استعرضت محاضرة أقيمت، اليوم، في ديوان وزارة الزراعة والري والثروة السمكية بالعاصمة المؤقتة عدن، الدراسات الفنية وأسس تصميم السدود وأهمية مشروع سد حسّان في محافظة أبين كنموذج .
أكد الأمين العام لمنظمة التعاون الإسلامي حسين طه، اليوم الأحد، ضرورة تحرك العالم والمجتمع الدولي لحقوق الإنسان بشكل عاجل لإيقاف عدوان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة وبقية الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة وبذل الجهود الضرورية لتجنب استمرار الأزمة الإنسانية هناك.
توج الهولندي ماكس فيرستابن -سائق ريد بول- بلقب بطولة العالم للفورمولا 1 للمرة الرابعة على التوالي، بعد احتلاله المركز الخامس في سباق جائزة لاس فيجاس الكبرى اليوم.
Yemen's Government reiterated on Monday its support for the One-China policy under which Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory.
Addressing the ninth ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) held virtually today, Mohammed al-Hadhrami said Yemen also supports China's efforts to achieve security and stability in Hong Kong and the One Country, Two Systems arrangement there. Yemen also refuses all forms of external interferencs in these matters of Chinese sovereignty and appreciates China's efforts to care for its Muslim citizens.
Al-Hadhrami said the Arab-Chinese joint work crowns the efforts of country leaders on both sides and comes as a result of decades-long cooperation based on trust and mutual respect.
"We in Yemen are fully confident that China has stuck and will continue to stick to is principles towards the Arab causes on top of which is the Palestinian cause and the right of the Palestinians to have their own independent state with holy Al-Quds as its capital," said al-Hadhrami.
He highlighted the importance of promoting Arab cooperation with China in accordance with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
On the coronavirus matter, al-Hadhrami spoke highly of the Chinese effort taken early to contain the contagion, which limit its spread.