[15/02/2020 05:17]
The Yemeni Network for Freedom and Rights and 13 international NGOs revealed that Yemen's theocratic Houthis committed 389 violations against oppositionists in different parts of the country in one month.
In a report released today, the NGOs said the militia's violations, from 10 January to 10 February, included firing mortar rounds on cities and villages, direct executions, arbitrary arrest, forced disappearance, landmine planting, sniper shootings, etc.
The NGOs'' observers documented 51 cases of murder and 19 death cases resulting from explosion of landmines laid by the militia.
Many of the violations especially the shelling on residential areas of civilians affected Marib and Taiz, two government-held cities.
مجلس القيادة الرئاسي يواصل مناقشاته للسياسات العامة للدولة
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