1000 oxygen cylinder. Qatar Charitable Society financed the project.

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