FM meets Director of ICRC Humanitarian Operations
Yemen's foreign minister, Dr. Shaya Zindani held talks with the Director of Humanitarian Operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross over a range of humanitarian issues.
Israeli aggression on Gaza in one year: 42,438 people martyred, 99,246 others injured
The year-long Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has left 42,438 people martyred and 99,246 others injured to the moment of this report.
Italian exports grow slightly in August
Italian exports recorded a slight growth rate in August of +0.3 percent with a limited decline in imports - 0.7 percent.
Valladolid wins 3-2 at Alaves in Spanish league
Valladolid defeated its host Alaves 3-2 in the match that brought them together at Mendizorroza Stadium in Vitoria as part of the tenth round of the Spanish Football League in Duqm.
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Security challenges in Dhal'ae debated
A preliminary gathering was held Saturday in the province of Al-Dhale'a aimed to address security challenges the province has been facing.

"A'mali" Corporation trains participants on managing projects
A'mali Development Corporation launched on Saturday training course on managing development projects for 32 participants from across Yemen.

National Olympiad for English Language launches in Sayoon
The Assistant Deputy Governor of Hadhramout, Hisham Mohammed Al-Saidi inaugurated today the National Olympiad for English Language, which is organized by the Academy of Talents in Sayoon, in coordination with the Ministry of Education office in WadiHadhramout desert.

Oil tanker discharge operation discussed in Mukalla
Deputy Governor of HadhramoutAmro bin-Habrish discussed with officials of the Yemeni Oil Company, representatives of trade companies , importers of oil derivatives and officials from other concerned bodies mechanism of facilitating and organizing process of discharging oil derivatives shipments.

Government denounces burning international food stores
Minister of Local Administration and the Head of the Supreme Relief Committee AbdulraqibFath has denounced burning stores of International Food Program in Hodeida Province on Saturday and spoil relief and humanitarian assistance.

Zammam, US ambassador discusses plan to activate CBY's external relationships
The Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY), Dr. Mohammad Zammam discussed with US Ambassador to Yemen Matthew Tueller the technical and monetary measures implemented by the CBY after the renormalization of its operations and transactions with international banks such as the Federal Bank in New York.

Zammab, British ambassador discuss unifying monetary procedures and policies in Yemen
The Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen, Dr. Mohammad Mansour Zammam, discussed today with the UK Ambassador to Yemen Michael Aron the processes being carried out by the CBY in order to unify monetary procedures and policies in Yemen to serve the Yemeni people.

Overall family killed by landmine planted by Houthi militiamen
A family of five members were killed on Friday in a landmine explosion planted by Houthi rebel militiamen in the district of 'Barat Al-Anan' of Al-Jawf province.

Yemen's ambassador to Tunisia explore ABU's cooperation
Yemen ambassador to Tunisia Abdulnasser Ba-Habeeb met with Director of Arab Broadcasters Union (ABU) Engineer Abdulraheem Solaiman.

Fatah calls on UN's agencies to relief Luhj province's districts
Minister of Local Administeration—Chairman of Supreme Relief Committee—Abdulraqeeb Fatah has called on the UN's organizations operate in Yemen to provide relief aids to the people in need in the district of (Karesh and Al-Qabaita) in the province of Luhj which the government's troop have eventually managed to push Houthi militia out and retake the two districts.

President stresses that retaking Taiz urgent priority
Commander of Fourth Military Zone Maj. General Fadhel Al-Amri reported to the President of Republic Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi—Commander-in- Chief, about the significant advancements have been gained recently by the government's troops in Arrahida's frontline battles against Iran-backed Houthi militia in of Taiz province.

323 thousand child receive Anti-Measles vaccine, Houthis prevent the campaign
Undersecretary of Public Health and Population Ministry Dr Ali Al-Waleedi stated that some 323 thousand child under 10- year were given Anti-Measles vaccine.

Info. Minister warns Houthis of destructing Safer-Ras Essa oil pipeline
Minister of Information Mo'amer Al-Iryani has warmed about the dangerous consequences of the Houth rebel militia's move that the militia entered into a contract with the Cooperative Agricultural Union. Under the contract the militia sells oil crude (Marib oil) which runs through Safer-Ras Essa oil pipeline. The pipeline stretched throughout more than 420 km from Safer in Marib province to Ras Essa harbor on the Red Sea.

230 cataract surgeries carried out successfully in Aden
230 cataract surgeries carried successfully in the district of Khour Maksar by a blindness control campaign titled: "47 Campaign".

Yemeni-Indian bilateral cooperation discussed
Minister of Electricity and Energy Engineer Abdullah Al-Aqwa'a met Thursday with the Indian ambassador to our country. Aspects of cooperation in the area of electricity between our country and Republic of India was a key focus of Al-Akwa'a's talks with the Indian diplomat.

FM presides over high-profile meeting about entries monitoring
Deputy Premier, Foreign Minister Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi chaired Thursday a preliminary meeting included the committees in charge of energizing the System of Monitoring the seaports, airports and land inlets. The system is provided to our country by the friendly government of the US.

Fatah, British ambassador explore support for relief projects
Minister of Local Administration—Chairman of Supreme Relief Committee Abdulraqeeb Fatah met Thursday with the British ambassador to our country Michael Aron.

Kuwait provides 100 residential units to shelter IDP in Nehm area
One hundred residential units are set to be distributed to Internally Displaced People (IDP) in Al-Khaniq area of Nehm district of Sana'a province. It is a sheltering project funded by the State of Kuwait aimed to provide temporary shelter for the Yemeni IPDs who have been forcefully displaced by Iran-backed Houthi militia warfare.

Houthi coup causes 4 mln children to drop out of school: Seminar
A seminar organized by students of Saba University in the province of Marib has unveiled that the Houthi coup has caused 4,000,000 school boys and girls to drop out of schools.

KSrelief distributes 1000 food packs in Taiz
King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid (KSrelief) distributed today 1000 food packs to a number of destitute families in Taiz. KSrelief said in a statement that the packs benefited 6000 persons in Taiziya, one of the city's districts.

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